Saturday, August 31, 2019
Emotional Memory Essay
Emotional memory pertains to an individual’s recollection of incidents that have occurred in the past. The mechanism behind such strong retention is mainly based on the emotions that are associated with that particular event, resulting in a increased level of attention that facilitates encoding of the event in the memory of an individual. Emotional memory is also involved in ruminations of the occurrence, regardless of the length of time that has already passed away since the actual event. This kind of memory can be distinguished from other neurobiological concepts of memory because its retention is very strong due to the influence of emotions, which technically magnifies details of the incident. Research has shown that emotional memory is imprinted in the cortical region of the brain. This description is supported by observations that several neural activities occur in the cortex, thus facilitating memory retention. Several studies have indicated that emotional memory involves two major processes, namely encoding and post-encoding. The first process of encoding involves the heightened level of attention of an individual during the actual event, while post-encoding pertains to the consolidation of the details of the event after the actual incident, coupled with enhancement that is triggered by the emotions that were set off at that time. One prime example of an emotional memory is the vivid recall of an accident that is associated with physical injury and blood. Regardless of the length of time that the incident has occurred, the individual who was involved in the accident is still capable of remembering the accident even after several years. One complication of emotional memory is that an individual finds it difficult to dissociate his emotions with regards to a particular incident. It is thus extremely hard for an individual to go back to the site of an accident if this person almost died at that time. It has been suggested that evolution also plays a role in emotional memory, wherein the brain of human beings has acquired the capacity to retain details of an event in order to survive that particular incident. It may thus be possible that through fear, early primates and other higher mammals may have learned to stay away from predators and other harmful environmental components in order to survive in the wild. These species may have adapted such modes of memory by being subjected to extreme discomfort or pain that is related to incidents such as toxin exposure or predation and thus their perception for harmful conditions may have been imprinted in their brains and possibly passed on to their offspring. The exact mechanism behind the retrieval of memories associated with a particular incident based on emotional settings still remains elusive up to this date. The unique feature of storage for a prolonged period of time further complicates the pathway and several analysts have attempted to address this question. Neurobiologists have suggested that emotional memory may be act as a complete process unless an individual is able to retrieve the information associated with a specific incident in the past. Storage of information, or encoding, is simply one component of the entire emotional memory pathway yet the retrieval of specific information is essential in determining that the entire process has been completed. It has also been suggested that emotional memory is easier to access over the neutral events, and this is also partly due to the role of amygdala, which influences how the hippocampus functions at such events. In addition to the emotional influence, sleep also sways the brain to remember specific incidents, wherein the amount of sleep can result in a positive or negative condition for memory. According to Sterpenic et al. (2007), memory is influenced by sleep through the imposition of neural correlates. Through the application of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a comparison of neural connections was examined among subjects who were able to sleep for a sufficient amount of time and those who were deprived of sleep. The investigation was designed towards a stage wherein the subjects were allowed to undergo post-encoding, which is one of the two stages of emotional memory. The investigation showed that subjects who received enough hours of sleep had the ability to remember the positive events that occurred. On the other hand, an interesting observation came from those subjects who were subjected to a particular negative event. They observed that regardless of sufficiency or lack of sleep, the subject participant was able to retain the details of the negative event, most probably through the characteristic emotion that was generated from the negative stimuli. Another observation gathered by neurobiologists regarding emotional memory was that several regions of the brain were responsible in retaining such details and emotions. The two major brains areas involved in emotional memory were the hippocampus and the cortex. Specific regions of the cortex that were responsible for emotional memory included the prefrontal cortex, which is also involved in criminality. It seems that negative emotions, such as that involved in emotional memory, are largely stored in this region of the brain. Moreover, fMRI scanning showed a functional connection between these two regions of the brain and the combinatorial effect of these regions was magnified when the incident is featured with negative stimuli or emotions. It is interesting to know that sleep may also have a selective effect on the memory of an individual. The amygdala was observed to only stimulate the hippocampus for encoding when a negative event has occurred and this happens with or without sleep. On the other hand, a happy incident will only be stored in the hippocampus if an individual receives enough sleep. Such selective storage of details may be largely influenced by emotions during that particular event, and not simply by the amount of time that an individual was able to sleep. Such kinds of research investigations are thus important in the providing a better understanding of how emotions influence an individual’s memory and ultimately, one’s mental condition. It has also been shown that emotions play a major role in the storage of details in the brain. In an investigation that involved manipulation of the context of emotion of subject participants, the activity of the neural networks in the brain was examined. A specific memory tested also allowed the comparison of retrieval capacities of the brain and the research conducted by Smith et al. (2005) showed that the presence of emotions increased the likelihood that an individual will retain the details of the incident. The emotional memory tested in this study showed that the actual area of brain involved in this mechanism is the left side of the amygdala, as well as the left side of the frontotemporal region of the cortex. The study also showed that the right side of the amydala and the frontotemporal cortex was not capable enough of storing details of a specific incident, regardless of its coupling to emotions. It is thus possible that when an individual has damaged the left side of his brain, then it is impossible for him to recall any other details of his past. It should also be understood that cognition is mainly based on memory as well as emotion, yet for several yesterday there were not attempts performed into looking into the finer details of the pathway. In addition, there were also only a few reported regarding the interaction of the amygdala and the cortex and on how these two regions responded to each other’s messages. The advent of high definition imaging technologies such as the magnetic resonance imaging allowed the visualization of internal regions of the brain that were perceived to be unreachable by an other analytical means. References Smith, A. P. , Henson, R. N. , Rugg, M. D. and Dolan, R. J. (2005). Modulation of retrieval processing reflects accuracy of emotional source memory. Learning and Memory, 12, 472–479. Sterpenich, V. , Albouy, G. , Boly, M. , Vandewalle, G. , Darsaud, A. , Balteau, E. , Dang-Vu, T. T. , Desseilles. M. , D’Argembeau, A. , Gais, S. , Rauchs, G. , Schabus, M. , Degueldre, C. , Luxen, A. , Collette, F. , Maquet, P. (2007). Sleep-related hippocampo-cortical interplay during emotional memory recollection. PloS Bi
Friday, August 30, 2019
Management Styles through Different Leaders
Management Styles through Different Leaders Essay – A growing body of evidence in the business environment supports that leaders are made and not born. However, a good leader must have patience, commitment, knowledge, and experience to manage the subordinates. In other words, a good leadership style is developed through training, education, self-commitment, and accumulation of experience. (Zaleznik, 2004). More importantly, leadership is one of the most researched concepts in business studies because of the contributions of a leader to the organizational achievement. This study also compares the management styles through different leaders by reviewing leadership styles of Carlo Slim and Bill Gates. A good leader transforms an organization and shapes the economy. Carlo Slim and Bill Gate are the examples of the leaders who use their different management styles to transform the economy and their respective organizations.The objective of this document is to provide an analysis of management styles through leaders. This study also compares the leadership styles of Carlo Slim and Bill Gates.Management Styles through Different LeadersK?yak, et al. (2011) define the conceptual leadership as a selective, role-taking, empathetic and selective process that assist in handling the strategic initiative of an organization. Clarks, (2009) points out that leadership is the major factor that determines the success or failure of an organization. However, leadership and management overlap because an individual must have both leadership and management skills to be effective in an organization. Management involves an ability to achieve a specific task. However, leadership is a broader concept that involves a process by which leaders nurture and communicate ideas to the subordinates.To modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us TodayA strategic leadership plays an expanding role in enhancing competitive advantages. In a healthcare organization, leaders are called upon to use their problem-solving skills and knowledge to develop creative solutions to problems. Creative leadership involves the ability to invent or develop new solutions to challenging problems. One of the exemplified leaders in the healthcare organization was Robert, a nurse leader, who used democratic leadership style to assist her staff growing independently. (Clark,. 2009). Henry Fayol argues that both leaders and managers delegate powers to their subordinates to assist an organization to balance responsibility and authority to achieve a specific task. However, management process involves planning, staffing, organizing, controlling and directing. In this Essay we will compare the management styles through different leaders.Bill GatesBill Gates is one of the exemplified leaders who integrate management process into his leadership ability to achieve competitive advantages for the Microsoft Corporation. He is a business giant, and highly regarded in the IT and business world, often ranked in the Fortune 500 as one of the top 10 most admired business leaders. Bill used autocratic leadership styles to direct his subordinates before his retirement from Microsoft in 2008. Gates’ success was attributed to his controlling ability and quick decision-making process. (Demuth, & Hammond, 2013). Sometimes, Gates exhibited more than one leadership styles depending on circumstances. While Gates used the autocratic style as the dominant leadership style in managing the business, however, Gates would not have been successful if adopted only an authoritarian style because the authoritarian style is not appropriate for innovation and can hinder the creative ability of followers. Zentner, (2016) believed that Bill was a servant leader who focused on helping others to achieve their goals. â€Å"Servant leadership focuses on the betterment and support of others by seeking to meet the interests, needs, and ambitions of others’ above one’s own.†(Zentner, 2016 p 1). When a servant leadership style is implemented appropriately, it can enhance employee behaviors and outlook, which drives motivation for higher performances and changes.To modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us TodayCarlos SlimCarlos Slim is another leader in Mexico who integrates the transformational leadership styles in his management style to transform himself into a business giant. Mr. Slim is a native originally from Mexico. At a tender age, he received a business lesson, which helped him to understand the method to increase his personal fund. At the age of 12, he started investing in shares and after completing an engineering course at the University of Mexico at the age of 25, Slim incorporated his first company named Inmobiliaria Carso in 1966. He inculcated the spirit of transformational leadership by diversifying his business ventures using the visionary skills to actively invest in various businesses when Mexico was facing the economic problems.Management Styles through Different Leaders – Carlo Slim and Bill GatesCarlo Slim leadership style is influenced by his personal beliefs and principles, which he has inculcated in transforming his business empire. Unlike founder of Microsoft who used the autocratic leadership style in managing the Microsoft Corporation, Slim incorporated the transformational leadership styles when making a business decision. Yavirach, (2015) argues transformational leaders use the intellectual capability to stimulate their subordinates to achieve better performances. Slim uses the transformational leaders to transform Telmex into the biggest telecommunication company in the Latin America. Although, both Slims and Gates are entrepreneurs, and multi-billionaires in the North America, however, their leadership principles are different. While Gates uses the combination of autocratic, and servant leadership styles in running his business empire, Slim focuses on the transformational leadership style using the intellectual capabilities and charismatic qualities to solve the business problems. While both leaders use different styles in managing their business, both have been successful in their line of businesses.Conclusion Many leaders in the North American have been able to combine both the management and leadership styles to transform their organizations into business empires. This study proves that management styles through different leaders do overlap, however, a combination of both leadership and management skills is critical to achieving compet itive market advantages. The study also compares Gates and Slim management styles through different leaders, and the results of the analysis reveal Gates uses the combination of servant and autocratic leadership styles to manage his businesses, however, Slim relies on transformational leadership style to solve business problems. To modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us TodayReferencesClark, C. C. (2009). Creative nursing leadership & management. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Demuth, P., & Hammond, T. (2013). Who is Bill GatesNew York: Grosset & Dunlap, An Imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. K?yak, M., Bozaykut, T., Gungor, P., & Aktas, E. (2011). Strategic Leadership Styles and Organizational Financial Performance: A Qualitative Study on Private Hospitals. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 1521-1529. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.09.090 Yavirach, N. (2015). The Impact of Transformational and Transactional Leadership to Subordinates Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment Affect to Team Effectiveness. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2159035 Zaleznik, A. (2004). Managers and Leaders: Are They DifferentHarvard Business Review. Zentner, A. (2016). Bill Gates: A Servant Leader. Research Gate JournalTo modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us Today
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Dover Bitch vs Dover Beach Essay
What is love? This is a question that is often discussed and argued about. Everyone seems to have a different perception on what love truly is. These perceptions help categorize what type of person you are when it comes towards love. This can range from being a hopeless romantic to a person who doesn’t even believe that love exists. A perfect example of how the views of love can be drastically different can be illustrated by these two poems; â€Å"Dover Beach†and â€Å"Dover Bitch†. â€Å"Dover Beach†, was written by Matthew Arnold in the 19th century. The love Arnold speaks of in his poem is a deep love that is indestructible. â€Å"Dover Bitch†was written by Anthony Hecht, in response to â€Å"Dover Beach†and refers to love as being a joke and nonexistent. Arnold can be portrayed as being a hopeless romantic while Hecht is skeptical and a cynic when it comes to love. There are many factors which influence the authors’ literary works including: the time period, the object of love in their poem and their overall view of the world. These components as well as the tones of the of the poems help convey the author’s view point on love and its place in society. Matthew Arnold’s legendary poem â€Å"Dover Beach†encapsulated the era that the poem was written in. He wrote this poem during the 19th century while he was honeymooning with his wife. Rumor has it that the newlyweds were honeymooning at Dover Beach but no one can be certain. In order to get a better grasp on what the text of the poem is referring to we must know what’s going on during the time period. When â€Å"Dover Beach†was written there was large transformation in how people thought and what knowledge was deemed acceptable. English society was changing from a primarily religious based society with high religious morals and standings into one that praised and honored the work of science. It was the dawn of the scientific and industrial revolution. With any major change there seems to always be benefits and side effects. Arnold’s poem addresses many of the side effects during this wave of change. Matthew Arnold’s primary point of concern has to do with the fact that people have lost their faith and are sacrificing their true feelings for knowledge. The Sea of Faith/was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore/ But now I only hear/its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar (lines 21-25)†. These are a couple of lines from â€Å"Dover Beach†; they help illustrate how people on Earth have lost their faith and how the world is being affected by it. The Sea of Faith refers to how everything used to be. People were full of faith and were attached to their emotions, but now that faith no longer remains all Arnold can here is a roar of sadness which is sweeping across the land. Anthony Hecht wrote â€Å"Dover Bitch†in response to the â€Å"Dover Beach†poem by Matthew Arnold. Although the poems were written only a century apart, views on love and life were immensely different. During the 20th century when Hecht wrote the â€Å"Dover Bitch†poem the world as Arnold once knew it no longer existed. Religion played a very minuscule role in society and it was the start of a sexual revolution. Sleeping with multiple people was not frowned upon anymore and the quest to be with one person for the rest of your life was thought to be ridiculous and was extremely uncommon. There was a mindset that there is no such thing as a â€Å"one true love†. Relationships were really just affairs and flings since there was a lack of emotional attachment. Hecht even pushes it as far to imply that what we believe to be love is actually lust and personal quest for pleasure. In a way Matthew Arnold foresaw what the world and what love would become if people were detached from their emotions. The world that he foresaw is the world in which Hecht inhabits; this world has caused Hecht to believe that love does not even exist. Both of the time periods in which â€Å"Dover Beach†and â€Å"Dover Bitch†were written help play a significant role in how the author views love. It is within this environment that they are able to perceive and formulate their opinions on love and whether or not it is present in their society. â€Å"Dover Beach†and â€Å"Dover Bitch†are both poems that describe â€Å"love†. However the objects to which the poem is directed are extremely different. The chosen object of the poem also corresponds to the time period in which these poems were written. Arnold’s poem as stated before speaks of a deep love, one that is forever constant. His poem is said to have been written for his wife, which would make sense since they were honeymooning together when it was written. Ah, love, let us be true/to one another (lines 30-31)†. In the poem Arnold is demanding that the love they have together should be pure and well intentioned. He believes that love exists and what he is experiencing is love and that this love can overpower any obstacle. By reading this poem it can be inferred that Arnold is in love with just one person and that he wants to spend eternity with them. In a way Arnold’s poetry is describing a â€Å"one true love†. The idea of a one true love is distinct to the time period in which Arnold lived. The tone used in â€Å"Dover Beach†is very melancholy and lamented. These two descriptive words of the tone are generally perceived as being negative, but in this instance Arnold is melancholic and lamented because he wants his love to last. So although after reading the poem the reader might perhaps almost feel dreary they are given a contrasting feeling of hope. In â€Å"Dover Bitch†however the object that Hecht speaks of is a casual fling. This makes the whole poem impersonal and is a blasphemy in the face of love. Hecht’s poem makes a complete mockery of Arnold’s poem. His word choice, tone and his nonchalant attitude devoted to the object support the fact that he does not believe love exists. There is an underlying theme built into his poem that love is not real and what the â€Å"lover†is pursuing is in fact lust and personal pleasure. This pleasure is purely physical and has nothing to do with the individuals emotions. An example of this is when the thoughts of the object used in â€Å"Dover Bitch†are revealed. â€Å"But all the time he was talking she had in mind/The notion of what the whiskers would feel like/on the back of her neck (lines 9-11)†. The object is thinking purely of partaking in pleasurable activities such as sex while the man in the poem is â€Å"declaring†his love for her. Obviously this is not an example of true love; this certainly doesn’t seem like love at all. In â€Å"Dover Beach†Arnold dedicates and pours his heart to a single person which makes the poem more intimate. Hecht however leads you to believe that there is more than one woman in his life and yet he is still unsatisfied. â€Å"She’s really alright. I still see her once in awhile/and she always treats me right. We have a drink/ and I give her a good time, and perhaps it’s a year/before I see her again (lines 25-26). The casual tone the author uses allows the reader to infer that the object of the poem is truly insignificant and holds no value to her so called â€Å"lover†. If you have ever witnessed someone who is in love going a few days without their significant other is hard but a year would be a living hell for them. This does not seem to bother the â€Å"lover†in Hecht’s poem at all. Basically by reading this poem you are allowed to make the assumption that people confuse lust for love. Hecht’s skepticism towards love is very apparent upon reading â€Å"Dover Bitch†. This skepticism of love is most likely due to the time period in which the poem was written. If most of society is partaking in affairs and are having multiple partners the idea of love might sound a little ridiculous. The words â€Å"I love you†wouldn’t take on any meaning after awhile and all hope for love might be lost. This is the attitude that I think the Anthony Hecht obtained and it was with this mindset he responded to Matthew Arnold’s â€Å"Dover Beach†. The last major difference between these two authors and their poems is their outlook on life and where they feel love’s place is in society. Matthew Arnold has a very optimistic outlook on life and feels that love always and needs to have a place in society. Arnold states in his poem that the world around him has been corrupted and is filled with illusions; love can exist in this environment and be a glimmer of hope to all. This corruption is probably referencing the loss of faith in religion and even though that has been disturbed the love that people have does not have to be extinguished. Being a hopeless romantic Arnold makes it seem that a world without love would be terrible and catastrophic. Hecht however has a cynical outlook on life and feels that love does not even exist in our society. To him love can’t exist in a world like the one we inhabit. In a world full of corruption how can something as pure as love exist? It is safe to say that Hecht never believed in the â€Å"one true love†theory and instead this theory was replaced with one night stands and sexual affairs. This is why I feel that Hecht as a negative connotation of love and is skeptical of its existence. The overall attitudes towards life reflect how they embrace and except love. Leaving us with a hopeless romantic and a cynic. Although there are a lot of differences between â€Å"Dover Beach†and â€Å"Dover Bitch†they do in fact have some similarities. Both of these poems reflect the viewpoints their author has on life and love. They both encapsulate the time periods in which they were written and show how love was represented in society. The tone of the two poems also plays a key role in deciphering the author’s true feelings towards love.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The development and conditions of slavery in the Colonies in the Term Paper - 1
The development and conditions of slavery in the Colonies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries - Term Paper Example The puritans emphasized that it was not Godly to continue worshiping in a church for the unholy. They also claimed that the church embroiled in unholy and corrupt practices that did not glorify the name of God (Equiano 20). They engineered their separation from England to the new world where they adopted religious practices and activities that they believed espoused the true nature of and principles of Christianity (Stratton 100). There were distinct groups of puritans who migrated from England to the new world around 16th and 17th century. They were more of movements of religious activism that were in dire conflicts with the practices of the Church of England. These conflicts were not their until the 1558 accession of Elizabeth I. stringent laws were introduced to disable the abilities of the puritans to practice religion according to the religious values and beliefs they held. Notably, John Winthrop was among the leaders who led the emigration of puritans (Falconbridge 62). They were opposed to the conclusion of Synod of Dort in 1619 of the Episcopal system, after the English Bishop resisted the system. Consequently, they developed Sabbatarian views, which the Church of England opposed. Puritanism described the protestant who were breaking away from the tainted beliefs and practices of the Anglican Church of England. They wanted the church practices to reflect the real image of a Christian society founded on pure Christian values, and strong faith to God. Corruption had become the crescendo of the Church of England shortly after the ascendance of Elizabeth I. In 1620, a group of English colonist ventured into North America, not only to colonize it but also to break from the imminent religious persecution that awaited them with abated breath. They first group settled in New Plimoth that was previously referred to by Captain John Smith. It was later called Plymouth
Martin Luther King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Martin Luther King - Essay Example He was ready, to accept the leadership of the first great Negro nonviolent demonstration of contemporary times in the United States, abruptly a boycott was met by fury in Montgomery's white community and that brought national attention to the problem of segregation. King helped lead Montgomery's blacks on a yearlong nonviolent boycott of the bus system, the boycott ended after 382 days only when the U.S. Supreme Court intervened and declared Alabama's segregation laws unconstitutional on buses. After the verdict of the Supreme Court, Negroes and whites rode the buses as equals. During these days of boycott, King was arrested, his home was bombed, he was subjected to personal abuse, but it was at that time he emerged as a Negro leader of the first rank. Two events in January 1956-his arrest and incarceration for allegedly speeding and the bombing of his house-brought King's personal life into the larger context of Black America's struggle for justice and dignity. In my opinion this was the time in King's life, which created a leader out of him. This leader who contributed towards the Black-Americans was the outcome of all his frustrations, this was the result of his personal sufferings that led him onto the road of leadership. Though the political situation is at times dark and tense, we experience a certain vicarious thrill in witnessing the growing self-confidence with which King engineers a successful resolution of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Another incident occurred in Birmingham on the 16th Street Baptist Church where Martin Luther King, Jr., and hundreds of other African-Americans met and planned sittings and demonstrations for equal rights when one of the most horrific events in the long struggle for African-American civil rights took place. Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, and Addie Mae Collins were preparing for Sunday services in the basement dressing room of the Baptist Church when a dynamite bomb planted outside exploded, killing four girls and blinding another in one eye. Two of their killers remained beyond the grasp of the law for nearly 40 years. King was convicted here as a killer of those four girls just because of the fact he was disliked by the then director J. Edgar Hoover due to no others reasons but he was 'Black American'. The wheels of justice proved to move slower than the dismantling of segregation. It wasn't until 1977 that Robert (bomber) was found guilty for his role in the bom bing and sentenced to life in prison, where he later died. The tragedy galvanized the civil rights movement and helped lead to enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Progress did not come easily, however. King was a frequent target of violence. On multiple occasions he was physically assaulted, and his home was bombed several times by vigilantes. Almost daily he received death threats and hate mail. Yet he and the movement persevered even with the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Essay 1 prejudice Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
1 prejudice - Essay Example ly and I would characterize myself in a similar manner however I am proud to state that I have lived through various exciting experiences during the course of my life as well and have not devoted everything to academics. From Indonesia, I have come to the United States to study and make a name for myself resulting in most of my American friends characterizing me as every other Asian who goes to study abroad. Moreover, I have a hard working and professional attitude and the process of leaning interests me greatly. At the same time, I enjoy attending parties and family functions to the fullest and love to take a night off every now and then to let myself loose and have a good time and thus feel cornered when I am left out by some friends or considered as a person who does not enjoy having fun. It has happened a few times that my friends feel I am too religious as I follow Christianity, or that I would be immersed in my academic work and so they have not asked me out with them however that is not the case as this stereotype is quite different from my inherent personality. As a perpetrator of prejudice, when I first arrived at the United States and started attending my university, I only made friends with Asian people thinking that Americans would be too snooty or would not have an accepting nature with respect to other nationalities. I was under the impression that American people were a little difficult to be friends with as popular culture had taught me biased things for example Americans being too racist or discriminatory against people belonging to other countries. Furthermore, I was also under the impression that most Americans were not too fond of people from countries in Asia due to the fact that they were academically smarter and would thus get more educational as well as career opportunities in the country than Americans themselves. This led me to cut myself off from anyone who was not an Asian and as a result I wound up with very few people as my friends.
Monday, August 26, 2019
You Choose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
You Choose - Essay Example vement aimed at enforcement of the guarantees of racial equality that were already contained in the Civil War (13th, 14th and 15th) Amendments to the US Constitution, as well as the Civil Rights Acts from the Reconstruction period. To the contrary, these guarantees were greatly undermined by subsequent US legislation. In fact, the Civil Rights Act of 1875 had even been declared unconstitutional within just a decade by Supreme Court rulings in 1883 on the basis that â€Å"Congress had no right to trespass on the states’ internal powers of economic regulation†. (Chambers Dictionary) The consequence of this was that the fundamental citizenship rights promised to the blacks were denied, and the existent status of blacks as slaves since the founding of the republic was exploited to pave the way for the practice of racial segregation. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 did provide for equal accommodation for both blacks and whites, but it was limited to public facilities that excluded schools. Moreover, its annulment by the 1883 Supreme Court ruling put an abrupt end to the even limited promised rights and reinforced segregation practices. The Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) case resulted in another landmark Supreme Court ruling wherein the segregation of blacks and whites was further legitimized by expounding the ‘separate but equal’ doctrine. â€Å"Plessy set the precedent that ‘separate’ facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional as long as they were ‘equal’.†(Landmark cases). In this case, legislation was permitted to make distinctions based on race as long as neither was deprived of rights or privileges. Consequently, this doctrine was applied in many public places such as schools, restaurants, department stores, libraries, theatres, transportation etc. In effect, this created an unnecessary duplication of services, but the inequalities and inconveniences that black people faced can easily be imagined. From a legal perspective it also demonstrated the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
CASE STUDY-CHIQUITA'S GLOBAL TURNAROUND Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
-CHIQUITA'S GLOBAL TURNAROUND - Case Study Example After experiencing huge losses through socially irresponsible practices and unfavorable tariffs, the company re-evaluated itself and decided to incorporate its corporate governance and corporate social responsibility initiatives globally. Chiquita further recognized the significance of being socially responsible as a means of gaining competitive edge in the market along with its pricing strategy. Therefore, it took on the Better Banana Project which allowed it to be environmentally responsible. In regards to labor practices, Chiquita accepting the importance of the support of its employees and its impact on the company’s image adopted the SA8000, the widely accepted international labor rights standards, in its code of conduct. The company also ensured the health and safety of workers by promising to fulfill the ILO conventions. Even though, Chiquita could have advertised its attempts at being socially responsible, it employed long-term marketing strategies such as viral marketing and third party testimonials to promote its products and efforts. Thus, all the above-mentioned efforts along with cutting costs and streamlining the local and worldwide operations have facilitated Chiquita in improving not only its financial performance, but its efficiency and the corporate image as well. Even though, the company has improved dramatically over the years, it still has to go a long way to accomplish a healthy and socially responsible corporate
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Short Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Short Story - Essay Example â€Å"The Lottery†highlights the fact that societies must adjust themselves to the need of changing times. Leaving behind the past beliefs, which have no meaning, is the only way to reform the society in a progressive manner. The central point about the story is the blinding faith in the past traditions and customs that these villagers would not like to change. This connects the story to the kind of superstitious values that the village people were following. An example of this can be traced to the fact that the lottery box has almost lived its life and become worn out, as this box is used every year for the ritual of conducting annual lottery draw in the village. However, the people of this village would not like to change the box as it has the pieces of wood taken from the earlier box, which was probably used for centuries. Although the lottery conductor, Mr. Summers raised the point of replacing this box, the people of the village would not listen to him as no body wanted to replace it. The draw of lottery had nothing to do with the age or construction of the box. Such blind beliefs are found in most of the countries. For example, people in India would not conduct an important business during certain period of the year, which is considered inauspicious. Like the tradition of celebrating the Halloween, which this village also enjoyed, worshipping the dead is not considered a good sign in India. Such traditions leave along-lasting image on the psyche of the people, who are not prepared to change the age-old beliefs. Such beliefs are worldwide. For example, the Irish village folks believe that ghosts will occupy the house, after they vacate it. Hence, they have the tradition of breaking the doors and windows of the house, before vacating it. Although such beliefs are followed blindly, no body has a logical explanation to justify them. However, people invoke stars and
Friday, August 23, 2019
Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Environment - Essay Example Though there is no one ultimate source of climate change, there are varying contributory factors that would lead to global warming. This paper would highlight the causes of climate change to get a better understanding on the human contribution to climate change and the problems that arise in assessing the human contributory factors. Climate Forcing Climate forcing are contributing factors that affect changes in the climate. Such forcing processes include solar radiation. Since our sun is our primary source of energy, scientists have looked at the relation of deglaciation and solar irradiance as the cause of the heating of the earth’s atmosphere. But they found out that solar irradiance alone is not responsible for the violent fluctuations in temperature but may act as trigger to initiate the trend (Rapp 2008). Another process that could influence prolonged changes in weather patterns are the orbital variations of the earth. Astronomers have discovered that there are changes in the earth’s orbit that in turn affects the distance between the sun and the earth. These changes in the orbital cycles in turn produces varying amount of solar energy that the earth receives. Elliptical orbit of the earth is associated with prolonged warm periods while ice ages are associated with circular orbits (Gabler et al 2009). Third is plate tectonic or the process of the vertical and horizontal movement of the earth’s crust. Because the earth’s surface has direct contact with the atmosphere and the oceans, its evolving character has direct correlation with the â€Å"incoming and outgoing radiation, atmospheric circulation, ocean currents and the location of elevated terrain suitable for glaciers and ice sheets†(Gornitz 2009, p.784). Another way that plate tectonic affects climate change through its process is because it has control over geochemical cycling and ocean and atmospheric composition (Gornitz 2009). Another contributing factor to clima te change is volcanic activity because volcanic eruptions release particle effusions and gasses that affect atmospheric composition i.e. volcanic ash and sulphur-rich gasses. Strong volcanic eruptions could substantially affect the carbon dioxide composition of the atmosphere. The 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines have helped in significantly cooling down the earth’s atmosphere for instance (Letcher 2009). Fifth, climate forcing is the ocean variability. Despite the very limited measurements and studies conducted with regards to understanding variability of ocean circulations and ocean processes, there are enough oceanographic evidence to suggest that the irregular distribution and flow of cold and warm sea water, combined with changes in the atmospheric pressures have long term effect in the redistribution of energy in the world’s oceans and even affects water salinity. This combined with transient climate events like El Nino could cause â€Å"regional le vel social disruption, economic loss, and environmental degradation around the world†(Kininmonth 2004, p.110). Thus, persistent anomalies would not allow for marine and other aquatic animals to fully adapt to the changes in ocean variability i.e. temperature, salinity, current flow (Kininmonth 2004). Problems in Assessing Human Contributory Factors Despite the many climate forcing variables that could contribute to climate change, it is the human influence over the environment that is the greatest force of all.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Environmental Analysis Essay Example for Free
Environmental Analysis Essay Sample Responses to Questions 1.Laws and Regulations. What are some key laws and regulations under which this company and the music industry must operate? Key laws and regulations in the music industry might include copyright regulations, contracts, royalty practices in both retail sales and radio broadcasting, anti-trust, advertising regulations, foreign-trade practices. 2.Economy. How does the state of the economy influence the sales of this company’s products? The state of the economy has traditionally had less of an immediate impact on the music industry than on some others. CDs and on-line music sales tend to be low-ticket items, and are less likely to be affected too adversely even by a recession. A key driver of sales is the presence or absence of popular new talent. 3.Technology. What new technologies strongly affect the company you have selected? New technologies permitting on-line music sales, like iTunes, and recording and playing devices like iPod and upcoming cellphone technologies, increase the easy availability and sale of music products. They also allow music companies to avoid the expense of manufacturing and distributing CDs, and sharing sales revenues with retailers. A major downside is that new technologies permit easy copying of music without payment. Technology that can provide copyright protection (e.g., preventing unauthorized copying) may be one solution to this problem. 4.Demographics. What changes in the population might affect the company’s customer base? Demographics affecting the company might include changes in the population of young people who are the primary purchasers of pop music (conversely, the gradual decrease in classical music sales as the demographic for that segment ages), and the growing importance of the Hispanic market. 5.Social Issues. What changes in society affect the market for your company’s music products? Social issues affecting the company include not only the increased tolerance for illegal copying of music, already mentioned, but also the increased fragmentation of public tastes and interests. Objections to obscenity in lyrics, and the rising influence of the religious market, are other social factors influencing the music business. 6.Suppliers. How does your company’s relationship with suppliers affect its profitability? The lower the cost of supplies, the more profit the company will make. In the music industry, supplies are both tangible (the cost of CDs and jewel cases, for example) and intangible (the money paid to artists.) Companies that introduce new artists take bigger risks, but also have smaller costs than companies that record and distribute the music of established acts. 7.Competitors. What companies compete with the firm you have selected? Do they compete on price, on quality, or on other factors? Key competitors in the industry include Bertelsmann, EMI, Sony, Universal, and Warner Music. There used to be many more companies, but the industry has experienced considerable consolidation. (There might be even more consolidation but for anti-trust regulations in the U.S. and Europe.) The companies do not compete on price at all, or even on the quality of their products per se; the main sources of competitive advantage are the companies backlist the music copyrights they own and, even more important, the new talent they are able to find and sign. Most music buyers do not know or care which company is selling the music they are buying. 8.New entrants. Are new competitors to the company likely? Possible? Traditionally, new entrants were extremely unlikely; given the large capital investment the music business requires (millions to launch a new album, for example). That may still be the case, but today potential new entrants include music distributors themselves, like Apple, who can decide to bypass music companies and sign new talent on their own. This is unlikely, as companies like Apple currently do not have the expertise, experience, or perhaps even interest in the business. But it remains a possibility that music companies need to take into account, particularly as on-line distributors become an increasingly important part of the supply chain. In addition, the ability to sell music on line may reduce the need for some well-known artists to rely on the marketing and distribution capabilities of music companies, and to sell directly to consumers on their own. 9.Substitutes. Is there a threat of substitutes for the music industry’s existing products? There are many substitute delivery systems for music, and the music industry is constantly being threatened by non-paying delivery systems. Music itself is more difficult to replace, however time spent on other forms of entertainment may decrease the amount of time and money spent on music. 10.Customers. What characteristics of the company’s customer base influence the company’s competitiveness? Customers in the industry are characterized mainly by the fickleness, volatility, and unpredictability of their tastes. Only a small fraction of new releases succeed and these are new releases issued by extremely experienced, knowledgeable companies, in an extremely competitive industry. Even sales of new albums by well-known groups are difficult to predict, and very few stars maintain their longevity. Customers also think theres nothing wrong with making free copies of music for their friends, nor do they have great affection and respect for music companies. Sample Responses to Discussion Questions 1.What has the company done to adapt to its environment? To adapt to the environment, music companies are taking over more of the supply chain, manufacturing their own CDs and managing their own music clubs. They are making deals with on-line music distributors to sell individual songs. They are also increasing their on-line marketing efforts, as in letting AOL offer its customers music video and song samples. 2.How does the company attempt to influence its environment? To influence the environment, music companies pay slotting fees to retailers to gain shelf space, and pay fees to ensure play time on radio stations. They heavily market new releases. They are aggressively seeking to enforce copyright laws forbidding illegal copying their success in shutting down Napster is an example of that. They are also enlisting the artists themselves in an effort to educate and influence the public on the illegal copying issue. In the U.S., they are also asking the government to pressure China to reduce the widespread music piracy in that country.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Lowering Drinking Age Essay Example for Free
Lowering Drinking Age Essay In the United States government, there are many politicians that have to make difficult decisions that affect its citizens in their everyday lives. One frequently asked question by the people in America today is why does the government believe 21 is the proper age to legally allow drinking of alcoholic beverages. Over 200 countries in the world do not have a legal drinking age. Many say if you are tall enough to stand at a bar, you are old enough to get a drink. In America, would lowering the drinking age to 18 decrease or increase the number of college students binge drinking? What if we gave our youth the proper education about alcohol? Then, if they did decide to drink, could they act as responsible adults having that knowledge? Another question frequently asked is would lowering the drinking age to 18, increase or decrease highway fatalities? We as a nation have tried prohibition twice trying to control irresponsible drinking problems in the past. So, should we take a risk and try to come up with a plan to lower the drinking age to 18? Or, alternatively, should we keep the legal drinking age at 21? When a person turns 18 years old in America, they are considered an adult in society. They now have the responsibility to fight in wars, to vote, to serve on a jury, to legally get married and so forth. A person who is 18 can do all these things. So, why is it that they do not have to right to choose if they want to drink a bottle of beer or a glass of wine? Do you really think drinking a beer is an act of greater responsibility and maturity than voting or going to war for your country? I feel that the youth in our nation is not getting the proper education on the facts behind alcohol. Thus, when a person does decide to drink, they do so irresponsibly. Most people who drink irresponsibly find themselves moving like zombies once intoxicated. One approach to this issue is requiring an individual who is 18 years old to attend an alcohol education class. This would be similar to the requirements for getting your drivers license. In the alcohol education class, they would teach you facts, have group meetings with people who have been alcoholics in the past (AA meetings), conduct tests throughout the course and a final at the end to ensure a thorough understanding of drinking responsibly and the consequences of not doing so. When completed, the person would receive a license allowing he or she to go into liquor stores, pubs, bars, etc. to purchase alcohol products that they want. However, if they choose to violate the license in any way, it will be taken away. If you are the kind of person who does not like to drink alcohol, good news! You do not have to take the class if you do not want. I do think this class would be good in helping our youth understand the harmful affects that alcohol can have on our bodies and how dangerous it can really be if you are not responsible with it. As students go to college, studies have shown that more and more students are â€Å"binge drinkers†today than ever before. A binge drinker is someone who consumes five or more alcoholic drinks in a given sitting. Dr. John McCardells is the founder of a group called the Amethyst initiative. They have a theory that by lowering the drinking age it will actually reduce the number of binge drinking on college campuses throughout the United States. Over 100 of our nations top colleges such as Duke, Ohio State, Dartmouth are all calling on lawmakers to consider lowering the drinking age to 18. This debate has been going on for quite some time now. Lets stop scratching our heads and come up with an approach to this situation. There have been deaths in the past when an underage person drank too much and died because his or her friends did not want to call the cops because they knew they would have been in trouble. A similar incident as this happened to a student named Gordy Bailey. Gordy was a freshman at Boulder College in Colorado. Boulder is a school known for its party scene. He planned to join a fraternity called Sigma Chi and in order to do so, he had to drink ten gallons of hard liquor or wine. They are not sure how much Gordy actually drank that night but estimated that he had 15 to 20 shots in under a half hour. After they were done drinking, they went back to the fraternity house and by the time they got there Gordy was to the point that he could not even walk. His fraternity friends did not dare to call the police in order to get help and risk getting in trouble for underage drinking. Unfortunately, the decision that they made was not the right one. They called the police the next morning but it was too late. Gordy Bailey died that night from alcohol poisoning. Had the drinking age been 18, Gordy’s fraternity friends could have called the police to get him medical attention. There are many situations that occur every year which are very similar to Gordy Bailey’s story. However, many do not think we should take a different approach to this problem. Mark Beckner, the Chief of Police in Boulder, Colorado, is one of the few Chief of Police in America who agrees with Dr. John McCardells theory and supports lowering the drinking age. In an interview with 60 Minutes he said, â€Å"We can’t enforce something that unenforceable and all we are doing is doing is pushing drinking more and more underground, essentially making it very dangerous. †People need to learn that prohibition does not work, we should know this already from the past already. Let us not let history repeat itself yet again. †A person’s life is no less precious off the road than it is on the road. There is an organization called MADD, which stands for Mothers Against Drunk Driving. MADD is an organization that opposes the idea of lowering the drinking age. One of the biggest issues they have regarding lowering the drinking age is highway fatalities that involve a drunk driver. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines a fatal crash as alcohol-related if a driver had a estimated blood alcohol level of 0. 01 or above. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities, better known as drunken driving fatalities, were the key factors behind the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984. Yes, over the years, statistics have shown that the number of alcohol-related fatalities have decreased and this is true for all ages, not just people who are under 21. Statistics show that approximately 1,000 people from the ages 18 to 24 die a year from alcohol-related accidents. However, the numbers are very similar with people who are dying behind closed doors. I believe the drinking age should be lowered to 18 because if someone can go to war and die for his or her country, he or she should be able to have the right to choose if he or she wants a beer or a glass of wine. Based on facts, the current prohibition laws are not working. We need to come up with an alternative approach. We have tried prohibition in the past and learned very quickly that it was not very productive. Let us learn from our mistakes and put an end to pushing our youth to drink further and further underground. In other countries, alcohol is not seen as a poison, there is little or no social pressure to drink, and irresponsible drinking is never tolerated. Parents and other family members teach their kids at home how to drink in a responsible manner. Since the 21 year old drinking law is not working, maybe we could approach this situation as people would in a different country.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) in Bank Study
Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) in Bank Study The importance of human resource management cannot be undervalued in todays intensely competitive global market place. The reason for this is that there is a very small margin for error from becoming a market leader to becoming a market joke. A lot of emphasizes is now put on good human resource management, as it is the difference between employing a qualified work force and hiring inept workers. Human resource management nowadays is not just about employing people or drafting work policies; it is also about being able to rapidly respond to customers needs and competitors moves. In Abbey Nation Bank human resources is viewed as a source of having a competitive advantage in this competitive market situation. What this means is that human resources is now playing a more vital role than ever in the organizational hierarchy of a company. This is because a carefully implemented human resource policy can obtain a high quality workforce More and more these days the importance of strategic human resource management is coming to the forefront of many businesses. Here the word strategic means keeping in view the long term results or the so called bigger picture. Strategic human resource management focuses is human resource programs that can lead Abbey National Bank to long term on right track In strategic human resource management, an HR manager becomes a very important player in the company, the reason for this being that rather than acting as passive administrators, they play a more proactive role in policy formulation. The HR manager thus becomes a resource manager as he or she will utilize the full potential of their human resources From the above we can thus see that strategic human resource management is now coming to play a very important role in todays business world. Strategic human resource management is all about strategically managing a business. For Abbey National Bank human resources management is important for improve employees skills and competent advantage. (Smallbusinessbible 2008) Assess the impact of strategic human resource management activities in AbbeyNational The impact of strategic human resource management activities in Abbey National Bank as follows: High Skills Employees As impact of SHRM activities in Abbey National Bank is to improve employees skills and provide best customers services to its customers on improve employees learning about their tasks which can helpful for them. Best services to customers. Customers are a base for any organization and we cannot forget this factor. With SHRM we can provide best services to customers and can get feedback from customers that how we serve you. New innovative and reliable organization performance Innovation and reliable performance of Abbey National Bank can possible by using SHRM theories apply on employees and provide best training to employees and give them reward in bounce and other packages to employees. Revise employees performance according to organizational goals. With the help of SHRM, we can measure performance of employees on the basis of settle goals which are settle to achieve these goals and provide best information structure which can improve communication among employees. Provide new skills to employees to get competent advantage over competitors. By using SHRM practices, employees of Abbey National Bank can improve professional skills and provide new ideas that can get competitive advantage over other banks in the market. Evaluate the contribution of Strategic Human Resource Management to the achievement of Santanders objectives at Abbey National Bank Improve business performance Contribution of SHRM is in Abbey National Bank for the objectives of Santander Bank is first to improve business performance on the basis of mission statement and provide right people for right job in all departments. Develop organizational culture To achieve Santanders objective there should be improve cultural environment of Abbey National Bank so that it can helpful to employees and provide right information with communication channels. Competitive advantage As competitive advantage, there should be hire such people who are more skilful and professional basis are strong and that can participate to achieve objectives of Santander Bank. (2011 Analyse the business factors that underpin the new human resource planning in Abbey National Government policies: UK Government policies are changing policies for banking industry due to current economic conditions in the world. There should be develop new policies for employees and develop their skills according to requirements of bank. Because Government has cut HSMP immigration system and no more high skilled people can enter in UK due to current recession and pressure of population. Business Competition As business competition, Abbey National Bank should be hire such people which are more educational and high skills who can achieve requirements of jobs. There should be made a strategy to develop employees skills according to Location of operation In UK, in some areas are not more business type, for example in towns there are not more business activities and while in these are there should be opened new branches for customers and provide best services to public. Assess the human resource requirements for next two years In the next two years Human Resource requirements will be as well: Identifying personnel requirements (numbers, skill sets, experience, qualifications) Match personnel to organisational requirements; Internal factors: Employees development For Abbey National Bank, in next two years Human Resource requirements are basis market situation and compete competitors. While employees development is very important so that we can get competence advantage over competitors. For example, Barclays, HSBC, Nationwide and other banks in UK are use different policies for development of employees. Skill requirements: On the basis of skills for the next two years HR requirements, provide high skills employees to organization and develop different approaches so that employees can achieve objectives of Abbey National Bank. External factors: Government policies: UK Government policies are changing with the passage of time and during for next two years there should be hire highly skilled people who can contribute for success of Abbey National Bank. Education For the HR requirements, there will be need to provide short term and long term courses to employees from different top ranking institutions of UK. So that, employees personal skills and professional development can achieve and there will be more chances of competency advantage over competitors in future. Training: Training of employees is a base to provide better performance and achieve determine objectives. In Abbey National Bank, there should be made more plans for employees training and for best results provide different methods for example customer care and customer feedback approaches also helpful for Abbey National Bank. Process of developing a human resources plan for Abbey National First, we should understand demands of HR department and then we can determine a plan for Abbey National Bank. In current market situation and economic recession there should be hire high skills people who can understand and can drive Abbey National Bank in right direction and to achieve determine goals by HR policies and practices. New employees should be hire only in this condition that there will be need more staff and there is no more chances to promote current employees means current employees cannot match job criteria. While there should be also provide best training to current employees and match their performance with determine standard which is defined in objectives of Abbey National Bank. (2000-2010, 2011 Present a critical evaluation on how the human resources plan can contribute to meeting an Abbey Nationals objectives HR contribution to meeting can provide as follows: Employees performance: Human Resource plan can contribute to Abbey Nationals objectives by improve employees performance and evaluate on different scales. Customers feedback: Provide best products and services to customers and consider them as basic and focus on customers satisfaction. Then take feed back from customers and comments of customers about products and services. New ideas for workforce development By using Human Resources plan, Abbey National Bank can drive its employees in right direction and can get its objectives which are determined in mission statement. Explain the purpose of Human Resource Management Policies in organisations Human resource management is playing vital role in Abbey National Bank. Its purpose not only select people for right job but utilize their competency and develop skills which can compete to other competitors in banking industry. The skills that are necessary to meet the organizational goals are developed in employees. This point is considered during the planning phase and included in the policies devised for meeting goals. Nowadays, the human resource department does much more than just recruiting employees for the company. Using the human resource effectively in order to give bank a competitive advantage and completing the set targets, are some of the priorities. The mission statements reflect the strategies, goals and the overall approach of companies. The values inherited and the policies redefined by firms are based on the mission statements; which are the driving force thatmotivatethe employees to move ahead. (2000-2010,2011 Analyse the impact of regulatory requirements on human resource policies in an organisation The effects and impacts of laws and regulations on the plans of businesses cannot be overemphasized as the above indicate. Recent insurance scandal in Britains oldest insurance company, Equitable, nearly caused its demise. Equitables crisis is alleged to have started as a result of loopholes in regulation governing British insurance industry when it emerged that it did not have sufficient funds to honour guaranteed annuity policies to a large group of policyholders. The immediate impact on the Equitable insurance was that a court ruled that it closes all new businesses meaning a fall in services leading to huge debts and also lost of trust and market position to the insurance community and public as a whole which will inevitably force the mutual company to change its business plans and operations. In the UK, the recent spate of financial scandals leading to loss of pensions for retired workers has prompted the government to put forward a bill in parliament to avoid future los s of pension funds to retired workers. Analyse the impact of organisational structure Organizational structure refers to the way people are organized Culture The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a workplace are itsculture. The culture and structure of an organization affect one another. A structure appropriate to the organization helps to develop a healthy culture. Communication In companies with rigid structures, communication tends to follow reporting lines. In companies with flatter structures, communication may occur more easily across departments. Job Satisfaction Studies have found arelationshipbetween job satisfaction and organizational structure. Organizations with flatter structures may foster more feelings of self-actualization and create less anxiety in employees. Customer Relations Relationshipswith customers may suffer if departmental relationships cause the customer difficulty in getting problems addressed. Multi-functional teams that can answer a customers questions and resolve issues have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Projects Organizational structure impacts the success of a companys projects. If project personnel also perform routine operational work, it may be difficult for them to focus on projects and meet schedules. If the flow of information across departments is difficult, it may affect ability to share resources effectively. Analyse the impact of organisational culture Analyzing organizational culture can occur on many different levels. On the theoretical level, one of the foremost individuals on the study and analyzing organizational culture is Dutch sociologist and writer Geert Hofstede. Hofstedes studies of how corporations and companies function most effectively is compared to how a good company had many comparisons to a successfully run nation, and how the culture of a people had an effect on organizational culture, and vice-versa. When a company is not running to its full potential, there are various reasons that a culture may not be working. The CEO may want to chart an aggressive course looking to be willing to take chances and to exploit every little opportunity, while the mid level managers might be prone to avoiding uncertaintyand thus play it way too safe. The organizational culture can be one of the most important factors in whether a large corporation succeeds or fails, but it is also one of the hardest things to change about a company since by its very definition organizational culture is shared throughout the entire company. This is why success tends to breed success while a sinking company is so hard to turn around, even if huge changes are made at the top. On a practical level, especially with a quick turnaround or shift in culture as the eventual goal, there are a few things to keep in mind. One is feedback. Setting up a system of quick feedback means someone at the top can get a quick, if not instant, response to a program or situation. Sometimes if a bad situation, such as a CEO who tended to over micro-manage, gets removed, then that simple action can provide an instant feedback, or in that case an instant response to the removal of bad influence. A good leader will be able to ride this early momentum to at least set the base of a new style of organizational culture. When analyzing organizational culture, you also want to figure out what types of managers and workers you have on every level, and: a) what type of organizational culture can maximize their abilities for the larger good of the company, or b) if the workers and supervisors already in place simply do not have the ability to shift to the organizational culture that is best. Analysing both strengths and weaknesses can help determine where a company is, and what direction it can most effectively head towards. A company with a very strong culture wants to make sure it doesnt go so far that no new ideas are let into the conversation. This would kill innovation. Likewise, in a company with a weak culture, if bureaucracy is a problem, while eliminating the unnecessary layers, your company still has to function. Analysing organizational culture can be difficult, but it is a process that is well worth undertaking. Examine how the effectiveness of human resources management could be monitored in Abbey National Bank An important aspect of Abbey National Banks focus and direction towards achieving high levels of competency and competitiveness would depend very much upon their human resource management practices to contribute effectively towards profitability, quality, and other goals in line with the mission and vision of the bank Staffing, training, compensation and performance management are basically important tools in the human resources practices that shape the organizations role in satisfying the needs of its stakeholders. Stakeholders of an organization comprise mainly of stockholders who will want to reap on their investments, customers whose wants and desires for high quality products or services are met, employees who want their jobs in the organization to be interesting with reasonable compensation and reward system and lastly, the community who would want the company to contribute and participate in activities and projects relating to the environmental issues. A comprehensive Human Resource Strategy plays a vital role in the achievement of Abbey National Banks overall strategic objectives and visibly illustrates that the human resources function fully understands and supports the direction in which the organisation is moving. A comprehensive HR Strategy will also support other specific strategic objectives undertaken by the marketing, financial, operational and technology departments. Right people in right place There should be select right people for right job while there should be select talented people to achieve objectives of bank. Right mix of skills: In Abbey National Bank employees skills should also be evaluate according to achieve competency advantage in market. Employees are developed in the right way: For the development and rise up performance of employees there should also be use different tools and training programmes so that employees can compete and doing their jobs according jobs descriptions. (2011 EzineArticles) (10.4.4) Make justified Recommendations to improve the effectiveness of human resources Management Work of Human resource management is not end on reqruite people and pay them and discharge rather than which people are working in Abbey National Bank they should be utilised them according to objectives of organization. While there should also get competence advantage over competitors in market by provide best customer focus strategy. Employee attitude surveys: For the effectiveness of human resources management in Abbey National Bank there should be surveys about employee that they are satisfied about their jobs and they are working according Abbey National Bank objectives. Benchmarking HR performance: To achieve human resource effectiveness there should be benchmarking system for HR performance and evaluate and redefine all activities which are determined in objectives of Abbey National Bank.
Hamlet: Character Analysis :: essays research papers
Over the centuries many people have complained that William Shakespeare did an inadequate job of steering the readers of Hamlet to a specific interpretation of each character. Each reader is left to decide the true extent of Hamlet’s evil and insane ways or to realize that he clearly is a victim of circumstances beyond his control, therefore declaring him innocent. Because of William Shakespeare’s writing style, the reader receives little help in discovering who is truly innocent and who is as guilty as Claudius. Many scholars agree that Hamlet may be the most complex character presented by any playwrite. Over the centuries critics have offered many theories and explanations for Hamlet’s actions, but none have sufficiently explained him. Many people view Hamlet as a deeply troubled youth who caused many unnecessary deaths, such as those of Polonius and Laertes. Critics who support this theory point out the cruel actions carried out by Hamlet, one example being the indifferent and boastful way Hamlet describes the ingenious way he had his two good friend, Rosencrantz and Guildentsern killed. But wilt thou hear now how I did proceed?†¦I sat down, devised a new commission, wrote it fair. I once did hold it, as our satists do, a baseness to write fair, labored much how to forget that learning, but, sir, now it did me a yeoman’s service. Wilt thou know th’ effect of what I wrote?†¦An earnest conjuration from the King, as England was his faithful tributary†¦that on the view and knowing of the contents, without debatement further more or less, he should those bearers put to sudden death. (Shakespeare 5:228-45) The way Hamlet treats Ophelia, the woman he supposedly loved, also supports the portrayal of him being a barbarian. If thou dost marry ,I’ll give thee this plague for thy dowry: be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. Get thee to a nunnery[referring to a brothel], go and quickly, too.(Shakespeare 3:1 136-141) Another offered interpretation suggests that using the information given by the ghost of King Hamlet, Hamlet seized the opportunity to regain what was rightfully his-the throne of Denmark. One less popular belief that has been expressed states that Hamlet was actually a girl, raised as a man, so there would be an heir to the throne. Critics who support this view say that this theory explains Hamlet’s reluctance and hesitation to commit murder(which is most often viewed as a masculine act).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Three Stages of Thunderstorm Formation Essay -- Exploratory Essays Res
Three Stages of Thunderstorm Formation The kind of thunderstorms that produce our summer rains are called ordinary thunderstorms, or air mass thunderstorms. They form when warm, humid air rises in an unstable atmosphere. Warm air cools down as it rises, and once it becomes colder than the air around it, it will begin to fall back down. In an unstable atmosphere, the temperature of the surrounding air decreases faster with height than the temperature of the rising warm air. This causes the warm, moist air to continually be warmer than the atmosphere, and continue rising to large heights. When this happens, we have the basis for a thunderstorm. Thunderstorm formation occurs in three stages - the cumulus stage, the mature stage, and the dissipating stage. The updraft of humid, warm air into the atmosphere starts the cumulus stage. The air cools as it rises and condenses into one cumulus (small puffy) cloud, or cluster of cumulus clouds. At first, these clouds cannot get very tall because the air surrounding the cloud is very dry, and causes the water droplets to evaporate quick...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Explain how Golding describes the setting of the novel in chapters 1 :: English Literature
Explain how Golding describes the setting of the novel in chapters 1 and 2 of The Lord of The Flies Golding has a style of contrasting the good things and the bad things about the island in ‘The Lord of The Flies’. The author also describes the setting by using imagery extensively. The author develops a positive ambience of an uninhabited island by giving the island features that the reader knows are more positive than negative. An example of this is when the author describes a cirque on page 25. The author describes the boys position using: â€Å"They were on the lip of a cirque†. The use of personification makes the reader identify that the island is more like a person and not an evil thing. If Golding had used a sentence such as â€Å" They were on the knife edge of a cirque†, then the reader would have identified the island with images of danger and negativity. The author later similarises the cirque with a waterfall. He uses the words: â€Å"Filled†, â€Å"Overflow†and â€Å"Spilled†to make connections with a waterfall. A waterfall is usually a thing of beauty, which can be found in national parks, and people do not identify a waterfall as being a bad thing. The words also come in chronological order. For example something cannot be spilled before it is filled. This gives the reader a sense of natural series of events, the feeling as if everything is occurring the correct order and therefore the island is normal and passive. However, if the author had mixed the words in the incorrect order then the reader might have felt a bit confused and wondered about the safety of the island. In contrast, the author describes the island as the children’s worst enemy. On page 4 the author uses negative words to describe the setting. Golding uses the words; â€Å"Coarse†, â€Å"Torn†, â€Å"Upheavals†, â€Å"Fallen†, â€Å"Scattered†and â€Å"Decaying†to describe the shore and its contents. Under analysis the words, â€Å"Torn†, â€Å"Upheavals†and â€Å"Fallen†, mean that something is not in the correct position, that the island does not seem to be right, that the island has an air of animosity. The words are not pleasant words and hint to the reader that neither is the story. The author describes how the coconuts are slowly dying by using the word â€Å"decaying†. This poses the question: If things that live on the island cannot survive how can a group of young school boys from a different region? It suggests that the children are going to die, just like everything else on the island. Eventually everything on the island dies, the island dies from the uncontrollable fire, the
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Phoniness and Innocence in The Catcher in the Rye Essay
There comes a time when everybody has to say good-bye to their teenage years and become an adult. The carefree childhood will be challenged by strains and expectations. Those unwilling to face them are doomed to fail. Holden Caulfield, the 16-year-old protagonist of J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, is one of the adolescents who question the attraction of being an adult. Shortly before Christmas vacation, Holden has been expelled from an elite prep school in Pennsylvania. Disinclined to stay at the school any longer or return home, Holden decides to spend a few days in New York City. During his tour, he meets different people that he calls â€Å"phonies†. The frequent use of the word has a deeper meaning than it might appear at first look. Holden’s obsession with phoniness demonstrates his conflict with the hypocritical adult world. The word â€Å"phony†has a unique meaning for Holden. He uses it to describe people that pretend to be someone else in order to feel superior. They lie to themselves and to others. This deception does not always happen consciously. For example, the first so-called phony that Holden mentions is Mr. Ossenburger, who made a lot of money by burying people with cheap funerals. He says that this man â€Å"came up to school in this big goddam Cadillac, and we all had to stand up in the grandstand and give him a locomotive – that’s a cheer†(16). Holden calls him a phony because Ossenburger talks about integrity and praying to Jesus in his speech to the students while he takes advantage of mourning families. Furthermore, the school is phony because they welcomed him and named a dorm after him only because he gave the school money. This hypocrisy bothers Holden very much. Whether it is a stereotype presented in a movie, or the expression â€Å"grand†, he cl assifies them into the category â€Å"phony†. Holden’s hatred towards phoniness is closely connected with his protecting nature. In his mind, phoniness is an element of adulthood. Being an adult means being forced to face problems and make compromises. Grown-ups need to hide their weaknesses in order to survive. Therefore, growing up inevitably means being phony. Opposite to that, children do not have to act a certain way to achieve something. Consequently, innocence is the opposite of phoniness, and growing up means to lose your innocence and become phony. Thus, Holden wants to protect the innocence and purity of young children, hoping that they would never be confronted with the ugliness of the adult world. This protective instinct leads to an admiration and idealization of children, especially his younger sister Phoebe and his dead brother Allie. Holden wants to be the catcher in the rye, someone who catches children that fall over the edge of an imaginary field of rye down the cliff into the corrupt adulthood. When he sees â€Å"fuck you†written on the walls in his sister’s school and in the museum, he tries to erase it but eventually realizes that he can’t erase all the curses in the world. Children will always, at some point, be confronted with sexuality. This pessimistic view of the world affects him in a harmful way that ultimately leads to his breakdown. Holden sees the world in black and white. Some people are phony, others are not. However, he fears that he is slowly becoming a phony himself. â€Å"I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw†(9), he admits. Alone his judgemental remarks show how confused and insecure he is. On one hand, he tries to act experienced and mature when talking to adults, but on the other hand, he desperately tries to maintain the innocence of himself and others. He tries to protect himself by using a cynical voice throughout the novel, but this only keeps him alienated from his environment. With every disappointment, his denial grows, and a mental breakdown is unavoidable. He walks around in New York, screaming out his dead brother’s name. Only Phoebe, his younger sister, can show him his real situation and keep him from escaping reality and becoming mad. Still, he ends up in a mental institution in California. Holden struggles between the phoniness of adulthood and the innocence of childhood. He is trapped between the two worlds. His refusal to grow up keeps him isolated. His former English teacher, Mr Antollini, advises him to start applying himself in the next school. He tells him that Wilhelm Stekel once said, â€Å"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one†(). Finally, Holden understands that giving up isn’t the solution to his problem, and he indicates that he might try harder in the future. Maybe Holden isn’t so much of an outsider after all.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Human Resources Management Essay
Human Resources Management (HRM) is a new concept. It is a combination of HR, Accounting, Management, Financial Management and Economics. Globalization to would economy has exposed the corporate business organization to worldwide competition, mobilization of professional manpower and modern quantitative management practice. So, there are growing realization cannot achieve its goal effectively and efficiently. To face this complex management challenge, effective objectively measurable database system to measure and apply HRM information. Now-a-days, in Bangladesh, every year, and huge amount of money and talented HRM are being engaged by corporate to improve the productivity or skills o f their workforce across the country. Such huge expenditures are made with the expectation of future returns in terms of improved services to be rendered by skilled employees. In other words, organizations by investing human resources development definitely increase the service potentials embodied in human resources and these investments thus create economic assets for the organizations. Human resource (or personnel) management, in the sense of getting things done through people, is an essential part of every manager’s responsibilities, but many organizations find it advantageous to establish a specialist division to provide an expert service dedicated to ensuring that the human resource function is performed efficiently. â€Å"People are our most valuable asset†is a cliche which no member of any senior management team would disagree with. Yet, the reality for many organizations are that their people remain under valued, under trained and under utilized. The rate of change facing organizations has never been greater and organizations must absorb and manage change at a much faster rate than in the past. In order to implement a successful business strategy to face this challenge, organizations, large or small, must ensure that they have the right people capable of delivering the strategy. There is a long-standing argument about where HR-related functions should be organized into large organizations, e. g. , â€Å"should HR be in the Organization Development department or the other way around? The HRM function and HRD profession have undergone tremendous change over the past 20-30 years. Many years ago, large organizations looked to the â€Å"Personnel Department,†mostly to manage the paperwork around hiring and paying people. More recently, organizations consider the â€Å"HR Department†as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to manage people so that people and the organization are performing at maxim um capability in a highly fulfilling manner. Company Profile History of Partex Group: Partex Group is among the large Bangladesh private sector manufacturing and service based enterprises, owning and operating over twenty units giving value for money to all customers. The group started modestly in 1959 in tobacco trading and with prudent entrepreneurship of our Founder Chairman Mr. M. A. Hashem today we have a stake in tobacco, food, water, soft drinks, steel container, edible oil, wooden board, furniture, cotton yarn and the IT sector. After Bangladesh was established our Chairman set up M/S Hashem Corporation (Pvt) Ltd. n Chittagong city meeting the large demand of food and materials needed for sustaining the needs of a new nation through imports. From importing to import substitution was the next logical step and the stepping stone into the manufacturing sector, which has matured to the multi million dollar diverse investment of the Partex Group today. A dedicated work force and committed board members led by our Chairman and backed by a market oriented corporate strategy has been the cornerstone of our success. Today the group has over twenty family owned private limited companies with a sizable turnover. Ours is a dynamic organization always exploring new ideas and avenues to expand and grow further. Long before environment came to dominate the development agenda. Star Particle Board Mills in the sixties pioneered an eco-friendly industry to reduce pressure on our scarce forest recourses. It is a unique combination of environmental protection and commerce; belaying most doomsayers who claim the two to be at odds. The one score and ten year successful perpetuation of our timber substitute products not only speak volumes of the foresight of Partex’s founders but also their vision of the future. They make particle board from agro-waste, mostly jute stalks, and ensure greater value to the jute growers of Bangladesh. Products are processed using modern technology to produce homogenous and strong particle board that can withstand seasonal change and are free from termite and fungal attack. These particle boards go on to produce veneered boards of various design and texture. Also door panels both plains and decorative in various finishes and sizes. In addition their produce special furniture boards, stylish furniture and even various plywood on our range of products. Beside, in house and outside training, recruits business graduates from reputed universities as management training for mainstream banking to enrich quality of human resources contributing towards operations effective and long-term sustainable results. Vision Statement: The Sky is not the limit for us, but their expectation is within limits. Therefore, their imagination soars beyond conventional barriers. Partex Group share or destiny with their beloved motherland. They want to serve her in the greater quest for national uplift. Mission statement: To sincere traveler, the way is never too long. Partex Group believes in â€Å"progress in diversity and service through entrepreneur†. They are merchants and missionaries, doers and dreamers, entrepreneurs and professionals. They are futuristic with emphasis on creating thinking and dynamic action. High quality financial services with the help the latest technology. Fast and accurate customer services Balance growth strategy High standard business ethics Steady return on shareholders equity. Innovative banking at a competitive price. Attract and retain quality human resource. Firm commitment to the society and the growth of national economy. The spirit: Enterprise is Partex Group’s spirit. Partex Group manufactures superior import-substitute consumer and industrial products. Their cutting edge precision leads to greater public utility and hygiene, with a great care for the environment and human inhabitation. It is the very ingredient that gives their organization the integrity upon which their reputation is built and we zealously guard it everyday. Many a thousand minds of their group contributed to their gathered knowledge to keep the wheels rolling that in turn leads them to goal. This cumulative strength of knowledge is required, today, to find new solutions for the manifold problems of fast- changing economic cultural and ecological milieu. Objectives: Partex Group is a customer focused modern banking institution thriving fast in both earning and ability to stand out as a leading banking institution in Bangladesh. They deliver unparalleled financial services with the touch of heart to Retail, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs), corporate, institutional and governmental clients through the outlets of branches across the country. Their business initiatives center on the emerging need of the clients. Partex Groups’ client commitments are the following: Provided services with high degree of professionalism and use of most modern technology. Create life-long relationship based on mutual trust and respect. Respond to customer needs with speed and accuracy.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Christian Ethics Essay
1.What is the difference between self-interest and selfishness? Why is this distinction important when considering the competitive market economy as appropriate for a society? a.Self-interest is when someone is trying to protect their interest, but they also take into account how it may affect others. Whereas selfishness is where one makes decisions based on one’s self with no regards to others. It’s important to decipher these two meanings when considering the competitive market and what may be appropriate for a society because if one is acting out based on self-interest, yes, they may be looking out for themselves, but they are also looking out for their customers. These are the type of people you can trust and want to invest your time and money into. People acting out of selfishness, figure out a way to get what they want and bail once they can’t make a profit anymore, leaving their customer in the dust. Also meaning, they’re going to be unreliable if a nd when times get tough and have no morals or obligations to the people who invest into them. 2.Does your textbook present only positive economics and avoid any normative economics? If not, give some examples of normative issues covered in your textbook. a.After reading Stapleford’s Bulls, Bears and Golden Calves, it is safe to say that any textbook for that matter doesn’t posess â€Å"only†positive economics and does in deed hold normative economics. As economist Roger Miller commented: â€Å"†¦the very choice of which topics to include in an introductory textbook involves normative economics. There is not a value-free, or objective, way to decide which topics to use in a textbook†(Stapleford, pg 43.) I decided to examine this a little further and came to find that in our Economics: Private and Public Choice by Gwartney and authors, it states in the Preface â€Å"This text addresses all of them and provides both economic analysis and empirical evidence that will enhance understanding of these critical issues†¦This thought was constantly on our minds as we revised this edition†(Gwartney, pg xix.) When I read that, personally that left the impression that these authors picked and chose what they thought was in the best interest of their students and even though they are stating the facts, they are also took into consideration when revising how it could help the reader relate to the information. 3.What did Adam Smith believe serves to curb self-interest in an economy? a.The one key thing that Smith believed controlled self-interest in the economy is competition. In one way or another, everyone has a desire for approval and it is because of this postivie judgement we seek also puts limits on our personal objectives. It is through competition amongst each other that promotes a controlled economy because it is not being run off of someone else’s personal agenda. If something appears to be hurtful or negative in the economy, then most likely it won’t succeed and people will move on to it’s compeititor. Whereas if something is highly valued and is seen as positive, chances are the business will thrive and they will be a customer for life. 4.What does it mean to seek the kingdom of God in a democratic capitalist economy? How can it be done? a.Democratic capitalism is neither the Kingdom of God nor without sin. But when we Christians seek the Kingdom of God, we seek â€Å"righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit†(Romans 14:17.) So when we seek the Kingdom of God in a democratic capitalist economy, we’re seeking to be â€Å"set free†from the temptations this earth has to offer, and focusing on the eternal life that awaits in God’s Kingdom. In order to do this though, requires us to be â€Å"enlightened†where we refocus our internal and external lives to his kingdom. â€Å"Jesus doesn’t ask us to set aside our self-interest; he just wants to keep us from making a poor investment†(Stapleford, pg 46.) References Gwartney, Stroup, Sobel, Macpherson. (2013). Economics: Private and Public Choice 14e. Mason, OH: South-Western. Stapleford, J. (2009). Bulls, Bears and Golden Calves. Madison, WI: IntraVarsity Press.
Coca Cola Share A Coke This Summer
However, in reality the Coca Cola Company has a wider target market because the product is addressed to everyone and everywhere. Usually the consumers (both males and females)who use the product are between 12 and 32 years old. Second, in the video we can see that the consumers are buying the product, this shows the reputation of the trademark in the mind of the consumers and a few seconds later we can see more people buying Coca-Cola in massive amounts which reflects the power, the preference and the loyalty that the consumers have to the Coca-Cola brand.In the video, after the consumers brought the product we can see them having fun, having barbecues, having arties and playing on the street with their friends, in that moment Coca-Cola is telling us the viewers that the purpose of this video is not only to show the popularity of the brand but also that the company is not just about selling goods to the consumers but also selling events ( Examples: World cup and the Olympics) and exp eriences ( Examples: Walt Disney magic kingdom and music/sports camps) to the consumers.Coca-Cola is the number one company of soft drinks around the world, the margin between it and its is competitors is huge, so the reason that Coca-Cola peps doing the advertising is not to increase their sales, but to remind people that Coca-Cola is here, is number one and the consumers should drink Coke once in a while(Hardball Peter, 2014) . Like this advertising and many others, Coca-Cola focus on the principle of sharing; not only sharing with families and friends but also sharing happiness, moments and experience. This attitude of sharing IS key competitive advantage against their competitors which only focus on sales.Finally, the video is showing a strategy to put their consumers names on the tootles. The purpose of this idea is to create an individualized or personalized product for the customers for the summer of 2014 because in summer, is the perfect time to be with other people and shar e moments of happiness with everyone. According to the senior vice president Stuart Kerosene the message of this advertising is to drink a coke with your name on it and offering the event to another person makes these minutes much more â€Å"extraordinary†(Money Jay, 2014).Another strategy for the development of this commercial was the flexibility to low the consumers to promote the brand across social media. Jennifer Whelan group director of Coca Cola North America says â€Å"It's about statement toward oneself, individual narrating and staying associated with companions. ‘Share a Coke' takes advantage of those passions†. She also adds that â€Å"At the point when teenagers see that the iconic.
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