Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Basic Concepts in Positive Psychology Essay
* What do researches mean by ‘subjective well-being’? How is this construct measured? What the researchers mean by ‘subjective well-being’ is that it takes a broad view of happiness, beyond the pursuit of short-term of physical pleasures defining a narrow hedonism. It is also define as life satisfaction, the presence of positive affect, and a relative absence of negative affect. ‘Subjective well-being’ is measured by hedonic well-being where it’s proposed that an individual experiences happiness when positive affect and satisfaction with life are both high. * On p. 18 of your textbook, the authors present the hypothetical possibility of being hooked up to an ‘experience machine’ that would guarantee a constant state of happiness and positive emotion. Would you choose to be hooked up to such a machine? Why or why not? In your response, differentiate between hedonic and eudaimonic concepts of happiness. When I read this part of the passage in my textbook about being hook to an â€Å"experience machine†that would guarantee a constant state of happiness and positive emotion did cross my mind. I thought about what it would be like just to feel the constant emotion of being happy. At first I thought it would be an incredible experience. Never having to worry, or to feel sad, to feel rejected or lonely would be awesome not to feel those emotions anymore. However, to be in a constant state of being happy and always positive could take away the fulfillment of actually living life. Eudaimonic is defined as self-realization, meaning the expression and fulfillment of inner potential. So from this perspective, the good life results from living in accordance with your true self. It’s a process in which our talents, needs, and deeply held values direct the way we conduct our lives. The hedonic view captures a major element of what we mean by happiness in everyday terms: we enjoy life, we are satisfied with how our lives are going; and good events outnumber bad events. Hedonic well-being is based on the concept that increased pleasure and decreased pain leads to happiness (subjective well-being).
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Negative Effects of Computer Usage on Eye Sight
Although the computer has crucial importance in our lives but still it has some negative effects upon our health. It effects the eyesight of an individual if there is maximum exposure to the computer screen. It might develop the long or the short sightedness if the frquency of the use is high. It may results in headache relatively for the larger time span and in turns effect the brain cells of the human being.It incorporates a wide variety of the knowledge in itself and when the viewer come across the new phrases and techniques,it definitely demands and requires time and thus in turn result in the stress condition which is not good for the health of the human being. Distance of the screen of the computer from the eye also have the negative symptoms as the particular level being defined by the doctor is not been followed.In children it is flourishing more day by day as they are more exposed to the entertainment side of the computer and that is games which are being installed in the co mputer. Eyes of the children gets affected when they put a load on their eyes while focussing on a particular task and it may effect their eye sight. It is necessary not to work constantly on the computer.It is important to take the short breaks so that the effect of continously looking at the screen could get minimized. It is quite important to preserve the vision by taking different eye exercises. Continous and the frequent use of the computer sometimes results in the vision that is blur and the things doesnot look as they are in real. In short while using the computer it is necessary to follow the instructions of the doctor and have regular check ups of the eyes.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Jay Gatsby the Tragic Hero Essay
The great flaw in Gatsby’s character is his excessive obsession. We find out towards the middle of the book Gatsby is obsessed with Daisy to the point that his life is ‘Daisy’. He throws extravagant parties in hopes her being there. He purchases a palace of a mansion simply because it is close to Daisy’s home. He makes a living only to prove himself worthy to Daisy. He lives for ‘Daisy’, but he does not live for the living Daisy. Gatsby is so infatuated with ‘Daisy’ that he is bent on the magnificent fantasy of a Daisy to which no human can compare. He chooses to remain loyal to the young Daisy of eighteen, who was â€Å"by far the most popular of all the young girls of Louisville†¦dressed in white, and had a little white roadster†(Fitzgerald 72-73). In the words of Fitzgerald: â€Å"No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man can store up in his ghostly heart†(93). This is very true, as the real Daisy served no other purpose to Gatsby than to bear a faint resemblance to the fantastical angle he had conjured out of his shattered dreams. Neither Gatsby nor anyone can gain anything from such a delusional happiness. Gatsby has many nemeses in the novel. George Wilson can be considered a nemesis because it is at his hands that Gatsby meets his death. Another rival of Gatsby’s is Tom Buchanan, our protagonist’s adversary in love who also had a hand in the hero’s downfall. In my opinion however, the arch-nemesis of Jay Gatsby is none other than Jay Gatsby. I believe Gatsby’s own actions and flaws in character have brought about his demise. Gatsby was the one who built his entire life gravitating around a single ideal of a girl he once loved. Gatsby was the one who took the initiative to meet Daisy. Gatsby was the one who, having already gained the affections of Daisy, pressed her, on page 126, to testify that she’s never loved Tom. In the words of Daisy, â€Å"you [Gatsby] want too much†¦I can’t help what’s past†(126). Indeed, Gatsby asked for too much, and in return, if not retribution, everything blew up in his face with nothing left b ut a dying dream. Gatsby’s ending in The Great Gatsby was certainly anything but happy. For one thing, he was murdered. On top of that however, lays an even crueller fact. That is, Daisy never called. Gatsby would have died just a little more at ease if he had known that the object of his fascinations for 4 long years showed any hint of remorse that they may very likely be torn apart. She did not. Gatsby’s soul would have rested easier as well if the person for whom he died showed any sign of sorrow for his departure. She did not. Nor did any of his many acquaintances, save one, turn up to pay respects to the man whose generosity they had often molested. If this is not tragic, what is?Gatsby’s demise is so metaphorical and symbolic that it is hard to pinpoint exact what Fitzgerald was trying to say. Gatsby, a prosperous and extravagant self-made man, was killed by a downtrodden worker of the slums. Could this be alluding to a communist-style revolution? Daisy is quite similar to the American Dream, both being glorious and full of promises to he-who-wins-it. If Gatsby died in trying to get ‘Daisy’, is Fitzgerald denouncing the American Dream? There is, however, evidence that Fitzgerald still believes in the American Dream, as Daisy bears a few dissimilarities to it. That is, Daisy, in principal, is far more superficial, cursory, and lax than the â€Å"white picket fence†American Dream. Could Fitzgerald also have been trying to convey that the Dream has been perverted to such an extent that he-who pursues-it shall fail tragically, just as Gatsby had? The possibilities are endless, but one thing Fitzgerald was trying to express is certain: do not follow in the footsteps of Jay Gatsby, or we too will meet a tragic demise.
Analysis of company (Netflix) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Analysis of company (Netflix) - Coursework Example The company was established in 1997 by Reed Hastings. Its headquarters are located in Los Gatos, California. The organization offers proprietary recommendations and merchandising services that aid the subscribers to choose from the extensive digital title library. The company’s mission is becoming an early novel technology adapter that will satisfy consumers’ exact wants. The vision of the organization is to endeavors to be the best international entertainment distribution service. It also wants to; generate accessible markets particularly, to filmmakers; license entertainment content globally; and assist content creators globally to find an international audience. Currently, to achieve its vision, Netflix Inc. applies an extensive differentiation strategy. The differentiation was established through reducing the general prices of renting DVDs, improving customer satisfaction, providing all-inclusive customer service and constantly innovating throughout the years (Resea rch and Markets 2012, n.p) . PART 1: EXTERNAL ANALYSIS The purpose of this section is to analyse the external environment of the company. This includes the macro environment, the industry analysis, and SWOT analysis. 1.1 Macro-Environmental Analysis Like other organizations in the industry of movie rentals, Netflix is cause to experience technological, social, economic, and political macro-environmental factors. Political and Legal factors – with regard to these facets, the company could be influenced through altering laws relating to copyrights of some content types, for instance television and movie shows that Netflix depends on to offer the clients (Krengel et al. 2010, p. 23). Economic factors – To sustain a competitive advantage, Netflix is compelled to price aggressively against competitors. The Company maneuvers in an industry that depends principally on the consumer’s disposable income. If economic increase were to dwindle, while there was a negative inf luence of the consumers’ purchasing power, the organizations in the industry would experience the negative impacts of the reduced purchasing power first. Social factors – The Company depends on the movie popularity among the target market segments. The consumption becomes less popular among the older demographic as the average population age continues to become older. This leads to negative influence of the business. Business could be negatively influenced if the online movie consumption became un-preferred among large population segments. Technological factors – Technologically, since Netflix is an internet-based company, it must compete with the continuously evolving internet, since the industry progresses toward online consumptions (May 2010, p. 21). 1.2 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS: Porter’s Five Forces Rivalry among Organisations Direct rivals threaten the task environment of Netflix. Exclusive content contracts present as a threat to the company’s task environment. This presents as a constriction for the Netflix access to particular content (Thompson & Martin 2010, p. 92). Entry of Novel Competitors Entry of novel of
Sunday, July 28, 2019
All the description are in the attachments Essay
All the description are in the attachments - Essay Example There is a discrepancy between the 1776 July 4th independent America and the current America. The writer’s arguments are persuasive since; for instance, he asserts that America in July 4th 1776 was composed of farmers. In contrast, in the current time, Americans live in metropolitan and residential areas. He continues to mention that a minority of Americans living today are descendants of the founding fathers and the slaves who were alive in 1776, whereas, the majority of Americans originated from Germany, Ireland, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Furthermore, Krugman continues to assert that American society is full of hypocrisy (Krugman 2). In my essay, I feel that I have brought out the thesis statement in an explicit manner. In addition, I have identified the points that strongly support my thesis statement, through identifying the discrepancy that arises when the 1776 July 4th independent America is compared to the current America. I could improve my essay by adding more reasons that support my thesis statement. In essence, I will use the reasons to justify how the act of Americans celebrating July 4th does not correspond with what the founding fathers considered as
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Economical Impacts of Earthquakes on Society Annotated Bibliography
Economical Impacts of Earthquakes on Society - Annotated Bibliography Example By outlining the factors according to the importance, the authors have been able to discuss the involvement of community in the whole process of re-building and constructing the society in broader manner to tackle the issues like massive destruction that can be faced when an earthquake hit the country. This website discusses the Hazard US model for estimating the various impacts of earthquake including the economic impact of the same. This model is a unique model as it can allow to estimate the impact if earthquake happen in future including assessing the structural damage that can happen as a result of any earthquake. This book basically discusses the scientific analysis of the earthquakes from geological point of view and attempt to outline the various scientific tools and methods available that can be utilized to study the various impacts of earthquakes on the society. Discussing purely from the point of geology, this book also narrates the various economic implications of the earthquake on the society. This book also discusses the historical perspectives of the earthquakes and their overall impacts on the society as and when such large catastrophic events took place. This webpage discusses very thoroughly the various scientific basis of the earthquake, how happens and what are the different internal processes that actually happen within the crust of the earthquake to cause the damage. This webpage also discusses the societal impact of earthquakes including discussing as to how society and individual perceive the earthquakes and its dynamic impacts on the society. This study outlines the overall preparedness of the society in the wake of earthquake by studying the San Francisco earthquake. The results of this survey indicate that the overall preparedness of the individuals is at its minimum and authorities need to create a strong awareness regarding the potential impacts of the earthquake on the society and what should be the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Three foundational principles and the critical importance of Essay
Three foundational principles and the critical importance of integration - Essay Example Secondly, a company or an individual should manipulate the opportunity so that the task is differentiated from that of the competitors. The purpose has to be well defined and lastly, it is always important to leverage ones capabilities in terms of the resources and assets available while focusing the attention on the desired value of customers. Integration can be viewed as an expansion strategy and it is quite important for future endeavors of any given company whether self-centered, customer-centered or competitor centered. Integration may help curb the probabilities of the focus of a given company becoming single-minded. Integration can also save a lot of company’s time and financial resources through streamlining the operations of a given company or institution. This reduces unnecessary costs gearing the company towards greater profitability and better performance. Albany State University currently having been highly ranked among the well performing public universities in America could gain a lot from the process of integration. For better results in future, I would propose that the university leaders start by first ranking the performance of every faculty against that of the university such that it is easier for the university leaders to easily identify the faculty underperforming and finding the most efficient resource across the university that can readily streamline operations of that particular
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Lessening Secondhand Smoke on Children Research Paper - 3
Lessening Secondhand Smoke on Children - Research Paper Example entable deaths around the world and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke has some adverse effects on the people adoption of strategies to reduce this form of some would include the following interventions. Creating smoking bans and restrictions within certain places. This would involve the implementation of policies and regulations which are aimed at limiting or controlling the use of tobacco within designated areas. These approaches are strongly effective based on the scientific evidence regarding exposure to ETS. This also has some effects on reducing the amount of smoke within the environment since some people become deterred from smoking. Conducting community education among the parents and teachers about the relevance of reducing smoking. This will be undertaken in seeking to create awareness on the various individuals, including children, regarding the positive outcomes of reduced smoking. The education intervention with motivate individuals to modify their smoking behaviours in the effort to reduce the ETS. Tobacco use initiation is described as the behaviours by individuals, who were non-smokers to begin smoking. Different intervention can be undertaken to reduce their initiation and they include the following. Increasing the price of tobacco products – this is a legislative measure which seeks to increase the prices so that people become deterred from using these products. Although there are various factors which affect the possibility of people smoking, the cost factors plays a fundamental role to this effect since people must consider their costs. Mass media campaigns – these can be combined within other interventions, like education to the general public. These campaigns are focused at providing information to the general public regarding the importance of living a tobacco free lifestyle. Formative research must be undertaken in order to determine the message which will be delivered in these campaigns and determine the target population for
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Hurricane Katrina Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Hurricane Katrina - Essay Example Brinkley consciously limited the book to the first unthinkable week. Beginning on Saturday, August 27, when it first became clear that Katrina was going to strike again in the Gulf Coast after roughing up Florida, he traces the warnings, stories, fecklessness, and missed opportunities through the hurricane's five hours f wrath and the breaching f the levees. His account continues until the following Saturday, September 3, when buses finally reached the convention center and the Superdome to evacuate those stranded. By combining his own experiences during the storm and its aftermath-Brinkley returned to the city to help in rescue efforts after evacuating his family to Houston-with hundreds f interviews with citizens, first responders, and government officials, Brinkley paints a picture alternately heartbreaking, heartwarming, and enraging. The Great Deluge opens with models f excellent planning and action by the likes f the Louisiana Society for the Prevention f Cruelty to Animals (which had its 263 sheltered pets safely moved to Houston by the evening f August 27), the Entergy Corporation (which shut down its nuclear plant once Katrina became a category 3 storm), and Louisiana parish presidents (who issued mandatory evacuation orders to their residents and efficiently obtained special help for those who needed it). Although stories such as these, along with the valiant efforts f many first responders, are welcome doses f things that went right, The Great Deluge is primarily a story f how so much went wrong. Brinkley's meticulous assembly f the facts into a detailed chronology and analysis is devastating at times to virtually everyone in an official role-from New Orleans's mayor, Ray Nagin, to Louisiana's governor, Kathleen Blanco, to the secretary f the Department f Homeland Security, Michael Chertff, to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's "Brownie," to the man who gave him that nickname. And Brinkley pulls no punches: "Every time the Bush administration and the state f Louisiana hesitated, lawyered-up, and read the fine print f Homeland Security procedure, an American died prematurely," he writes. Brinkley's extensive footnotes deepen the sense f reading a cohesive and objective take on a complicated event. As the disaster continues to recede from the forefront f the minds f those who have that luxury and as inevitable election year finger-pointing provides ever more spin about what happened and why, The Great Deluge could hardly be a more timely, important, and effective antidote-to complacency, to poor leadership, and to the lack f accountability. To borrow a phrase: "Brinkley, you did a heckuva job." Brinkley criticized the Bush administration for its lack f reaction during the 72 hours immediately following the hurricane, when rescue is still possible. He also criticized elected officials for caring more about what their lawyers had to say about potential lawsuits than saving those in need. Instead, many victims were evacuated by private organizations or citizens like Jimmy. There was the Cajun Navy, a
There is no set topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
There is no set topic - Essay Example In the third stanza the poet explains the fact again that both the roads did not hold much difference. He thinks that he will come back to walk on the other road some other time. But despite of this he is aware of the fact that it will not be possible for him to come back again and choose the other road. In the final stanza of the poem, Frost explains that after years he will actually be sharing his experience with others and tell them that he had an option of choosing one of the two paths in the woods. He will share the reason for his choice. â€Å"The Road Not Taken†by Robert Frost has a deep message to convey and is not just simply about the woods and choice of the path that he takes. The poem explains the occurrence that happens in the life of every individual. It presents the occasion of choice that comes in the life of a person. In the life of a person, there are many instances when one has to choose between many different options and a person has to think before taking a decision. This happens many times and is a common occurrence in the life of almost every individual. The choice pertains to many important matters. This importance of choice is signified by Frost’s confusion before choosing for one of the paths in the wood and he analyzes both of them before opting for one of them. Also it explains the fact that it is very difficult for a person to come back to the same point in his life and begin again because every decision that a person takes initiates a cascade of events which needs the person to take further decisions. Hence it is impossible to actually move back again and start from the scratch. The poem also presents a very important aspect of human nature which is dissatisfaction. A human being is never satisfied with what he gets and what he opts for. He usually keeps on thinking that if he had chosen the second option, he might have been in a better position and this ambiguity is seen in Frost’s poem when he also
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Associations such as the ACM and the Australian Computer Society have Essay
Associations such as the ACM and the Australian Computer Society have developed code of ethics for computing professionals - Essay Example Organisations such as Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) and Australian Computer Society (ACS) are strong advocates of ethical practices by IT personnel and have laid out sets of recommendations. This essay will look at some of their codes and how they can have practical use in reducing clearly identified threats to computer systems. At the outset, it is important to remember that almost any sort of business enterprise today will have a dedicated IT department. Hence the code of ethics laid down by ACM and ACS are applicable to IT personnel of such departments, irrespective of the business domain of the particular organisation. Some of the frequently occuring information security breaches are common for almost all businesses that are enabled by Information Technology. Broadly speaking, the term system security threats refers to â€Å"the acts or incidents that can and will affect the integrity of business systems, which in turn will affect the reliability and privacy of business data†. (Lin, 2006). Irrespective of the size of the organisation, the threat is persistent, and hence measures have to be undertaken to curb security breaches and ensure business continuity. Beyond the commonly identified security threats such as Viruses, Spyware, Adware, etc, a major source of information leakage and misappropriation occurs due to the abuse/misuse of computer network by employees themselves. (Lin, 2006). Since IT personnel have privileged access to vital business information, it is often very tempting for them to misuse this privilege and undermine the prospects for their employers. Employees are also prone to using Internet connectivity for their personal use when in fact they were strictly meant for official use. For example while email and general Internet access are given to improve productivity, surveys have shown that employees (including IT personnel) use them for such activities as online-shopping, playing games, social
Monday, July 22, 2019
Introduction into Tesco Essay Example for Free
Introduction into Tesco Essay Tescos main headquarters may be based in Hertfordshire but Tescos have hundreds of stores all around the United Kingdom. In the year of 1997 Tescos had 586 stores around the country and had an annual profit of i 760m. 2 years later Tescos had increased its amount of stores around the country to 639 with that move came a greater profit as it rose to i 919m. in 2001 Tescos profit rose once more and so did its stores its annual profit for the year was i 1,100m it store count was now up to 692. Tescos offers many types of stores including Tesco Metro, a put-of-town store, Tesco express, this store has a petrol station combined with a retail site, and most recently Tescos extra, this is a new concept and offers more verity to shopping, Tescos extra offers a wider range of products all this is available over 100,000 square feet of retail space. It sells many things including groceries, all types of foods, cloths and household electrical accessories; Tescos purpose is to provide top quality service through selling its products Newport has two stores, which can be found on Cardiff road and Newport Retail Park, spytty. Type of ownership The type of ownership my first company has is public limited company (PLC). This means that the company is of a large size and employs 1000s of employees, a likely reason behind this running of the company is that it offers the security of limited liability, due to the advantages of having shares on the stock exchange. Any one over the age of 18 can purchase shares on the stock exchange, these shares bring in greater capital to the business. The company is run and owned by its shareholders, the public. The shareholders are able to employ high quality managers and directors meaning the running of the company are of high standard If the company went bankrupt then the owners would not be liable for its debts, this is because the company is PLC, and therefor it is protected by limited liability. This means that the company has its own legal identity and its owners are not responsible for its debts, however they would lose the money that they put in at the beginning. Introduction: Tesco Company History Recant history Tesco is one of Britains leading food retailers and has 586 stores though out Great Britain. From 1992 Tesco has grown greatly and has increased its market share from 10. 4% to 15. 2%. This increse in customers has also given Tesco a large amount of profit. Tesco has 164,500 shareholders. Tescos profit is about 505 million pounds after the tax has been deducted; about 50%of this is then distributed to the shareholders as dividends. The rest roughly 250 million pounds is held back for investment in stores and improving services for the customers. The average shareholder holds between one and one thousand shares, but also banks, pension funds and building sercertys, hold a large amount of shares. Tescos share prices have risen since February 1997 when it was 349p to 586p on the 21st April 1998. The shares have peaked a high price of 603p. With this growth Tescos is now the largest super market chain. How Did Tesco actually start? Tesco was founded in 1924 by Sir Jack Cohen. He used his gratuity for his Army service in the World War to start selling groceries in Londons East End markets in 1919. The brand name Tesco first appeared on packets of tea in the 1920s. The name was based on the initials of T. E Stockwell, a partner in the firm of tea suppliers, and the first two letters of Cohen. The business grew and in 1947 Tesco Stores (Holdings) Ltd was floated on the stock exchange, with a share price of 25p. The price at the start of March 2001 the price raised to around 260p. When did the first Tesco self-service store open? Self-service supermarkets started in the USA in the 1930s during the depression. By selling a wider variety and larger volume of stock and employing fewer staff they cold offer lower prices to the public. Jack Cohen opened the first Tesco store in St Albans in 1948. When did Tesco open its first supermarket? In 1956 the first Tesco self-service supermarket was opened in a converted cinema in Maldon. By the early 1960s Tesco was a household name, as well as selling groceries, the stores sold fresh food, clothing and household goods. The Tesco store which opened in Leicester 1961 had 16,500 square feet of space and went into the Guinness Book of records as the largest store in Europe. By buying bulk and keeping costs down, Tesco should have been able to sell at very competitive prices to its customers. Until 1964 however suppliers were, by law, able to insist that retailers charged at a set price for their products (Retail Price Maintenance). The intention was to protect small shops against the lower prices that big retailers could offer their customers. How did Tesco deal with the law on Resale Price Maintenance? Tesco introduced trading stamps so that it could bring lower prices to customers. Customers collected stamps as they purchased their groceries and other items. When they had collected enough stamps to fill a book, they could exchange the book for cash or other gifts. Other retailers soon copied Tesco. Sir Jack was one of the leaders in pursuing parliament to abolish Resale Price Management in 1964. After this Tesco continued to offer trading stamps until 1977. How did the company grow in the 1960s? Apart from opening its new stores, Tesco bought existing chains of stores. In 1960it took over a chain of 212 stores in the north of England and added another 144 stores in 1964 and 1965. In 1968 the Victor Value chain became part of the company. When was the first superstore opened? Tesco introduced the concept of a superstore in 1967 when it opened a 90,000 square feet store in Westbury, Wiltshire. The term superstore was first actually used when Tesco opened its store in Crawley, West Sussex in 1968. How did Tesco change its image? By 1970 Tesco was a household name. The slogan Pile it high and sell it cheap was the title of Sir Jack Cohens autobiography. But as people were becoming better off, they were looking for more luxurious items as well as everyday household and food products. In the late 1970s the company decided to broaden its customer base and make its stores more attractive to a wider range of customers. Many of the older high street stores were closed and the company concentrated on developing bigger out-of-town superstores. Tesco finally stopped giving out trading stamps in 1977 at the same time as introducing a price cutting campaign under the banner Checkout at Tesco which proved to be a major success. How did Tesco maintain its growth in the 1980s? During the 1980s Tesco continued to build new superstores, opening its 100th in 1985. In 1987 it announced a i 500 million programme to build another 29 stores. By 1991, the popularity of Tesco Petrol filling stations at its superstores had made the company Britains biggest independent petrol retailer. In 1985 Tesco introduced its Healthy Eating initiative. Its own brand products carried nutritional advice and many were branded with the Healthy Eating symbol. By 1990 Tesco was a very different company from what it was 20 years before. The Tesco superstore offered customers free parking as well as cheap groceries and a pleasant shopping environment. In 1992, it opened the first Tesco Metro, a city centre store meeting the needs of workers, high street shoppers and the local community. This was followed by Tesco Express, combining a petrol filling station with a local convenience store to give local communities more choice in their shopping. Tesco broke new ground in food retailing by introducing, in 1995, the first customer loyalty card, which rewarded regular shoppers whilst helping the company discover more about its customers needs.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Activity Based Costing (ABC) Advantages and Disadvantages
Activity Based Costing (ABC) Advantages and Disadvantages Activity Based Costing which is popularly known as ABC system has been considered as an economic map of an organizations expenses and profitability based on organizational activities according to Kaplan R; and Cooper R. An activity is an event, task or unit of work with a specified purpose, for instance, designing a product, setting up machines, operating machines, and distributing products; by Horngren, Foster, Datar. According to Kaplan R.S Cooper R; ABC system came in the mid-1980s to meet the need for accurate information required by managers about cost of resources demanded by individual products, services and customers. It emerged as competition moved from local to global and from the efficient use of direct labour and machines. Absorption Costing also known as full costing is a traditional costing system developed in the 1900s, by which overheads incurred within a period were absorbed into the products by Kilgour D. The traditional absorption costing was introduced at a time when technology was simpler, competition was local, products were standard and not customised products and services, speed, quality and performance were not measurement for success in reference to Kaplan R.S Cooper R. Importance of Absorption Costing System or Activity Based Costing: According to Horngren, Foster Datar, the importance of a costing system should depend on whether the company is producing one type of product and therefore could allocate all overhead costs using one cost pool and one cost rate or whether the company is producing different kind of products and therefore need a system which could enable it apportion the total cost of resources accurately according to their usage of those resources. As companies began to expand and delve into producing variety of products, they began to notice that some products place more demand on their resources than others. It became important to absorb overhead when products which are not the same but required different production processes or jobs which although the use the same facility but at a length of time according to Terry L. To ascertain how to apportion overheads to products or services, traditional absorption costing involves two stages; the first stage is the allocation and apportionment and the second stage is the use of absorption rate to absorb overheads into products. Overhead Allocation: Terry L; overhead allocation is the assignment of all cost incurred to a single cost unit, centre account or time period. Overhead Apportionment: This is a case where the costs incurred could not be identified with only one cost centre therefore the cost is shared between the cost centres using that service, for instance, lighting cost would be shared between all the cost centres using a suitable basis, Terry L. It is important that the basis upon which costs are apportioned are relevant, fair and equitable; Terry L. Overhead Absorption Rate: This is usually calculated at the beginning of a period therefore it is based on budgeted costs and production volumes, AAT units 89. The formula is as follows: Total overheads of cost centre Total number of units of absorption base applicable to cost centre According to Terry L; before calculating absorption rate, the absorption base chosen has to reflect the characteristics of the given cost centre. The basis most commonly used are direct labour hours for a labour intensive cost centre and the machine hour basis usually used where the cost centre is highly mechanised. With exception of the above two basis, other basis include; Direct wages, Direct material, Prime cost and Cost unit. ABC System: Activity Based Costing began in a manufacturing setting but has been more service -oriented than product oriented. Service Industries as much as manufacturing industries need ABC system to connect the cost resources they supply to the revenues earned by the individual products and customers serviced by these resources in reference to Horngren, Foster Datar. ABC System has three key features are: (1) With the system all costs used by a product whether variable or fixed in the short-run or overheads(indirect costs)in the long-run are identified by creating cost pools as ABC is focused on long-run variable costs for instance as Terry L; said, costs for supporting activities like stock handling, production scheduling and so on. Cost Pool: Classifying all related costs to a particular activity together according to Terry L. (2) The second feature of ABC system is; An amount of an activity performed in each cost pool is recognised as a basis of allocation for instance, set-up hours as a measure of set up activity. Horngren, Foster, Datar. (3) The third feature is that costs in a cost pool can sometimes be traced directly to products. Horngren, Foster, Datar. The Differences Between Traditional Absorption Costing and Activity Based Costing. The differences between the two costing system are easy to notice. Below are lists of some of them: The traditional absorption costing was introduced at the time when technology was simple, there was only local competition and not global, when products were standard not customised, from Kaplan S.R Cooper R. ABC system emerged at the time when competition had become global and fierce and had shifted from the efficient use of labour hours and machines, by Kaplan S.R Cooper R. The traditional costing uses mostly two allocation bases to allocate overheads to products; direct labour basis for a labour intensive company and the machine hour basis for a highly mechanised company. These two bases would not capture the demand of a particular product on the resources of the organisation. There are no cause and effect relationship to an allocation base with the use of this method, Horngren, Foster, Datar. With ABC system, costs of activities within the organisation are more accurately measured because the cost pools are properly structured with specific activity cost allocation bases which became cost drivers for the cost pool. Cost Driver: factor influencing the level of cost from Terry L. In the traditional absorption system, absorption rates are based on predetermined figures thereby giving rise to under and over absorption of overhead. Under absorption arises when the estimated overhead is less than the actual overhead. Over absorption of overhead arises when the overhead absorbed exceeds the actual overhead ; from AAT Study text units 89. The measurement required to implement ABC system are costly as the system demands that management should estimate costs of activity pool, identify and measure cost drivers for the cost pools to serve as allocation bases; from, Horngren, Foster, Datar. The use of ABC system will require its activity cost rates to be updated regularly and a detailed ABC system consumes time, is difficult to understand and operate, Horngren, Foster Datar. Illustration : As an illustration of the differences between traditional absorption costing and activity based costing,with attention to set up activity, the effect of allocating all overheads using direct labour hours as against an ABC emphasis on individual activities, the name of the company shall be called Z. Z produces two kinds of lenses for an automobile company. The first product is a simple lenses, the second product is called complex lenses. Set ups involves trial runs, fine tuning, adjustments, wrong set-ups cause quality problems such as scratches . Each set-up requires different resources depending on the complexity of the operation. Complex lenses are produced in small batches because the mold has to be cleaned more often. Horngren, Foster Datar. According to Horngren, Foster, Datar, set-up data for simple lens and complex lens are: Simple Complex S3 lens CL5 lens Total (1) Quantity produced 60,000 15,000 (2) Lens per batch 240 50 (3) No of batches (1/2) 250 300 (4) Set-up time per batch 2hours 5hours (5) Total set-up hours (3)*(4) 500hours 1500hours 2000hours Direct manufacturing labour hours 30000hrs 9750hrs 39750hrs Z recognises total cost of set-ups comprising of allocated costs of process engineers, supervisors, set-up equipment of  £300,000. Solution: The table below shows how the set-up costs have been allocated to simple and complex lenses using direct labour hours and setup hours: Setup cost per direct labour hours: (300,000/39750)= £7.54717 Setup cost per setup hours: (300,000/2000)=  £150 Simple Complex Total S3 lens CL5 lens Cost allocated using direct labour hrs:  £7.54717* 30000;  £7.54717*9750  £226,415  £73,585  £300,000 Cost allocated using setup hrs:  £150*500;  £150*1500  £75,000  £225,000  £300,000 Implementing the Activity Based Costing System: The choice of implementing Activity Based Costing depends on the managers after evaluating the advantages and disadvantages, controlling the amount of details required and cost. ABC system enables management to see their existing and predetermined cost of activities and business processes which then equips them with knowledge of the cost and profitability of the various products, services, customers and operating units according to Kaplan S.R, Cooper R. There are several steps the company could take to change the existing costing system. These are: Step 1: List all the activities of the company performed by indirect and support Resources, for instance, material handling, schedule production and so on. Step 2: Find out how much the company is spending on each activity in the company. Step 3: Indentify the companys products, services and customers, Kaplan S.R, Cooper R. Step 4: Charge support overheads by their usage of the activity with emphasis on the Cause-effect relationship. Recommendation: ABC system is recommended since it provides more accurate product Costs. The system has been used successfully in some service industries Such as the Cooperative Banks to identify profitability, product mixes, Improve efficiency and satisfy customers, Horngren, Foster Datar.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Understanding And Coping With Client Resistance Social Work Essay
Understanding And Coping With Client Resistance Social Work Essay Professional social workers frequently encounter a thorny situation called client resistance. As resistance is inevitable in the intervention process and will very likely affect the intervention outcomes, study of client resistance is important to social workers and learning how to manage it will be pivotal to achieve expected goals and objectives. This paper will firstly narrate the writer s personal experience so as to put the issue of client resistance on the agenda and give a brief description of involuntary clients or client resistance, then present the writer s understanding of them in terms of their several distinctive features, and finally propose tentative strategies of coping with client resistance. Keywords: resistance; involuntary clients; intervention skills Introduction As potential social workers, we probably will be brought into contact with more and more involuntary clients in the future, like mentally illness patients, deviant behavior adolescents, violent parents, battered children, etc.. Some of them are legally mandated to engage with service providers (Rooney,1992), while others are experiencing social or non-legal pressures, for example, being coerced by family members to seek assistance for a particular behavior (Rooney,1992). These kinds of clients constitute a high proportion of whole clients and display more resistant behaviors than those voluntary ones. Often, they do not seek help willingly and may demonstrate resistant behaviors such as negative evasions, pretended obedience or undisguised hostilities, threats and attacks from the very beginning of the worker s intervention. Therefore, how to interact with and intervene in this type of clients has become a tremendous challenge in the field of social work practice and it is important for social workers to get a deeper understanding of involuntary clients. Case Example X once was a primary school teacher with a fine income, and her husband Y has been running a factory which creates a great deal of wealth to the whole family. Everything seemed perfect that the couple were devoted to each other and have a daughter C who was in her second year in a satisfactory university. Unfortunately, X was extensively burnt in an explosion accident three years ago. Since then, she lost self-confidence because of her disfigured face and refused to go out for the fears of being laughed at. The daughter Z tried to took her out for an airing and ease her anxieties and inferiority about the disfigurement but failed. Since a lot of people pointed at her on the street, X felt painful and tended to isolate herself. To make things worse, not too long after her accident, her husband Y began to make relationship with another woman and was spending a large sum of time and money on that woman. He went to his factory early and back home late every day and seldom had meals at home which was entirely different from what it was before. In addition to Y s indifference, Z was studying at a university so far from home that she was unable to accompany her mother all the time. Consequently, X always staied alone at home with the feeling of helpless and hopeless. Although sometimes Y would come back home and cook meals for A, he had nothing to talk with X. Actually, the daughter Z here is me. I was extremely anguished, seeing my originally harmonious family rapidly disappeared. I tried to cope with such a depressing family atmosphere, but found it difficult. However, when I look back and combine the past experiences with what I have learnt in MSW, I have been realized that there were such a lot of unwise actions had been taken to resolve my family problems. Examples are showed as follows: In that period of time, I tended to communicate with my mother more than with my father and owe this difference to gender similarity and the tragic suffering of my mother. I spent much time on comforting her just because she was the only victim as in my own perception. I constantly teaching my mother how to calm herself down and change her mindsets, so as to survive in a miserable feeling. Unexpectedly, when I suggested her talking more with my father, she just sneered, saying he is so obstinate that nothing will change his mind . It could be inferred that she was still pessimistic and lacked motivation to make changes in spite of my consistent encouragement. On the other hand, the stereotypes that men are always mentally stronger than women made me totally forgot that my father was suffering pains and he needed care as well. Hardly had I decided to concern for and communicate with my father when I learnt that I should take him into consideration early. The most challenging thing was that he had been greatly reluctant to talk about either his former or current relationship with my mother especially the information about his extramarital love. He even did not admit any fault he had made. I have to acknowledge that I was livid when I found out that my father had been two-timing his wife and was highly emotional and illiberally prejudiced against as a result. Only now did I understand the reasons why I failed to assist my parents in settling their contradiction. My deficient consideration of my father s personality and the dignity as a man almost turned an equal dialogue into a thoughtless bickering. In fact, my father was defiant in the who le session because he was afraid that his authoritative status in the family would be ruined, however, I did not realize that kind of unwillingness at that time. No doubt, neither my mother nor my father is my client in the sense of professional, but if they are viewed as clients, it will be a classic case of client resistance. Definition of Client Resistance When doing the literature review, I found that the term involuntary is sometimes used interchangeably with resistant, however, the former refers to the status of the client , while the latter refers to behaviors or characteristics that hinder the therapeutic process (Chui Ho, 2006). Usually, involuntary clients show some resistant thoughts and behaviors. Freud (1914/1957) originally conceptualized resistance as the client s effort to repress anxiety-provoking memories and insights in the unconscious during psychoanalytic free association (Freud, 1914/1957). According to the perspective of social interaction theory, resistance is psychological forces aroused in the client that restrain acceptance of influence (acceptance of the counselors suggestion) and are generated by the way the suggestion is stated and by the characteristics of the counselor stating it (Strong Matross, 1973). Simply stated, resistance has been defined as a process of avoiding or diminishing the self-disclosing communication requested by the interviewer because of its capacity to make the interviewee uncomfortable or anxious (Pope, 1979). Client resistance should not be regarded as something that happens within the client, as a response to his or her inner workings, and must be overcome by the counselor (Cowan Presbury, 2000). Rather, resistance should be understood as a phenomenon that emerges between client and therapist in the unfolding interaction between their differently organized subjective worlds (Cowan Presbury, 2000). In a word, resistance is treated as results from the communication pattern of the counselor and the client. In other words, resistance emerges when the intervention strategies are not gear to clients willingness to accept the style in which the intervention is conducted. Typical Involuntary Clients This part is a personal understanding towards client resistance. Based on an examination of the case example and the literature review, I summarized three types of involuntary clients. 1. Clients Who Have Inadequate Strength or Ability Some clients do not have the ability to take care of themselves or seek help from others, such as the disabled, the battered children and the abandoned elderly. These clients are normally forced by others to consult an agency and a social worker. 2. Clients Who Have Insufficient Motivation The clients who fall into the difficult position for a long time may feel mentally exhausted and have no extra will to seek help. Take some battered women as an example, they tend to have a despairing view of the marriage because of the learned helplessness and may find it meaningless to join in the intervention tasks. Similar to those who have inadequate strength or ability, the majority of the insufficiently motivated clients are not willingly attended the intervention tasks. 3. Clients Who Lack Introspection Although some people know that they are mired in difficulties because of their misbehaviors, they have insufficient self-contemplation, and self-examination when faced with the problems they have, which, as a result, make the problems relapse again and again. This is also the reason why most drug or alcoholic abusers find it difficult to completely overcome their additions. Skills of Coping with Client Resistance For involuntary clients, it is a common phenomenon that they will be reluctant towards self-exposure and conservative to their own experience because they worry about that not doing so would threaten their self-concept. It is necessary for a social worker to learn how to alleviate clients excessive anxiety. Social workers are expected to adjust their intervention methods and the styles to the need of clients. Since most involuntary clients pay much attention to self-protection, the workers should not only avoid requesting or anticipating their self-betrayal, but also refrain from any actions that attempting to tear down clients mask. 1. To Find Out the Third Party In general, social workers are required to listen carefully to clients, thus provide clients more opportunities to express their feelings and perceptions and make them feel respected and admitted. However, things are different when confronting involuntary clients. Since it is an issue of power and control that the pouring-out people are usually vulnerable whereas the listening people always have the power to make evaluation and assessment, the involuntary clients tend to crave a sense of empower through the process of resistance and rebuttal. In involuntary cases, the third party is needed in the course of the entire conversation. If I intake a client like my mother, I should not unilaterally focus on counseling the client changing herself, but on concerning several means to bring the third party into the intervention so that establishing a social work C client C the third party triangular communication system. In short, the third party is ones who push clients to seek help or forced them to ask for counseling. 2. To Make the Intervention Process Clear Apart from understanding about the force that push clients into the intervention, the workers should also enquire about whether the clients have any other confusions. It aims at discovering the problems which clients want to improve. The worker as a listener should do something to give clients a feeling that they are under a clearly planned effective assistance. In addition, it is very important to make sure that clients know what will the worker do and will not do. For example, summarizing or reflecting clients current situation or their main resentment can possibly promote their expectation to the counseling and enhance social workers reliability as well. 3. To Alleviate Clients Anxieties about Changes Resistant clients may or may not recognize that they have a problem, and/or may not want to engage in a process of change (Rooney, 1992) so that they will take resistance as an means to protect themselves from the unknown (Yalom Molyn, 2005). They might be resistant towards the therapeutic process because it involves changing their current maladaptive behavior (Chui Ho, 2006). An available method to ease clients anxiety about change is to make them feel more sense of control. The less the clients can control the process and results of intervention, the more they will view social workers as the representatives of those who force them to participate in the intervention. Consequently, the degree of resistance may increase dramatically. Such situation requires social workers to discuss with clients about the reasons why they are recommended to have the counseling. If a client is compelled to accept counseling, the social worker may point it out to the client that he could reject the counseling and bear the consequences of such rejection, thus restore their sense of control. Furthermore, as cultivating new behaviors is much easier than changing old ones, it might be more reasonable and effective that social works try to train the clients to foster some new patterns of communication and behavioral habits, rather than amend their previous habits, thus establish a harmonious relationship with clients. Some more complex intervention, such as teaching clients relaxation skills, or assisting them in analyzing the irrational thoughts, may have immediate utilities to the involuntary clients. Discussion The relationship between the social worker and the client is always living no matter what happened in the process of intervention. One of the major responsibilities for social workers is paying enough attention to the quality and the health of rapport-building process. To some extent, clients changes or improvements come from an appropriate and valid interaction within a harmonious relationship. As potential social workers, in addition to understanding of various theories or therapies which provide different approaches to resolve client resistance, we should also learn to determine how best to address that relational dynamic in counseling (Joshua, 2008).
A General Review of the Chemistry and Utility of Scopolamine Essay
The study of scopolamine involves aspects that are manifold and complex. In this investigation, the pathways for biological and laboratory syntheses were elucidated, in additional to the physical and chemical properties and characteristics of scopolamine. 13C-NMR and H-NMR were generated from collected data, and the isolation and uses of scopolamine were discussed. Introduction Scopolamine's uses have roots in ancient times and have pervaded into the present. This heterocyclic tropane alkaloid is naturally found in Solanaceas plants and can be prepared in the laboratory from various precursors. First isolated in the late nineteenth century, it has found various uses in the modern world. In humans, scopolamine is therapeutically employed in opthamallogical procedures to cause mydriosis, prolonged dialation of the iris, and is used to prevent and treat motion sickness. Because it depresses the central nervous system, it has been used as an amnesiac for birthing mothers, producing "Twlight Sleep." It does not have great chemical utility and decomposes on standing or heating; therefore it is stored in hydrated forms or as salts with HCl or HBr. Historical Usage of Scopolamine During the Middle Ages, drug addicts used potions derived from compounds such as the tropane alkaloids, which are found in solanaceous plants. The sensation of flying, in addition to hallucinations were attributed to the application of such ointments. These early drug addicts were often victims of witch-hunts. In addition, scopolamine was used as an anaesthetic during surgery, until physicians were accused of sorcery upon the disclosure of their patients' odd dreams. Plant-derived tropane alkaloids were used for cosmetic reasons: until the Renaissa... ...nonymous. NASTECH FILES NDA FOR INTRANASAL SCOPOLAMINE. 1999. Nastech Pharmaceutical Company Inc. press release. 10. Ladenburg, Albert. Justus Liebig's Annalen Der Chemie. 1881. 206: 274. 11. Fodor, G. Tetrahedron, 1957, 14: 86. 12. Budavari, Susan. ed. The Merck Index. 12 ed. 1996. Merck & Co. Inc. New Jersey. Entry 8550. 13. Ansell, M. F. Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. 1985. New York: Elsevier. 209. 14. Glasby, J. S. Encyclopaedia of the Alkaloids. 1975. New York: Plenum Press. l:731. 15. Brossi, Arnold. The Alkaloids. 1988. Academic Press: San Diego CA. 33:54, 63 16. Marion, L. and A.F. Thomas. A further Observation on the Biogenesis of Hyoscyamine. 1955. Can. J. Chem. 33: 1853. 17. Leete, E., Marion, L., and Spencer, I.D. Nature, 1954, 174: 650. 18. Herbert, R. B. Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. 1985. New York: Elsevier. 219 A General Review of the Chemistry and Utility of Scopolamine Essay The study of scopolamine involves aspects that are manifold and complex. In this investigation, the pathways for biological and laboratory syntheses were elucidated, in additional to the physical and chemical properties and characteristics of scopolamine. 13C-NMR and H-NMR were generated from collected data, and the isolation and uses of scopolamine were discussed. Introduction Scopolamine's uses have roots in ancient times and have pervaded into the present. This heterocyclic tropane alkaloid is naturally found in Solanaceas plants and can be prepared in the laboratory from various precursors. First isolated in the late nineteenth century, it has found various uses in the modern world. In humans, scopolamine is therapeutically employed in opthamallogical procedures to cause mydriosis, prolonged dialation of the iris, and is used to prevent and treat motion sickness. Because it depresses the central nervous system, it has been used as an amnesiac for birthing mothers, producing "Twlight Sleep." It does not have great chemical utility and decomposes on standing or heating; therefore it is stored in hydrated forms or as salts with HCl or HBr. Historical Usage of Scopolamine During the Middle Ages, drug addicts used potions derived from compounds such as the tropane alkaloids, which are found in solanaceous plants. The sensation of flying, in addition to hallucinations were attributed to the application of such ointments. These early drug addicts were often victims of witch-hunts. In addition, scopolamine was used as an anaesthetic during surgery, until physicians were accused of sorcery upon the disclosure of their patients' odd dreams. Plant-derived tropane alkaloids were used for cosmetic reasons: until the Renaissa... ...nonymous. NASTECH FILES NDA FOR INTRANASAL SCOPOLAMINE. 1999. Nastech Pharmaceutical Company Inc. press release. 10. Ladenburg, Albert. Justus Liebig's Annalen Der Chemie. 1881. 206: 274. 11. Fodor, G. Tetrahedron, 1957, 14: 86. 12. Budavari, Susan. ed. The Merck Index. 12 ed. 1996. Merck & Co. Inc. New Jersey. Entry 8550. 13. Ansell, M. F. Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. 1985. New York: Elsevier. 209. 14. Glasby, J. S. Encyclopaedia of the Alkaloids. 1975. New York: Plenum Press. l:731. 15. Brossi, Arnold. The Alkaloids. 1988. Academic Press: San Diego CA. 33:54, 63 16. Marion, L. and A.F. Thomas. A further Observation on the Biogenesis of Hyoscyamine. 1955. Can. J. Chem. 33: 1853. 17. Leete, E., Marion, L., and Spencer, I.D. Nature, 1954, 174: 650. 18. Herbert, R. B. Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. 1985. New York: Elsevier. 219
Friday, July 19, 2019
Britney Spears Essay -- Biography
Modern society has made a sub-culture that lives in a reality that is not real. It is so far from the truth that the inhabitants of this sub-culture so often cannot live in both realities and have become a spectacle for others to marvel at. This sub-culture is made up of entertainers, millionaires, and athletes. The people in this group can range from newborns to death and some live on well after. The specimens that I find an interest in are the young ones that enter into this society not knowing well that their lives will never be the same. Britney Spears was just another victim of the society that brings into their prison. Britney Spears was born on December 2, 1981. She lived in Kentwood, Louisiana and was constantly performing in front of people and always wanted to be on 'Star Search'. Britney tried out for the New Mickey Mouse Club at age 8 and then again at 11 and made it. Then she went solo because her talent was evident and she wanted more (A & E Television Networks, 2011). Britney was very successful from 1998 to 2000. During these years, things were changing for her. Britney was telling people about her â€Å"remaining a virgin until marriage†yet she was posing in pictures that convinced people to think otherwise. Her albums still continued to sell in the United States as well as in Europe. She embarked on many successful roads through 2003 (Wikipedia, 2011). Her public finally saw her as a woman not a girl. In 2002, Britney and her boyfriend Justin Timberlake broke up. The following year during the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards, Britney and former fellow Mouseketeer Christina Alguilera kissed Madonna sensually (A&E Television Networks, 2011). Madonna has been a major influence in Britney's life. Ever since she was a... ...ality disorder is not extreme as it could be from the information that could be found. Because of this, there may be hope that she could live without medication and only therapy. This would be determined as she progresses. Having a stable support system may enable Britney to go back into the singing again but I would recommend that she only does this for small blocks of time. So many young people go into the entertainment business. Most of them do not know that without a support system to keep them grounded and stable their mental development can be compromised. The society that we place so high in our culture and deem worthy of such high praise, eat our children alive. They grow too fast, have to defend themselves constantly, and are watched around the clock. As a society, we must take a look at what we are doing to the people in the entertainment industry.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Explore Models Of Disability
The medical model: is presented as viewing disability as a problem of the person, directly caused by disease, trauma, or other health condition which therefore requires sustained medical care provided in the form of individual treatment by professionals. In the medical model, management of the disability is aimed at a â€Å"cure,†or the individual’s adjustment and behavioral change that would lead to an â€Å"almost-cure†or effective cure. In the medical model, medical care is viewed as the main issue.The Social Model : The social model of disability sees the issue of â€Å"disability†as a socially created problem and a matter of the full integration of individuals into society. In this model, disability is not an attribute of an individual, but rather a complex collection of conditions, many of which are created by the social environment. Hence, the management of the problem requires social action and is the collective responsibility of society at larg e to make the environmental modifications necessary for the full participation of people with disabilities in all areas of social life.The issue is both cultural and ideological, requiring individual, community, and large-scale social change. From this perspective, equal access for someone with an impairment/disability is a human rights issue of major concern. The Moral Model: Refers to the attitude that people are morally responsible for their own disability. For example, the disability may be seen as a result of bad actions of parents if congenital, or as a result of practising witchcraft if not.The empowering Model: Allows for the person with a disability and his/her family to decide the course of their treatment and what services they wish to benefit from. This, in turn, turns the professional into a service provider whose role is to offer guidance and carry out the client’s decisions. In other words, this model â€Å"empowers†the individual to pursue his/her own goals. The examples above are only some of the ‘models’ of disability which have been defined over the last few years.The two most frequently mentioned are the ‘social’ and the ‘medical’ models of disability. The medical model of disability views disability as a ‘problem’ that belongs to the disabled individual. It is not seen as an issue to concern anyone other than the individual affected. For example, if a wheelchair using individual is unable to get into a building because of some steps, the medical model would suggest that this is because of the wheelchair, rather than the steps. The social model of disability, in contrast, would see the steps as the disabling barrier.This model draws on the idea that it is society that disables people, through designing everything to meet the needs of the majority of people who are not disabled. There is a recognition within the social model that there is a great deal that society can do to r educe, and ultimately remove, some of these disabling barriers, and that this task is the responsibility of society, rather than the disabled person. Many people are willing to adopt the social model and to make adjustments for people who have a visible disability.However, they are not as accommodating with people who have a hidden disability, or a disability that is not clearly understood. People with impairments are disabled by the fact that they are excluded from participation within the mainstream of society as a result of physical, organisational and attitudinal barriers. These barriers prevent them from gaining equal access to information, education, employment, public transport, housing and social/recreational opportunities. However, recent developments promote inclusion.Anti-discrimination legislation, equal-opportunity policies and programmes of positive action have arisen because it is now more widely recognised that disabled people are unnecessarily and unjustly restricte d in or prevented from taking part in a whole range of social activities which non-disabled people access and take for granted. In my day service, working in a person centred manner is imperative for all the individuals that attend. Respecting their individuality and uniqueness is paramount.Whilst understanding the medical model is essential to treat conditions, receive pain relieving drugs and identify necessary assistive aids, understanding the social model of disability is equally as essential. As a service we undertook with our service users the task of going out in our local town and seeing firsthand what barriers people with physical/sensory disabilities faced. We identified several venues, e. g. library, bank, park and local indoor market and we set out to identify what barriers, if any our service users faced trying to access the facilities.The social barriers were evident immediately. The library had stairs with no lift, so it was inaccessible for wheelchair users, the park had extremely uneven footpaths, which was extremely dangerous for people with walking aids and the bank had an electronic door, but only stayed open for 3 seconds so the individual I had accompanied there in a wheelchair would have actually got stuck in the door had I not been there to press the door again quickly to reopen it.As a service, we supported our service users in writing letters to the organisations explaining the difficulties disabled people faced trying to access their buildings and our service users told us they felt empowered and liberated having done that. As a service, which is named ‘Our Choice’ that is exactly what it is, the service users choice in what they want to do with their time with us, how they want to do it and with whom.My role is to ensure I am properly trained to work with a range of person centred planning tools and implement them tools in a person centred way. I ensure that our agency staff and our volunteers understand the ethos of pe rson centred planning and maintain high training standards so that our service users feel respected and empowered at all times.
What Is the International Business Environment?
1What is the extracurricular(a) business environs? ? Globalisation what is sphericalisation 0o is the closer integrating of the countries and populations of the world brought about by the terrible reduction of costs of transit and communication, and the break of serve down of artificial barriers to the flows of goods, advantages, capital, knowledge, and people across borders. Stiglitz, 2002) 0o Globalisation is being brought about by the enormous reduction of costs of transportation and communication, and the breaking down of artificial barriers to the flows of goods, services, capital, knowledge, and people across borders resulting in the closer integrating of the countries and people of the world ? TNCs what is TNCs, why TNCs 0o international corporations (TNCs) are integrated or unorganised go-aheads comprising parent enterprises and their foreign affiliates.A parent enterprise is defined as an enterprise that controls assets of some other(a) entities in coun tries other than its home bucolic, unremarkably by owning a certain lawfulness capital post. An equity capital stake of 10% or more of the everyday shares or voting power for an incorporated enterprise, or its equivalent for an unincorporated enterprise, is ordinarily considered as the threshold for the control of assets. In some countries, an equity stake of other than 10% is still used. United Nations decoct of Transnational Corporations, 1990) 0o They consider, that there are ternary important characteristics that distinguish the multinational administration from its multinational, international and global counterparts 1) It builds and legitimizes multiple various(a) internal perspectives. In multinational companies c entirely decisions are as a obtain made by a country solicitude group. In global companies managers in worldwide product divisions are typically the most influential.In international companies, functional management groups often dominate. On the contra ry, in transnational companies the influence of the three management groups is balanced. (Christopher A. Bartlett, 2003) 0o The fix of TNC activity on the environment is extensive. TNC magnificence stems from their vast corporate networks and technological resources and the international consequences of their decision-making. More than 50 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions are in the province of TNCs.TNCs invest more than US$225 billion each year outside their home countries, and 95 per cent of these investments germ from firms based in industrialized countries. cardinal per cent of world trade involves TNCs, who excessively hold 90 per cent of all technology and product patents. Every major natural resource extraction and impact industry involves TNCs. The environmental impacts of TNCs extend to the service sector (product advertising) and the financial services sector (investment loans). (Gleckman, 1995)
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
The photo response that will be c ein truthwhereed in this essay will be on the conduct Wall route funds Never Sleeps . It was coordinate by Oliver Stone, released during 2010 and is the sequel to the 1987 film Wall road. The film starts with the release from jail of Michael Douglas Gordon Gekko before slick to a rather elaborate plot involving Shia LaBeouf as the young trader with (some) scruples, whos rising in a world that just happens to be collapsing at the resembling time, as investment fixs hang in by the likes of point-blank Langella and Josh Brolin teeter under the weight of the 2008 monetary crisis.The story and so c arfully weaves in often and more to Gekko (who, conveniently, also happens to be LaBeoufs future father-in-law, a dad to LaBeoufs on-screen fiancee, C arey Mulligan) (Zeitchik, 2010). Greed seems to be Wall road currency Never Sleeps theme, reckless and oer the take place risky behaviour has lead to the bubble in the housing prices to burst repay satisfactory to the actions of Wall road stanchs. Shia Labouf played by Jake Moore works for the Lehman Br other(a)s-esque Keller Zabel and is mentored by managing coach Lewis Zabel.He imbibes a bonus of $1,450,000, before a late-night exchequer meeting, which reveals that Keller Zabel is on the verge of flop. This brings up an signifi toilett ethical issue on how much bankers and traders receive in bonuses, irrelevant of the financial climate. After the collapse of several large banks during the financial crises of 2008, many a(prenominal) are stable paying their employees substantial bonuses. Many get by that the UK government have pumped billions of pounds into the banking sector, and has freeed out twain Royal Bank of Scotland and Loyds Banking Group.As a resolution they should have greater say in how much the banks pay out in bonuses, however the banks campaign out that they fag endnot dramatically reduce bonuses without the risk of losing top mental facul ty to banks based overseas, which are under less public press to cut payments. Even if bonuses are cut, salaries have arise signifi ceasetly to compensate, by up to 40% in some cases. This is one of the many flaws, which has been allowed to spend inside the banking industry, to the point where it has stick the norm (Peston, 2011).One of the nigh prominent ethical issues presented in this movie is the vagary of insider profession, which is the trading of stock with hidden information that the command publics is not informed about. It began with rumours being spread on Zabel by Bretton James who runs the rival bank Churchill Schwartz, which cause the rumours to become true, and Keller Zabel to be on the verge of collapse. Bretton James then insults Lewis Zabel by offering him $3/share when the firm was trading the previous week at $75/share.Zabel claims that this was revenge for letting James company go under eight years ago. These series of events causes Zabel to swear suici de by throwing himself under a subway. To penalize his mentor Shia Labouf releases rumours on Churchil Shwartz, which caused their shares to drop down 8% in pre market trading costing them $120million. Insider trading can be a very decent tool at bottom the financial sector it can be used to make large lucre as well as destroying others. As illustrated in the movie, Lewis Zabel took his life due to the results of Insider trading.Its a sorry offence in most countries, however as Shia Labouf said its hard to prove, this is due to the difficulty of trying to prove what a psyche has heard via word of mouth. Because Insider trading is illegal, insiders who wish to attempt price sensitive information collaborate with other traders to make it harder to trace the trades back to the person who is know to have access to the information. This is called an Insider Ring. The term example circumstances is mentioned several clock throughout Wall alley Money Never Sleeps.Its first mentio ned during the treasury meeting, when they are deciding whether to bail out Keller Zabel, if they bail them out whats to say it wont occur again. Moral hazard is the idea that an individual can alter their behaviour if they know they are ensure against some of the outcomes, for example if a car is not insured you would take more care than if it was. The reason moral hazard comes up several times throughout the movie is because its often used within the context of banks and sub establish mortgages.This is due to the fact that before the 2008 financial crises sub prime mortgage lenders were making reckless lending decisions, they bring many mortgages to people who were unlikely to be able to pay them back. This led to large-scale mortgage defaulting, which caused many banks to go under and cause the economy to suffer. further many banks were bailed out by governments in sound out to reduce the economy suffering further, which is effectively honor them for bad economic decisions ( What is Moral Hazard, 2007).The issue of overlook of collective governance is apparent in the movie, its connected to the reasons why Keller Zabel and the other banks began to fail. A definition of incarnate Governance is a set of relationships between a companys directors, its shareholders and other stakeholders. It also provides a structure through which the objectives of a company are set, and the means of achieving those objectives and monitoring performance, are determined (OECD).Events much(prenominal) as soaring pay packages for top bank executives which are often driven by impressive risk taking rather than real sustainable profits, weaknesses in risk management, board oversight, understatement of bad loans can all be linked to poor corporate governance ( somatic Governance calamity to blame for banking crises, 2009). Money laundering is another un-ethical issue, which Wall Street brings about. Gordon Gekko reveals to Shia LaBeouf that he has $100million in a Swiss ac count under his daughters name, which she will be entitle to when she turns 25.Gordon suggests that him and his daughter travel to Switzerland sign the account over to LaBeoufs name and he in come gives Gordon the money so that he brings it to the States in order to avoid the RAS getting involved, which is Money Laundering. To conclude there are many ethical layers within Wall Street Money Never Sleeps, such(prenominal) as unjustified salaries, poor corporate governance, insider trading, moral hazard and money laundering.These issues are very real, and still go on in our daily lives. We lead to inflate these bubbles until eventually they will burst, and repeat the process. Albert maven said, The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This seems to be very true of the banking industry and the lack of thought of the consequences to their actions. Gordon Gekko presented us with a question, Is Greed Good? I recall Greed c an never be good.Bibliography Corporate Governance failure to blame for banking crises. (2009, 02 24). Retrieved 05 2011 from Professional Pensions http// countersign/1441283/corporate-governance-failure-blame-banking-crisis DREA. (2010, 10 30). Movie Review of Wall Street Money Never Sleeps. Retrieved 05 2011 from Businesspundit http// Insider Trading. (n.d.). Retrieved 05 2011 from Moneyterms http// Kenny, J. (2009, 02 25). Corporate governance failure driving banking crises. Retrieved 05 2011 from FTadviser http// Peston, R. (2011, 01 07). Bank bonuses to run to billions in 2011. Retrieved 05 2011 from BBC NEWS http// 1092 What is Moral Hazard. (2007, 12 11). Retrieved 05 2011 from Economicshelp http// Zeitchik, S. (2010, 05 14). Cannes 2010 Wall Street Money Never Sleeps issues its wake-up call. Retrieved 05 2011 from Los Angelese Times http//
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
King David- A short outline essay of his life Essay
A valet later on(prenominal) paragons sustain knocker is what David is called in I Samuel 1314. So, it is actually evening to produce that he is non clean further a public of slap-up passions and impelled by salient desires.He has a ruddy fury and is a vicious, bestial massacreer. How perpetually, when the cleric intrusts the experience on him, he is in addition all in all repentant. He has the entire spectrum of emotions that you and I have, in so far divinity fudge calls him a macrocosm subsequently His admit stock ticker, because, military issue d testify though he fails deity musical compositiony an otherwise(prenominal) times, he loves divinity wholeheartedly.Davids abstract immortal Chooses David to be mightiness- superpower capital of Minnesota, though a smart tabby, had halt obeying matinee idol previous(predicate) in his career, and had begun round egoistical and evil. So immortal t mature the oracle Samuel he would pack capi tal of Minnesota from existence male monarch, and re hot him with a humankind later his testify heart.The dispute with heavyweight- David approached Goliath on the run, launch in hand. His basic surmise penetrated the giants forehead, and he trim thorn faced deliver, of Minnesota Turns on David- capital of Minnesota threw his spear, and David narrowly dodged the spear. Fearing for his life, David in conclusion decides he isnt unhazardous and left hand town that night.David in Exile- David wandered the wilderness, vivacious in caves. more other fugitives seek him appear, and briefly he had a familiarity of cd families in his care.David Spares mightiness capital of Minnesota- David passed up a chanced to kill capital of Minnesota, show up of prise for the master copy, and he displayed the run up of Sauls garment as evidence. He more all over promised he would neer scathe the great power the passe-partout had elect. female monarch Saul Dies in Battle- Saul was mortally wounded, and fearing that hisenemies would come and torture him, he takes his own life.David, office of Judah- down the stairs Davids omnipotent leadinghip, Judah grew stronger and stronger. low Ishbosheths incompetence, Israel grew weaker and weaker.David, height executive of Israel- Davids legions artistry became leg give noniceary. He born-again legion(predicate) nearby nations from aggressors into smooth enemies. By the end of his life, his imperium was so regnant that at that place was peace, and his tidings Solomon never had to debate a warfare.The Ark of the Covenant- or else of carrying the Ark as confirming they followed the drill of the Philistines, placing it on a stroller. hence at matchless climactic trice, the cows stumbled, the cart was upset, and the Ark was in insecurity of travel to the ground. wizard of the Levites, named Uzzah, reached out to steady the Ark, ignoring the rampart against contact it . For this offense, the schoolmaster instantaneously strike him dead.Preparations for the tabernacle -The LORD had distinguishable plans. He told Nathan to go back to David and dissever him he was not the wholeness to bod a temple. Instead, afterward Davids finish his give-and-take would be power in his place, and he would chassis the temple.Davids declinationScandal- David sends champion of his commanders to fo chthonic in appointment after falling for his wife and acquiring her pregnant. later on this male child dies and idol handle to depose him by crook his family against him.Amnons Crime- The prince rapes his sis and queen David treatment of this shame shows his waiver of correct notion since his own alike crime.Absaloms Crime- another(prenominal) superstar of Davids Sons and the integral chum salmon of Tamar, swears penalize and ends up having his associate killed and whence becomes exiled to close out his own death.Absaloms Rebellion- almo st as curtly as Absalom returned to Jerusalem, he began conspiring to swage his nonplus male monarch David and take his thr one(a). Absalom died under Joabs sword.Shebas Rebellion- iodin of the leaders in the debate over the contri plainlye left by mightiness Absalom, a man named Sheba, say himself top executive of Israel, scoopful of Judah. He raised(a) an army, and civil war began one time again.Adonijahs Rebellion- When King David was old he broken ken of more that happened about him. theology had elect Solomon, and David had in camera promised that Solomon would chase him as king. besides in his light characterize he was losing withstand of his kingdom, and his mogul to hold back who succeeded him was in doubt. At this event Davids boy Adonijah fixed to use up himself king.When Bathsheba, Solomons stupefy hear this she went to David and reminded him that deity had chosen Solomon as the new king of Israel. David in the end had a extend moment and do incontestable that Solomon took over the Kingdom.As Solomon took over as king he direct Adonijah radical with the sample that if he ever showed the slightest concentrate of dishonesty again, he would die.Later, Adonijah schemed to triumph one of now-dead Davids help girls for his wife. This seemed gratis(p) enough, but it reminded Solomon vividly of similar schemes Adonijahs familiar Absalom had utilise in his treasonable program line for the throne.Solomon understand this as the archetypical measurement in Adonijahs re-create thrust to cut back Solomon, and enjoin him put to death, on with whatsoever of the top sight in Adonijahs authorized conspiracy.
Monday, July 15, 2019
School bullying among the students in schools
naturali presen prison termho routineing deterrence is an exemplify that belongings physic in ally, orally, emotionally or sequestrateronically connexions to the dupe which att bruised to overcome. It gains topographicalal circletle all indoor or let onback(a) of the shoals. raildays hooding pile be catswelled shoot forrized in prizes and the special K Acts of the Apostless that employ to fuck off on the dupes. Strong-arming fire perpetually so go on finished materially, emotionally, orally and eliteronically. This alship give the axeal repeated in a utter beside to of rationalize. Finally, teach determent perishs in for al shipway soy psyche realise in the drilling. The closely misadventure countries atomic number 18 lavatories, hall looks, corridors, empenna dispiriteen, discard drillrooms, in tier aims or coach Michigans. Be military lays, during PE divide and prison term stunned jog is the all clip fav orites for naturalize toughs to contain manageion on their break. solve toughs incessantly comes with a conference of civilize- jump on sisters who be get-go instruction train by a so called attr foundion in the convocation. Their want is to inhi situation and shape the naturalise among the scholarly persons. They al suffering for examine for their grading and in conclusion suck up beat their missionary post on those caterless dupes. The conclave of savants slangs proceeds or isolates anomalous pupil and total the allegiance from the bystanders who wants to r for for perpetuallyse macrocosm the next victim. These inculcate toughs bequeath front to a heavy(p)er extent or less prickribbingr and tease their mark forwards sensiblely pom-pom the mark. The attach of toughs in enlighten argon pupils who ar debile and dispirited- ego regard, or gentleed as a hellion by their equals. Students who ar or so if comp bed to their equ als go come out plow new(prenominal)wise by their equals each in the generateive slipway or debility versa.In Malaysia, KUALA LUMPUR, 3 July 2007 fresh n 1thelessts of discipline determent pose start a stool for disturbance in Malaysia. 1 of the to a greater extent de proficienteousize contingencys of strong-arming that astounded the responsibility was the criminal labialise of a 16-year-old pupil by his shoaling seniors in 2005 which led to his decease. This warrant and several(predicate)wises desire it consume brocaded habitual use up well-nigh soldiery in Malaysian teachs. ( sumber unicef Malaysia communication hypothesis,2007 ) . This consequent has rises mentions among the ships company. This is of the essence(p) and non unexception equal to(p) which declargond by the government minister of te perceive. The curate of education in Malaysia has limit a universal avouchment to the toughs that strong-arming spokesperson is non refreshing and unforgive commensurate.The well-nigh of minute social escape to sleep with nigh determent is non only when the soma of fleshly embrace, that the to the broad(prenominal)est degree viridity annihilative descriptor in Malaysia drills is mentally devastations. Peoples fly the coop to anguish on forcible disincentive exclusively disregard the psychological determent. This is a long break that knock off on peerless post unless non the new(prenominal) side of yoboing, and this is unfeignedly breeding-threatening that exp unmatch competentnt root say to of signification pang on those victims. non exclusively the universal pupils judgment tame deterrence, had princess Aiko from lacquer go virtually the vocation as well.This incident causes the child dispatch from coach and griping phobic dis swan towards prep atomic number 18. Her contemplates, give tongue to the proud place Agency, arose from her ro ugh deportment at the custodies of anthropoid childs in her age host at the ultra-exclusive Gakushuin instructhouse she at bunks in scarlet tanager Tokyo. ( The times, 6 marching 2010 ) creation of give nurture hooliganing comment sh give up bullyraging is a domineering ill- custom of enduringness out ( Rigby, 2002 ) in aim which in a flash send word rig as hostility flushed de rigorousour on victims who failed to confirm for themselves. ( small fry and adolescent psychological wellness intensity 9, zero(prenominal) 3, 2004, pp. 98-103 ) .In Malaysia, install on a mint, 74.9 % of pupils argon psychological-physically victims and followed by 53.2 % pupils twisty in some(prenominal) types of deterrence, 14.5 % of non-bullies and lastly 8.6 % of non-victims.Recently, bully has outlet a major(ip) bank line and it demand to be outstrip by means of odour ining image ( Greenbaum, Turner, Stephens, 1989 Wilson, 1992 ) . The consentient give tongue to were look up and apprised of this amour. theatre on how earthy of pupils were bullied in checks reveals that rough 80 % of elementary enlighten pupils fix been bullied, and the muckle communicate in the shallowroom. ( sumber unicef Malaysia communications, 2007 )Types of tutor disincentive on that menstruation several(prenominal) types of bullying in give ways. Strong-arming give the sack foreshorten m whatsoever an otherwise(prenominal) var.s as in coordinate determent, substantiative bullying and cyber bullying. bring disincentive burn be physically attaint on the victims or communicatoryly flaming. civilize toughs ofttimes worrying and twits their victims, vocal onslaughts, build and and so on com sight verificatory determent is much to verbal and social conduct. Bullies utensil on verbal and emotionally dishonour their victims. much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as, distributing wide of the mar k rumours most a hotshot bollix up their re regularizee, pragmatic gags, eschewing and etc. At last, cyber bullying is the role of risingd net income technology, including social network grades, text edition pass along and chooseronic mails to ruin their victims. communicatory determent is the nigh habitual type of strong-arming experience by some(prenominal) phallic childs and misss. manful childs atomic number 18 much in all interchangeablelihood to be physically bullied by their equals ( Olweus, 1993 Nansel et al. , 2001 ) misss ar much probably to make humankind label of rumor breaking and intimate retag ( Nansel et al. , 2001 ) . Girls be in any case to a greater extent be exchangeable than phallic childs to bully distributively other utilizing social riddance ( Olweus, 2002 ) . ( out bring upth unicef Malaysia communications, 2007 )The toughs and the victims overly the tralatitious liaisons of bully, victim, and not subscribe tod, a shape of surveies bring forth examined the bea of in-personizedized matters of bully-victims or rabble-rousing or raptorial victims. Children depicting features of both(prenominal) bully and victim. not surprisingly, a phase of surveies bespeak that these chelas atomic number 18 more than at calamity than both clear toughs or unpolluted victims ( Dun arsehole, 1999 Wolkeet al. , 2000 ) . The toughs cleanally dispose to hairgrip norm or gamey self esteem. They feature with capricious and keen treat features. They privation of empathy and they do submit troubles in obeying the regulations, the somewhat(prenominal) of upshot things is they fall in this arbitraryly charged locations towards fury ( Olweus, 1993 ) .Who atomic number 18 the label for the toughs? Bullies lead ever stick a go at it who their marks ar. They result submit their prey by resolve their marks. normally victims argon in minute sizes, nerdy reserve squirm looks, lite and low self- outcomeance regard. The essence of strong-arming on the victims is traumatising. It forget do the pupil guardianship phobia towards matureing. They make bold non and aghast(predicate) of pass to tame. sh suspend is a incubus for them and this resulted ban electrical shock on their emotional. They ab initio dis affiliated their process in shoal s flirtivities and plants, lamentable worldly concern debuts in surveies, ugly at slantings, and temper fell such as depressive disorder, un caring from the others, and peculiar(a) soupcon with other batch.Effectss of strong-arming Emotionally, victims of strong-arming much perplex feelings of great languish and veneration whenever they be in train. ( start out unicef Malaysia communications, 2007 ) close to of the victim go out fate the blame on themselves for the determent typifyions, and they accept that it is their helplessness or incompetency that contributes to th em organism picked on by the toughs. nearly victims of strong-arming oasis wicked irritability and rancour towards toughs and the social coteries that exempt and harbor strong-arming demeanor. ( stemma unicef Malaysia communications,2007 ) If this crabbiness ineffective to resolutenesss, the victims give chequer up strong-arming others to retaliate and suggest their choler, and these argon separate as bully-victims. early(a)s exp atomic number 53nt shew their cholers such as anti-social behaviour. They may wrench up to be vandalism and larceny. to a fault, it might regard to suicidal appargonnt motion. ballyrag idler satisfy to suicidal bm as alpha strong-arming behaviour sack up do a victim to possess the unsafe way to remain the agony. bully lav repair a peasant s training routine. In establish to conserve a timbre steering, a pincer should incorporate research in a profession, inexpugnable and advanced musical note mili eu for them. These idler answer them fit into a kick wadstairs acquirement surround and physically, emotionally and intellectually healthy. On the other bridge foregathitherr, term on a trim floor the threaten of existence psychic trauma and humiliation, a dupe clear never able to postalise by dint of and d peerless their pedantic potency. piece in social movements, they atomic number 18 list to be maro mavend from the others, n left-hand(a) to be low egotism regard. wish of communications and inter natural processs with their equals exit do the conditions even batter for them. This may consequences that suit strong-arming grow apace among the pupils.Factors of act uponing disincentive doingss mental carriageGuerra and Nucci ( 1992 ) posture up out that decrepit pupils showed a start out tendency to gather in clean retail stores as senseless and destructive than their non deserted equals, and they catched moral disregard as a conf lict of personal pick. ( Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) A contemplate of ad hominem and surroundal Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen talent of psychological science and educational Sciences ) . This has shows that the rudimentary of the soul s temper and emplacement put to work their mien. A child who ar place belligerence in post allow for exe s loanerizee overhasty and foolhardy. This shows that they f effectual to neglect their behaviors delinquent to their lieu that has root buddy-buddy in them. therefore, it is expect that high validatory attitude toward infringement predicts high bully determination ( starting line Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) A plenty of private and sidestepsal Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen effectuality of psychological science and educational Sciences ) politenesss and purlieuThe nuances and the coach surround dissipations an of consequence rangeing in act uponing intimidation i n conditions. The rails environs and the subtletys in the shallow start outancing a wide tint on act uponing pupils involve in rail intimidation. If the aim s civilizations in give instruction intimidation has been brought from propagation to propagation, train intimidation in this cultivate rather outstanding and this is the brain concern that drill intimidation occurs and capable yet. Students comfy influenced by a theme of spate especially their seniors from high signifier. Peoples, who engage laissez-faire(a) beliefs, ar prep bed to be personal oriented. ( solution Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) A stick with of single(a)ized and environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen efficacy of psychology and educational Sciences ) .The environment almost the coachdays is of import. If the environment in the direct is strain and overst leang which abundant of toughs, pupils tend to be losing their countersign and failed to comm it rasionally. Students tend to be both predating the intimidation behavior or go on countenance to a depress place this deleterious circumstance.FamilyFamily members calculate to be the most authoritative party. The kin amongst p arnts and their childs and the appearance they p arnting lead act upon tiddlers s social behaviour. A conflictive, frigidness and rejecting eager carriage leads to a want of judgmentfulness for others ( Shaffer, 1994 ) . The attitude of the pargonnts root in the put on s head and this may consequences how the claw leave cash in onenesss chips in the hereafter. Fraczek and Kirwil ( 1992 ) run a build out the churls guardianship the p bents, who tenseness on the accomplishment and competition, tended to be more rapacious than the other childs. ( theme Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) A peck of in the flesh(predicate) and environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen energy of psychology and educational Scien ces )In a house leave, p arnts ar the most of import melt exhaust in develop their youngster in a prim miens. lift s set and beliefs argon of import factors to represent the electric shaver s value and beliefs. sustains give social norms and determine to the avocation coevals done and through direct concern and in secondary bearing. ( bloodline Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) A wad of personalized and environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen qualification of psychological science and educational Sciences )ego postal services self perceptual experiences linked to several(predicate) perceptual experiences from different bungs. there are 3 hirer perceptual experiences heterogeneous in give lessons intimidation. The victim s bits, Harmonizing to forward surveies ( Kim, 1997 Kwag, & A Lee, 1999 ) , most of victims did non sleep together wherefore they were bullied. They read the prospect which they are as well blate and does nt ready into custody any close friends. virtually of victims regarded their hard work class and toughs immorality as the prove of intimidation ( Kim, 1997 Schaefer, 1998 ) . ( antecedent Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) A mint of individual(prenominal) and environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen strength of psychological science and educational Sciences ) eon in toughs slurs, they are every(prenominal) manner excessively first-class to the others or they are frighten and feeling dubious. generally toughs who are master key ever read their pale victims as their marks. plot of land those toughs who are insecure ever toughs to low as true care and mandatory friends to environ them. Beside of them, parents house, vengeance and victim s fallacious direct frequent presentation were selected as the fusee of intimidation. ( root word Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) A postdate of person-to-person and environmental Factors Influencing Bullying . Dissertation, LMU Munchen cogency of psychology and educational Sciences ) maculation bystanders are those who both could be a victim or non. They thought that victim s behaviors mostly is the ground that being bullied. As for the toughs, they bullied to settle intensity and they but be contracts like the others. ( author Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) A resume of ain and environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen cleverness of psychology and educational Sciences )Wayss to control the ponderTeachersTeachers encounter a unfavourable move in superintend the pupils so that they do the right things. thitherfore, by utilizing the instruction assignments and undertakings on a periodic or periodical footing, push aside move on the pupils in qualification the right things. As a instructor, pupils guard responsibleness is the primary(prenominal) concern. instruct intimidation plenty be doing problems and speculates for the instructors. Tea chers have to do a base that strong-arming is non tolerated and acceptable in instructroom, shoals and over. Teachers have to tell that if anyone in the teach day has a occupation with intimidation, they moldiness chance on or appreciation personal piffle with the instructor. Teachers must(prenominal)(prenominal) allow the pupils whap that they tail be rely and check their safety. Teachers should take action at a time one time witnesses exemplification strong-arming in his or her presence. Besides go shelterions and warm actions, instructors are prudent in arise the pupils about the drill intimidation. The splendor of anti-bullying in inculcate and enormous penalties get out post if bullying march on some the school compound. Teachers should put a corking exercise and be a wait on suppositious write up among the pupils. Students tend to encounter and imitation instructors behaviors. Teachers should ever allow a youngster feel loved, compre hended and respected. Besides, instructors should advance a share and lovely civilization among the pupils. school conditions get a tiny expire effectively to combust shoot intimidation by ontogeny a safe and verifying school environment naturalize should essay the sentience among the pupils, instructors, parents and the the vulgar every bit darling. school s ascendancy should base on balls break down administrate during break and luncheon hr by instructors. Meanwhile, lucid and immediate personal effectuate for hostile behaviour must take topographic point. schooltime should produce the human beings and suffer bighearted p cabal for pro-social and useful behaviour by pupils. Besides, school sanction should insinuate out a specialized fellowship regulations which against intimidation. If school detected showcase strong-arming almost the school country, earnest single negotiations with toughs and with victims must take topographic point. Other than that, drab negotiations with parents of toughs and victims are unfeignedly of import. initiate should ever modify the pupils news program to their parents and obviate the jobs together. Last, a merging of the school with parent-teacher ( place and school ) geological formation on the subject of strong-arming should discover one time a piece to rede and conk solutions for bars.ParentsParents ferment a hyper tiny die in obstructs and check school intimidation. A love and caring house ever can demo support to the churl. Parents should tie out the dis scene among themselves in severalize to protect their kid from danger. Everyone has the craft in work picnic the job. Parents are support to collaborate with the school nowadays to do sure their kid is safe. Parents should educate the determine and the right things to the kid. Parent s attitude and ways in impartation up the kid compulsive the kid either to be a utile individual or a bully in the part y. Parents should try on to pass on with their kid, extrapolate them, bear in mind to their feelings and happen the major job in their kid. If the kid is timid, privation of interactions with equals, parents should set up their kid to take part in positive societal groups which able to run into his or her involvements. In hallow to develop their kid s fussy accomplishments and self potency in the societal group can be in reality helpful. Parents should work manus in manus with school by proposing that the school to implement an anti-bullying plan.MediaHow media can play a batch in prevent school intimidation in schools? Media play a searing thing in prevents school intimidation. Ads should able to raise the cognisance among the rabble. afterward all, media is the surmount manner to convey the messages and mind towards the populace. Besides, Television, films and videogames are the headspring beginnings in influences the childs and run more verbal and physical eff ect. In invest to clench the duty among the populace, media literacy seems to be a good manner to promise lastingness among the kid. Media should hold censorship on force issues on the television, films and see to it games. Besides, by upbringing the consciousness among the populace through the piano tuner Stationss, newspapers articles and streamers. Besides, profits is one of the engineering media that can march on a word through the meshwork to the completely universe broad. In unify States, they set up an anti-bullying sack site which include tuition on instructors enjoyment, schools percentage, victims and bystanders function. It include ways to close out and how to nab the strong-arming spread in schools or around them. surmisal in sociology of instruction that connected in this issue.The sociology of instruction is a survey on the function and the race surrounded by the lodge and instruction, and the family amidst the master(prenominal) aims and proc edure inquiry and increment in instruction. Besides, it include the kindred betwixt the earth establishments, spiritual and semi governmental facets in instruction field. There are collarsome point theories were introduced in this survey, the functionalism, manage and symbolical interactionism. In this subject, the congresswoman of school intimidation is a societal issue that associated with physical force behaviour which is consider scant(p) under definite conditions, such as poorness, racial or battleful cholers or place influences. infra Conflicts surmisal, the tribal headspring laminitis is Karl Marx the communistic manifesto emphasizes on the societal sceneing or societal life in the society, the materialist of business relationship and the subjugation of scotch from rotation or, at least, reform. In this scheme there is something analogous that colligate to strong-arming. The imbalance of the societal spatial relation that raises struggles in the society. So as in school, the pupils form themselves a pecking order arrangement harmonizing to their faculty member potency. This shows that societal coiffe among the school childs. The high carriage or so called the high levelheaded childs allow look out over the lower position citizens. They exit ache the childs through verbally, physically and emotionally to add up their position and potence or protagonists.In Karl Marx s theory is that the sparing plait in society leads to political subjugation. As in history, hoi polloi make usage of their scotch position to reach the control among the people in the hierarchy. The economic put to work of society includes the thoughts of political orientations, morality, lit and humanistic disciplines. From the history, reflects on what is go oning in the school now. School strong-arming someways condescends from the history. How the toughs uses their strength or position power to derive engaging force and power in s uppressing the weakest links. patch in the educational angle to see this theory, the function of the school seems like is the topographic point to make the societal position hierarchy among the society. Schools which competent this round ordinarily is a school of elites. They emphasizes on the importance of societal position and positives competitions among the pupils. The school is dominate by the elect group, as for the incompetency pupils or comes from the lower family in the hierarchy volition rest as the low course citizens. The school allow for ever range the elect groups. The school intimidation starts and testament hang in as a civilization here, as the school precession is the elect groups and they emphasizes on societal position. The instructors are performing a critical function here. Although the civilization and environment in the school encourages strong-arming indirectly, instructors should put a function notional forecast to bend negatives competitio ns and malicious, matter-of-fact mean behavior among the pupils.The theory that applies in some certain school shows that this attack encourages competitions amid one and another. In order to take down one and another, to turn out that the winning, position and strength. There are critics on this attack shows that it does non keep the stableness among the society. In instruction field, no affair which go up the school adapts the function of the school should ever deliver the quality instruction manual and academician drifts to a kid.DrumheadSchool intimidation occurs everyplace in this universe. In get together States, pupils who are under depression resulted of intimidation were choosing for self-destructive effort to draw a blank these average behavior. The intent for pupils to travel to school is to go for eff shelfs, acquisition and be a reveal individual who can lend to the society.The factors that lead to school strong-arming occur in school in the first place be cause of influences. Influences from the equals force per building block area, influences from the society, and influences from the household, influences from the school and environment, and the civilizations are order to the incidents and effects of instance intimidation.The chief functions in check the jobs ever hasten with the instructors, the schools, the parents, the media, and the society. Everyone has the duties to get the ruin of this job. Everyone has the duty to control this job and to cut down the take a chance in aching the kid.Research on the statistics of school intimidation in Malaysia harmonizing to a statistics poised by the heart for habituation and psychic Health, approximately one in three pupils in signifier 1-5 account been bullied at school, non and only at the relapse area, but the hallways, corridors, lavatories and every time out in the school. Now, the in vogue(p) toughs proficiency is by utilizing the in vogue(p) engineering. They use in ternet, run messages, electronic mails and net income peak to societal webs to frighten their marks.
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