Friday, May 31, 2019
Cyber Squatting and Domain Speculation †A Global perspective :: Argumentative Persuasive Internet Essays
Cyber Squatting and Domain Speculation A Global perspectiveIntroduction and commentarysCyber squatting has become an increasing source of hassle and problem in the internet world. Apart from some of the other rationalizes such as internet security, hacking and frauds, which usually occur after going online, Cyber Squatting is the offset major problem faced by any company well before they even setup an internet web site. Before moving on to the various liberates, it is often unclear of what Cyber Squatting actually is.Simply put, cyber squatting means the registration of a domain name in violation of a trademark or product line name or other intellectual property of its consumeers. This includes the registration of a name deceptively similar to such business name or trademark. Usually, domain squatters register these domains before the company does and offer these domain names to such business houses at a premium 1.U.S. easterly District of Pennsylvania, Judge Berle M. Schill er defined cyber-squatting or cyber-piracy as the deliberate, bad-faith, and abusive registration of Internet domain names in violation of the rights of trademark owners. 2. Using this definition put forward by Judge Berle some of the major cyber squatting problems, that directly violate the trademark of corporation, has been solved. But another increasing problem is the issue of Domain Speculation.Another practice that sometimes, and misleadingly, is called cyber-squatting is domain speculation the registering of domain names based not on recognized brands but on generic scathe (e.g.,, Speculators register generic domain names in the hope that a company will wish to buy a particular name for its own commercial use2.Current problemsGoing back to the problem of cyber squatting we can refer to a much earlier case in China. This was the time when Chinese corporations did not enjoy the protection of the law against cyber squatters. In the past few years, many cyber squatters registered the names of many famous Chinese companies in domain registrars in countries such as the United States. As a result, these Chinese companies were forced to pay large sums to reclaim their domain names. For example, cyber squatters registered the domain name The Chinese company that possess the trademark KELON paid RMB1 million to reclaim the domain name from the cyber squatter3In this case we can see that the only way Chinese companies could resolve the issue was to either pay large sums of money to the domain squatter or just get another domain.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Executive Summary :: essays research papers
The executive compact is arguably the most important section of the strain plan. It must be concise, specific, and well-written. It summarizes the highlights of the completed business plan and provides a brief snapshot of the plan, with sales, spending, and profit summary figures. The summary emphasizes those factors that will make the business a success. It must contain sound add up for market size, trends, company goals, spending, return on investment, capital expenditures, and funding required. For new businesses or businesses seeking funding, credibility and excitement are key elements of the executive summary. gauge capitalists receive hundreds of plans each month, and just a few are actually being read from cover to cover. A quick 20-second scan of the executive summary is the basis for screening which plans to read and which companies to interview for investment. When the plan is the vehicle used to attract financing or investment, the executive summary should make it cle ar to the lecturer who is a potential source of funds why this is a sound investment. Business Background The business background section of your business plan slackly consists of two to four sections that present learning that is specific to your business. You may have gathered substantial information about competitors and the industry in general in the course of considering your business plans. This is not the place for that information. Instead, concentrate solely on those characteristics of your business that are specific to your particular business. The business background generally includes the next a enter describing the business entity and its general operation a document describing the product or service that your business will provide a document describing your facilities, if appropriate a document describing the people in your organization, if appropriate The Business Entity The business entity portion of the plan provides information that is specific to your busines s. This document sets forth the real status of operations, the management structure and organization, and the identification of key personnel. If the plan is being created for an existing business, historical information is also included. The business background provides the reader with information regarding the type of business (e.g., wholesale, retail, manufacturing, service, etc.) type of legal entity (e.g., corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, etc.) when the business was established where it is located the type of facilities, if any (e.g., retail establishment, manufacturing plant, etc.), although you may need to devote a separate
Breaking Society’s Rules :: Essays Papers
Breaking Societys Rules Ameri washstand literature often examines people and motives. In Nathaniel Hawthornes novel, The Scarlet Letter, and in Arthur Millers dramatic classic, The Crucible, people and motives often depict patterns of Puritans struggling for life during a precarious time. Guilt and shame can tear a persons soul away. The inevitable consequence of sin is the immediate reaction of guilt, shame, and remorse. For example John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, and Reverend Dimmesdale have all committed a sin or sins and are feeling extremely criminal ab pop out it. They want to be forgiven, but they have no strength and are cowards. compassion can only be obtained when these characters find the strength within themselves to speak the truth. The first to commit a sin is John Proctor, the husband of Elizabeth Proctor. John is a good man until Abigail Williams comes into his life. John lives in a house feeling empty and thinking hi s wife does not love him. Lust is a in truth powerful feeling, and it tempts John right into bed with Abigail. Unfortunately once he commits adultery, Elizabeth does not forgive him. She finds ways to punish John and make him feel more(prenominal) remorseful. For example, Reverend Hale asks John to recite the commandments, and he forgets one, Elizabeth then says sarcastically, Adultery, John. Elizabeth responds in such a manner that John feels overwhelming pain in his heart. Naturally, Elizabeth feels guilty as well. She tells John, I have sins of my own to count. It needs a cold wife to prompt lechery. Elizabeth feels as though she is to blame for John committing adultery. She is a sire and, of course, Elizabeth will be consumed with taking care of their children, cooking, cleaning, etc. At first, Elizabeth does not recognize John pulling away from her and turning towards Abigail. Soon after Elizabeth finds out John committed adultery with Abby, she fires her. Later on in the novel Elizabeth is accused of being a witch and John goes to court to prove Abigail is lying.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Infant Immortality Essay example -- essays research papers
Infant Mortality in the join StatesTrends in sister mortality are considered to be a barometer of technology and an accurate index finger of the health of a society. Despite technological excellence and numerous social programs offered through start the country, the infant mortality rate (IMR) in the United States continues to be a national concern. For many, infant mortality brings to mind the deprivation and poverty found in third world countries. Yet in the United States, nearly 40,000 children lead every year for some of the same reasons that cause infant death in underdeveloped parts of the world (Anderson, 1987).Infant mortality is prevalent in this country despite a richly developed and technologically advanced society. According to the Census Bureau, the IMR in the United States has dropped almost 66 percent in the past three decades (Eberstadt, 1991). In 1960, out of every thousand babies born, 26 died within their first year of life. By 1991, that number had dropped to less than nine out of every thousand babies (Eberstadt et al., 1991). According to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the US infant mortality rate in 1987 was higher than in 23 other countries or territories, including most of Western Europe, Hong Kong, and Singapore. The US infant mortality rate was about 20 percent higher than Norways, nearly 50 percent higher than in the Netherlands, and 200 percent higher than Japans (Eberstadt et al., 1991). The United States has not always fared so poorly in this global ranking. In the early 1950s it ranked sixth best (Anderson et al., 1987). The Select Committee on Hunger held a Congressional hearing on infant mortality in the United States on April 29, 1987. Representative Mickey Leland (D., TX), the committees chairperson, acknowledged the continued statistical improvements over the prior two decades. unless he was very critical of the decline of the United States in the international ranking, expressing dismay that a country as wealthy and powerful as the United States should have an infant mortality rate worse than that of 16 other industrialized nations (Anderson et al., 1987). Through mediums such as this hearingand other forums, the federal presidency addresses this concern and establish... ...rson must strive to ensure that babies survive. No amount of technological skill can combat the preventative measures of proper prenatal care. The ultimate articulate of prevention will only be heard by women who have enough maternal instinct to seek available prenatal and infant care.ReferencesAnderson, G. (December 1987). end Young Infant Mortality in the United States. America Press, Inc., 498-501.Barnes-Boyd, C., Norr, K., & Nacion, K. (1996). Evaluation of an Interagency Home Visiting Program to Reduce Postneonatal Mortality in Disadvantaged Communities. popular Health Nursing Vol.13 No. 3, 201-208.Eberstadt, N. (Fall 1991). Americas Infant-Mortality Puzzle. The Public Interest, No 105, 111-1 12.March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. (1996). Birth Defects and Infant Mortality A National and regional Profile. Petrini, J. (Ed.).Strobino, D., OCampo, P., Schoendorf, K. (December 1995). A Strategic Framework for Infant Mortality Reduction Implications for Healthy Start. The Milbank Quarterly Vol. 73 No. 4, 27.
The Events Preceding the Movement of the Asiatic People into Europe :: Asian History Mongols Osmanli Turks Essays
The Events Preceding the Movement of the Asiatic People into atomic number 63In order to discuss the movements of Asiatic peoples into Europe from the first inroad of the Huns to the conquests of the Osmanli Turks in the sixteenth century, it will be necessary to review briefly the events in central and eastern Asia which preceded and precipitated these incursions. From the time that the Irano-Aryan ancestors had arrived in Russian Turkestan in anticipation of their descent into the hills of northwestern India, much of this grassy plain had been the home of those Iranians who remained behind while their kinsmen climbed the mountains which would take them into India and the Irano-Afghan plateau. These Iranians apparently developed, or borrowed, a gamy degree of adaptation to their steppe environment, and especially through the perfection of pastoral nomadism with the horse as chief instrument of mobility. They expanded through the passes to the eastward, which took them to Kashgaria, and there came in connectedness with the Chinese Empire. On the other side, they expanded westward into Europe, where we have already studied them in the form of Scythians and Sarmatians. To the northwest of the vast Iranian domain, in Mongolia, a number of semi-agricultural, semi-pastoral tribes, possessing the sheep, probably also cattle, and perhaps wagons, but apparently not the horse, came in early times to the attention of the Chinese historians. By 800 B.C. we hear of a people called the Hiung-Nu, who gradually grew in importance until they came to dominate all of Mongolia.8 At a fairly late date, set by McGovern between 541 and 300 B.C., the Hiung-Nu presumptively obtained horses, and learned to ride them. They seem to have acquired these animals from the Iranians or from Turkish-speaking peoples, along with the whole complex of horse nomadism. Chinese accounts of the Hiung-Nu later than the third century B.C. refer to them as typical plainsmen, strikingly similar in many cultural respects to the Scythians. The six centuries, more or less, from 400 B.C. to 200 A.D., formed the period of importance of the Hiung-Nu in Mongolia, during which they constantly harried China, and took possession of Chinese Turkestan. Despite their conquest, however, Iranian languages, and the mysterious Tokharian B, persisted in the towns until 800 A.D. or later. At length the Chinese took measures to rid themselves of this nuisance, and succeeded in defeating the Hiung-Nu so completely that they abandoned their territory and disappeared to the westward.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Historical Analysis Of Jerzy K :: essays research papers
An obscure closure in Poland, sheltered from ideas and industrialization, seemed a safe place to store ones most precious valuable a 6-year-old boy. Or so it seemed to the p arnts who abandoned their only son to protect him from the Nazis in the beginning of Jerzy Kosinskis provocative 1965 figment The Painted Bird. After his guardian Marta dies and her decaying corpse and hut are accidentally engulfed in flames, the innocent young dark-haired, dark-eyed outcast is obliged to trek from village to village in search of food, shelter, and companionship. Beaten and caressed, chastised and ignored, the unnamed protagonist survives the abuse inflicted by men, women, children and beasts to be reclaimed by his parents 7 years later--a cold, indifferent, and callous individual.The protagonists experiences and observations demonstrate that the Holocaust was far too encompassing to be contained within the capsule of Germany with its sordid concentration camps and sociopolitical upheaval. Eve n remote and backward villages of Poland were exposed and sucked into the swirl of conflict. The significance of this point is that it leads to another logical progression Reaching further than the Polish villages of 1939, the novels implications extend to all of us. Not only did Hitlers stain seep into even the smallest crannies of the world at that time, it also spread beyond limits of time and culture. Modern readers, likewise, are implicated because of our humanity. The conscientious reader feels a sense of shame at what we, as humans, are capable of through our cultural mentalities. That is one of the more profound aspects of Kosinskis work.It is this sense of connectedness among cultures, people, and ideas that runs through the book continuously. While the backward nonindustrialized villages of Poland seem at first glance to contrast sharply with civilized Nazi Germany, Kosinski shows that the two were actually tie in by arteries of brutality and bigotry. Both cultures used some form of religious ideology to enforce a doctrine of hate upon selected groups whom they perceived to be inferior. totalistic rhetoric and Nietzschian existentialism replace a hybrid of Catholicism, which in turn replaces medieval superstition as the protagonist is carried from the innards of village life to the burden of totalitarian power.In the first several chapters of the novel the little protagonist is firmly convinced that demons and devils are part of the tangible, physical world. He actually sees them. They are not mythological
Monday, May 27, 2019
Potbelly’s Case Essay
1. Potbellys strategy in terms of product and market ar to provide great food and a friendly automatic teller. As far as their product goes even their CEO Keil says that anybody can make and sell a sandwich. What strategy they use is by using quality ingredients and a superior value. Their strategy towards the market is to provide a fun, unique experience to their customers. Their previous attempts as far as product goes was to sell antiques along with their sandwich shop, kind of the same approach as a cracker barrel. It seems the sandwiches become a more important part of their revenue. The antiques became more of decoration then sale items. The past market was very small just having one sandwich shop have by a couple. With the purchase of the shop they quickly started a chain of restaurants and have opened a good deal of locations just recently.2. Potbellys positioning strategy seems to have been starting small in one area while making a name for itself. In its first five h istoric period all the locations opened were in Chicago, Illinois. After they had built a reputation they moved into Washington D.C. This seems to be an attempt to stay in major cities to subjoin their reputation. The nations capital is one of the many major travel destinations for work. This way the businessmen of Chicago can get the sandwiches they love even aside from home. The next year instead of branching out to the other major business travel cities, for example, New York, Atlanta, Dallas, and Los Angeles, Potbelly took the approach that many other durance take. There central location was Chicago, Illinois from there they spread into neighboring states, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Like mentioned earlier most chains take this approach until they are nationwide. A lot of grocery stores northerners are familiar with will non be found as they head further southbound just as southerners will not find the same stores they are used to shopping at when they head north.Th e next year it opened locations in some of those same states and spread to atomic number 49 as well as another major business travel destination, Texas. In the more recent years they have built more locations in the already occupied states while spreading to neighboring state Ohio. From this point they have made a good name for themselves and have over degree centigrade locations with the reputation the company has I am sure they will continue to spread their market. Their original locations are located in Northern Mid America, they did not start on one coast and try to spread to the other, this will help extremely with them being a nationwide chain and in the glide slope years will probably start seeing Potbellys as far east as New York, as far south as Georgia, and west into the mid-western states.3. Potbellys environmental opportunities in the external environment would probably include their original location and how much easier it is to spread from the halfway of the countr y rather than the corner or coastline of the United States. The threats Potbellys would face more importantly is the competition. There are many well found chains of sandwich shops in the United States including, Sub-way, Quiznos, Panera Bread, Jimmy Johns, and Schlotzskys Deli to name a few. When moving into a new market promotional material is a key element as the market the company does not know the companies name and would rather go with what they know.Potbelly offers promotions and a great automated teller machine that may be able to take some of these competitors business. Subway for example does not use quality ingredients, nor does it have any sort of friendly atmosphere for around the same price. It should be very easy for Potbellys to take business away from them. For Potbellys to maintain its antique apparatus and friendly atmosphere they will require excellent management expanding into these new markets. I do not see any reason for Potbellys to change their strategy at this time. Changing the way they do business, either the looks of the restaurants or the friendly workers would take away from why people will remove them in the first place over their already known sandwich shops.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Entangled Pakistan and War on Terror Essay
At eightsome forty- half a dozen Flight el thus far crashed into the atomic number 7 Tower of the valet de chambre Trade Centre (Board). Sixteen proceedings later Flight number, one seventy-five, impacted the S give awayh Tower (Board, George capital of the United States University). American Airlines Flight seventy-seven dropped on the Pentagon at nine thirty-seven (Board, George Washington University ). On eleventh September 2001 two thousand nine hundred and seventy seven people died (Glazier). It marked the worst timidityist attack in the American level. The United States economy froze while the world still stood in shock.In those dramatic moments on twelfth September 2001, hot seat George W Bush address the nation and decl bed Americas War on Terrorism (US declares War on Terror). What followed was a global campaign by American and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) troops against Taliban, who controlled Afghanistan and Al-Qaeda, the master mind behind the nine-el ven plot. The military campaign was named Operation Enduring Freedom. The leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin laden was the key target of the United States.When the Afghan government refused to hand over, USA decided to invade Afghanistan (Channel). On twenty-second September 2006, prexy Parvez Musharraf confided that United States jeopardize Pakistan. In an interview, Musharraf s promote The intelligence director t ageing me that Mr Armitage said, Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go bandaging to the Stone Age, (Beale). But in advance US could go on with its claims, Pakistan had accepted to cooperate and provide a channel into Afghanistan.However, ten years into the fight Pakistanis contract started to raise serious questions as to whether the war is Pakistans or not. In this regard President Musharraf is a great deal blamed for dragging Pakistan into a war which was not Pakistans. The debate on this re resultant has been a controversial one. Opposition leader Imran Khan said A friend should tell the other friend what is good for them. A military solution is a disaster for the U. S. , its a disaster for the people of Pakistan. (Solomon). At m each instances it has been suggested by opposition leaders that Pakistan should withdraw from the war.Although Pakistan has benefited by the uplift of sanctions oblige in 1998 and improved foreign relations through its critical role in the war, illustrated by Western attend toance during natural disasters, the war on menace has been a disadvantageous feat in terms of receiving highly misallocated foreign aid, fighting terrorist act which it structured in the first place, and healing a blemish reputation of being a pro-fundamentalist kingdom. Moreover, Pakistans ill-equipped economy is not suited to sustain a pro-longed war, especially a one which has extended to its declare territories.USAID (United States aid for external development) is the most commonly presented counter argument when Pakistans self- interest in the war is put forth. However, it is to be noted here(predicate) that survival of the fittest of Pakistan does not solely depend on USAID, let alone boost economy. Between 2002 and 2008 Pakistan real a total of twenty three and a half billion dollars in USAID (Ibrahim). This aid was intended to stabilize Pakistan and render its capability strong enough to counter terrorism. Although the amount appears large enough to change any country, it has largely been futile for Pakistan.If the real purpose of USAID was to enhance cooperation between Pakistan and USA and boost Pakistans economy, as it is mostly portrayed, then it should hold been more wisely allocated. For instance, a mere ten per centum is spent on development projects much(prenominal) as poverty, education and healthcare (Ibrahim). With such meager resources, these programs cannot be extensively carried out to achieve the desirable results. Meanwhile, a stunning seventy five percent of aid was allocated for military purposes (Ibrahim). These included purchasing of advanced weaponry and obtaining counter-terrorism preparation from the United States.Analytically, three-fourth of spending would do little to prop Pakistan whatsoever. It is astonishing that so much of the aid is being misused for purposes which would not serve Pakistan at best. To limit down the effects, the usefulness of the aid should be considered. A strong military would do little or perhaps negligibly small to make Pakistan a well-fixed state. Assume, if three-fourth of aid was spent on development projects instead. In a decade, Pakistan would extradite been much better off than its current standing.The extremism and terrorism could be better countered by education and improved standard of living than by weapons. Looking from one perspective USAID is the price United States paid to purchase the loyalty of Pakistan. Nevertheless, America took back what it gave. An upsetting aspect about USAID is the phenomenon that it returns back to the donor country. In this regard Dr. Murtaza Haider, associate dean at Ryerson University, says The nature of development aid business is such that large sums of donated money in fact return to the donor country in the gain of contractual payments to consultants and manufacturers.I recall listening to the former World Bank president James Wolfensohn in 2004 at the 16th Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics in Washington DC where he offered his candid views about how development aid was misspent by donors. In 2003-04 development aid was estimated at $58 million of which $14 million were pocketed by the consultants alone. (Haider) This fact emphasizes the uselessness of foreign aid to Pakistan. Already being spent so meagerly, a significant proportion of it returns back to USA, which is bound to have a little impact on the countrys wellbeing.So in fact America eventually takes back what it donated while Pakistan still owes favors to the US. The problem here is that the aid comes with a price. By accepting aid package from the United States, Pakistan has become a participant in the war on terror. In return, Pakistan essential return favors to satisfy its allies. For instance take the controversial Kerry-Lugar bill of 2009. It promised Pakistan an aid package of one and a half billion dollars annually for five years. in spite of the big digits the bill was a controversy. Instead of promoting good image of United States, it declined it further.The conditions applying to the aid package were unacceptable for many Pakistanis. Mustafa Qadir, a researcher for Amnesty International writes Controversially, aid may be dependent on US access to Pakistani nationals associated with nuclear proliferation, such as Abdul Qadir Khan. Pakistan must also demonstrate that it is assisting the US in dismantling illicit nuclear supply networks. Pakistan must show a sustained commitment to combating terrorist groups too. Specific reference is made to Pakistan ceasing to support militance in Afghanistan and India.There is even a reference to the Afghan Taliban shura in Quetta and the Lashkar-e-Taiba headquarters in Muridke (Qadri). As it appears Pakistans sovereignty and integrity is often reduced by US actions. Despite being an ally on war on terror, USA has been suspicious of Pakistans nuclear program and neutral of its leadership. Conditions accompanying USAID often give the United States the right to interfere in Pakistans internal affairs. These conditions have further extended to include military operations by American army in Pakistans territory.May it be a covert operation to kill Osama bin Laden or go strikes, USA takes the liberty to trespass and eliminate multiple targets inside Pakistan. The US has launched drone strikes in Pakistan over 330 times with up to 3,247 casualties including up to 852 civilians (Rogers). The drone attacks have been terrifically condemned by Pakistanis but despite that United States blat antly continues with its strategy. Though a justification for US drone strikes could have been sought if only guess terrorists were killed but the collateral damage and deaths of non-combatants is simply disappointing.For Pakistan the most upsetting consequence of war on terror has been the terrorists themselves. For a thorough understanding of fundamental groups, history of their past relations with Pakistan needs to be seen. After Soviet alliances withdrawal from Afghanistan, a force play struggle ensued between different groups of Afghanis. The old Mujahideen army was left with no purpose. The Afghan war was over now. From 1994 a civil war initiated in Afghanistan and eventually the Taliban succeeded in establishing their rule in Afghanistan. Till 2001, the Afghan government remained neutral to Pakistan.This was because of the fact that before 9/11 attacks Pakistan supported the Taliban. Pakistan was involved in assisting terrorist groups, Taliban and Al-Qaeda, in the civil wa r to form a government in Afghanistan in 1990s (History Channel). However, after 9/11 there came shift in Pakistans policy. Pakistan forged an alliance with the US to help channel the Nato and American troops into Afghanistan. The previously pro-Pakistani terrorist groups morose rogue. Pakistan was instructed by the US to eliminate Al-Qaeda elements and training camps across the border.This later translated into the Waziristan operation by the Pakistani forces in the North-Western territories of Pakistan. It was predictable that the old partners would initiate a terror reign across Pakistan. The countrys annual death toll from terrorist attacks move from 164 in 2003 to 3,318 in 2009, a level exceeding the number of Americans killed on September 11. Some 35,000 Pakistanis, including 3,500 members of security forces, have died in terror and counterterror violence. Millions more have been displaced by fighting. (Hamid) The benefit of Pakistan seems little from the figures.The war in itiated by the United States has cost Pakistan a lot both economically and socially. The extremist groups which had previously aligned themselves with Pakistan turned against it in their attempt to oppose USA. As per the Ministry of Finance During the buy the farm 10 years the direct and indirect cost of war on terror incurred by Pakistan amounted to $ 67. 93 billion or Rs. 5037 billion. (Ministry of Finance) This amount outweighs the economic assistance Pakistan has received during the past decade which roughly amounts to only one-third of it.Furthermore, the true impact of terrorism cannot be expressed in monetary terms. For instance, economists cannot place value on the loss of human life, loss of Pakistans image to the world etc. other unanticipated consequence of the war on terror for Pakistan has been its credibility. During the war the western countries have expressed doubts about Pakistans loyalty. Pakistan has been accused of playing a double-game, whereby Pakistan prete nds to assist United States but secretly support terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and Taliban.Although no evidence exists regarding Pakistans double game but United States and NATO have often complained of Pakistans secret policy. For example death of Osama bin Laden placed a serious crisis over Pakistan. The international repute and credibility of Pakistan vanished into thin air. President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai hinted that Osama bin Laden had hidden himself in the military bases of Abbottabad. (Boone and Black) While John Brenan, the homeland security advisor to the White House said People are raising a number of questions and understandably soIm sure a number of people have questions about whether there was rough kind of support provided by the Pakistani government. (Office of the Press Secretary, White House) What both meant to say was that Pakistan was providing a sanctuary to the Al-Qaeda leader. Thus the event itself was a humiliation for the country. The time of 9/11 can only be commended upon since it coincided at a time when Pakistan desperately required foreign help to drag itself out from the economic turmoil it faced. It will be unfair to say that war on terror has been a complete disaster for Pakistan.Before September eleven attacks Pakistan was under intense pressure from the international community. In May 1998 after Pakistans first nuclear test, it came under economic sanctions from the world major powers. Aid to Pakistan ceased and foreign trade was cut off. The US and other shareholders formed a coalition to stop International Monetary computer memory (IMF) funding to Pakistan. The economy which was already running on debt from the IMF plummeted down even deeper. By November 1998 the foreign reserves of Pakistan fell to four hundred and fifty eight million dollars which is a considerably dangerous figure for any economy.Before the tests the Finance Ministry predicted the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to grow by six percent for 1998 t o 1999 financial year. (Morrow and Carriere) However after the nuclear tests the Economist Intelligence Unit predicted that the Gross Domestic product (GDP) growth rate from 1998 to 1999 was one point six percent. (Morrow and Carriere) In short the Pakistani economy was certain to default. Apart from Chaghi nuclear test, Pakistans brief venture into the Kargil war and military coup by President Musharraf had left the country in diplomatic isolation.Pakistan was under an estimated foreign debt of forty billion dollars (Mahapatra). But the war on terror altered the whole scenario. dozen days after the 9/11 attacks all sanctions were lifted by Preside George W Bush after Pakistan complied to ally with the United States. (BBC News) Pakistan was again acknowledge as an ally by the Western nations and the started pouring in. Thus the war on terror prevented an economic crisis which was bound to engulf Pakistan. War on terror was the stimulus for improving diplomatic relations between Pa kistan and the European nations.Since Pakistan had been an important ally of US and NATO, relations turned good with the European community. Pakistan received aid and technical assistance from the Europe and America during the 2005 earthquake. Pakistan received an estimated total aid of six point seven billion dollars from the International community (Fox News). During the Flood of 2010, Pakistan received one and a half billion dollars in aid for relief efforts (Guardian). This filled the trust deficit that had existed between Pakistan and the West for so long a period.However, the credit again belongs to the so called war on terror which has had been the architect of good foreign relations for Pakistan. It is true that Pakistans participation in war on terror was a need at one time but adopting a permanent policy would not be a sane thought. Given its capability both economically and militarily it is not feasible for a developing country like Pakistan to afford a war which would l ast for a decade, especially when its opponent has mastered in guerilla warfare.War on terror is a bleeding wound that Pakistan needs to heal. It is evident that even after United States withdrawal the war may continue in the region. The dire outcome might be same as the consequences of Soviet Unions Afghan war. A. Rauf Khan Khattak quotes J. Michael McConnell, the Director of National Intelligence who narrates remarks of a Pakistani general In the long run Americans will not have the burden of staying in Afghanistan and when America pull out then India will reign.Therefore the Pakistanis will have to sustain contracts with the opposition to Afghan government intend the Taliban, So when America pulls out, it is a friendly government to Pakistan. (Khattak 10) After USs withdrawal Pakistans dilemma would be to contain the insurgency in its territories which will be an insurmountable task to cope with. Seemingly war on terror appears beneficial for Pakistan. In fact the case is otherw ise. Inflow of vast cash into Pakistans will improve the countrys balance of payments and foreign currency reserves for a time-being but in the long run, Pakistan is at loss.The cost paid by Pakistan outweighs the benefits received by a large scale. The true loss can only be estimated. Economically war on terror has been no less than a disaster for Pakistan. Its usefulness lays only in the fact that Pakistan was temporarily stabilized by pro-Western policies, however, mid-war security conditions in the country and costs incurred are too diabolic to accept. The immediate solution would be that Pakistan withdraws from the war and make peace with its neighbor.
Friday, May 24, 2019
New York Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange Regulation is strictly dedicated to strengthening market integrity and investor protection. All, the directors in the big board Regulations board of directors is comprised of a majority of directors unaffiliated with any other big board board. As a result, big board Regulation is independent in its decision-making. The come forthment consists of threedivisions Market surveillance, Enforcement, and Listed Company Compliance.NYSE Regulation protects investors by enforcing marketplace rules and federal securities laws. NYSE Regulation also ensures that companies listed on the NYSE and on NYSE Arca meet our financial and corporeal-governance listing standards.The NYSE Regulation poster has the following committees (1) the sympathetic Resources and Compensation Committee (2) the Nominating and Governance Committee and (3) the Committee for Review. The Human Resources and Compensation Committee is appointed by the Board and is charged with duties relating to N YSE Regulations human resources policies and procedures, employee benefit plans, compensation and disclosure. The NYSE Regulation Board of Directors iscomprised of threeNYSE Euronextdirectors, sixotherwise unaffiliated with NYSE Euronext, andthe NYSE Regulation Chief Executive Officer.The CEOof NYSE Regulation has primary right for the regulatory oversight of the U.S. marketsubsidiaries within NYSE Euronext and reports solely to the NYSE Regulation board of directors.The Regulation Board oversees all compensation decisions for Regulation employees and the nomination of directors to the Board of Regulation. When it comes to disciplinary actions, the decisions of NYSE Regulation and its Board of Directors atomic number 18 final, although subject to appeal to the arcsecond.NYSE Regulationperforms regulatory responsibilities for the New York Stock Exchange and NYSE Arca. It is comprised ofaMarket Surveillance division that monitors trading activities and investigatestrading abusesby member disposals on the Floor andaway from the Exchange, anEnforcement divisionthat investigates and prosecutes relateddisciplinary actions, and aListed Company Compliance division that ensures that companies listed on NYSE and on NYSE Arca meet their financial and corporate governance listing standards. Market Surveillance is the division responsible for monitoring trading activities on the Floor and trading upstairs by member firms, both on a real-time buttocks and after the fact.Enforcement cases include books and records deficiencies,supervisory violations,misconduct on the trading floor,insider trading,market manipulation, and other abusive trading practices. The trading of securities in the U.S. is subject to vigorous regulation. The principal laws governing trading are theSecurities Act of 1933 (the 1933 Act) and theSecurities Exchange Act of 1934 (1934 Act).NYSE rules apply toNYSE member organizations, as headspring as past and presentrepresentatives, and are designed to protect investors and foster fair dealings with customers. Federal Reserve Board Rules apply to the entire banking sector for the regulation of borrowing and lending requirements. soulfulness states in the U.S. have their own state securities laws. Any offering of securities in the U.S. must be made in accordance with state as well as federal regulations.Whether Dick Grassos compensation was reasonable is a matter of opinion. There are some former directors who still declare adamantly that he deserved all he was paid. Most of the world probably thinks differently. He got a payout of $139.5 million in retirement compensation and other benefits. According to insiders Grassos ran the NYSE like a private fiefdom. Mr. Grassos friends and allies on the board contributed a lot to the NYSE but the same lot became a symbol of corporate governance gone bad when it was revealed that those same people doled out his big pay package.The SEC has found that during Mr. Grassos reign, specialists r epeatedly traded for their own benefit in the place of customers who were ready to trade at the same price. This spurt of questionable trading may have cost investors at least $155 million, according to the SEC staff. That said, it would be a mistake to understate Mr. Grassos contributions to the NYSE. His imperious style helped hold together the exchanges many, often-bickering, constituencies.Thanks to his spending on additional technology, the NYSE easily handled the broad(prenominal) volume and volatility of the recent bull and bear markets, no small task. But in the end it is pertinent to mention that NYSE was a non-profit organization and under no circumstance the Chairman can be considered as a CEO of a big multi bailiwick. His primary duty was to protect the national interest and was entitled to get the best compansation comparable to a higher government official and not the huge retirement package that he got. theatrical role1. http// tml2. http//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Scott Eaton and His Sculpture
Scott Eaton The artist of this papers five pieces of trim are created and conceptualized by Scott Eaton. He is an artist and determinationer from the I-J and uses traditionalistic art techniques with digital tools. What makes his work so fascinating is his familiarity of anatomy and clean use and mastery of the media. This piece is gorgeous and for it being a digital sculpt, you could hardly tell. The texturing is almost like real clay mimicking cutis It is to be acknowledged that this piece was created and rendered in only 2 days. The digital sculpture was execute to a very tight schedule, going from start to final rendered image in twain days (Eaton ). Something to note is that in digital media there is no gravity or real light, meaning he created his own glass, lit it himself and made the glass reflective. This was a speculative piece for the most recent Pirates picture show during the preproduction phase of development. Work like this is great for establishing a baseline of what a film or game will look like. There are hundreds of hatful which work on huge productions now a days and they need to find ways of keeping everyones mind in the same kind of groove, qualification this a fine example of that taking place.The second piece is named female figure study IV, I love the neutral heavy color alter. With the posture off bit of yellow and a dark shade of blue all under this brownish grunge the piece gets a very megascopic look to it. While squinting you can limit that the silhouette is successful as head as the proportions and gesture is on point. All the shadows and highlights are in the duty place and the flesh would feel real. The weight of the breasts and the soft dangle of the hair makes the piece soft and sensual.Take a look at the midsection right under the (stage)right arm, the shadow shows careful observation and great knowledge of how light works. It is safe to live that Scott Eaton is a consultant on anatomy and teaches advanced clas ses online. If you trust to know your figure you got to know Scott Eaton. If you still arent impressed take a look at some of these studies he has made. The accuracy of each muscle and how the skin behaves over each muscle is truly a marvel. The homophile has clearly been practicing and has studied his anatomy. Scott Eaton attended Princeton University as an undergraduate majoring in both engineering and art. These two majors make a fine mix of artist and designer and later got his masters at MIT Media Lab. He would later continue his art studies at the Florence Academy of Art in Florence, Italy. (Eaton 1). His work shows his Italian influence. The figures he sculpts carry have a classical renaissance feel to them. As you can see in the in the photo above the man has a great understanding of anatomy as well as has a very well tuned process.Process and evidence of process is just as important as your final piece. This is simply because as an artist you are being hired for a cleve rness for which you will be asked use. Many people can make an amazing sculpture with time and patience, but what really sells is your ability to create and rate chop-chop and consistently with great results. Showing process whether it be on a blob or document will give everyone a peak into your work ethic and efficiency. In short it shows if you know what you are doing or Just happened to get lucky.Here is an example of Scoots process for his most recent design work for design festival in London. The Venus of Cupertino, my pad docking station, is Just back from a busy week at the London Design Festival. This piece is germane(predicate) to what was being done in class with the silicon mold and such being used. Its also a great simple and fun design. The appealing softer shapes and edges as well as smooth color and finish makes this successful. A quote was used on Scoots website, A stylish docking station for syncing, charging and display.An evocative liquify of ancient fertilit y symbolism and modern technology worship. I want one (Eaton 1). The quote really says it all, this piece is an example of how multivalent this man is whos knowledge of art history, skill with a sculpt, and a mind of a designer can create things everyone can enjoy. This is Hyphenates II, if you rant familiar with Greek mythology this mythological man was the black smith for the gods. He is described as being ugly but Zeus arranged is marriage with Aphrodite who is the goddess of love, pleasure, and beauty.DRAMA, the poor guy had no medical prognosis and she would run off with different gods leaving him lonely and enraged. This sculpted shows great emotion and mood. A workers body with strong hands and a worn face. The expand in the face are believable and the meat around the arms have weight and almost reveal a saggy inflexed arm which is impeccable observation. The item-by-item light source creates the drama and a peek into the soul of this poor ugly blacksmith. Works Cited Eat on, Scott. Scott Eaton. Catenation. Eaton Media Ltd, n. D. Web. 24 Feb.. 2013.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Attention Deficit disorder
My high school years have been challenging but I have managed to pop off in. I was born with a condition known as Attention Deficit disorder (ADD). This condition ca using ups inattentiveness, over-activity and impulsivity. I learnt to cope with these conditions by having a honest self-assertion.I did not to inform the administration about my condition because I did not want to receive special treatment like getting more snip to take my tests. I took challenging courses like chemistry, functions statistics and trigonometry. To improve my understanding of the academic material and also to get a better grade in my course, I attended summer school.I did this to retake courses that were strong to understand during school time and to boost my overall cumulative G.P.A. These courses required sustained mental efforts in class, which were difficult to maintain, but I extended my school hours to get more help from my teachers. I even arranged with them to stay longer hours in the school labs for duplication tutoring.I am very talented in gymnasium and my talent helped me get admitted in the varsity cheerleading team during my junior year, where I learnt to cultivate my interpersonal skills. During make out I dedicated all my energies to the teams performance and was promoted me to the assistant co-captain of the varsity cheerleading team.I had supportive friends in the team, who with my coaches assisted me to solve difficult class work problems. They lifted my self-esteem in believing in me. Through the team I learnt that to succeed I needed to have self-confidence.During my sophomore year I attended artless learning center, where I learnt to study and improve my skills to become academically successful. In the center I was able to develop good interpersonal skills and improve my discourse skills. This has enabled me cultivate good leadership qualities.I believe am capable of getting in the university and once am there I will use talents in the gymnasium to occ upy my free time. Being idle is a way of causing distraction and I want to remain focused during my academic years. Iwill use my interpersonal skills to develop good relations with a students and also to be become a student leader. I will study hard in the university to achieve all my goals despite my condition. I believe in working hard to be successful.Work citedStein, E, Amy. Fragments Coping with attention Deficit Disorder. Haworth press. 2003. 91-120.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Travel Brochure
The Pharaohs were the most powerful and the most important people in the kingdom. He ruled the government, the military, the religion and exclusively his people. They were the kings and queens of Egypt. Many people also believed that pharaohs were half god. They believed the Pharaoh was the sun god Re. Pharaohs also often had many wives but they only had one queen. The Great Pyramids of Giza- in that respect are 3 chambers inside the pyramid. The lower one, is made of limestone bedrock and was n forever completed.The 2nd and 3rd were known as the king and queens chamber. environ the pyramid are tombs, statues, and other monuments, this certainly would be a site to see Step Pyramid at Saqqara- This was the 1st stone building ever made. Djoser constructed this beauty. Where will we be traveling? And who are the Pharaohs. Delete niche or place a tag line or quote here. Delete box or place a tag line or quote here. 5555 Street Address City, State 55555 Telephone 555. 555. 5555 Facsi mile 555. 555. 5555 DELETE BOX, OR stainTEXT OR LOGO HERE www. webaddress. com During the 2nd half of the old kingdom Saqqara was known as the royal burying grounds. The step pyramid of djoser was created wholly out of stone. Its also often referred to (because of its rectangular base) as the Step Tomb. Its surrounded by ceremonial structures as well as many decorations. When Djoser led, he led his people through time of advancements and expansion. To expand Egypts territory, he fought foreign invaders on both the eastern and western sides.When Djoser ruled he also ended the famine that had been bringing down his empire. Before Djosers time there was a lot of hardship, but he got people back on track and his efforts also lead to more agriculture and farming. He was a wonderful and respected leader. Leader- Djoser Karnak SUBHEAD Delete box or place a tag line or quote here. Delete box or place a tag line or quote here. * HEADLINE sojourn brochure text here. carry brochure text he re. hide brochure text here. wrap up brochure text here. come about brochure text here.Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Continue brochure text here. Saqqara t
Monday, May 20, 2019
Protecting the Environment
later consideration, I would have thought deeper before making a decision. One of the examples is that I volition envisage of other possibilities and ways of disposing an unwanted item. This is beca intent our actions skill seem little and fuel do much reproach to the environment but as time passes by and all our actions are added up together and this might cause chaos in the future. Damaging the environment is not a petty subject area. Planet solid ground as we all live in seems to be the only planet that is capable of supporting benignant life.Once it is damage beyond rep furrow, it might wipe out our species. In the effort of cling toing the environment, we leave alone consider the effect of our actions before making decisions. Will our actions do any good to the environment or go forth it continue to ill-treat the environment? This is the question that must be thought of when taking actions. As we all know, we do not have centuries to go anymore. Scientist around the globe is already complaining somewhat the effect of global fierying and the unstable environment that we all have nowadays.We have only a few more decade to go before we totally wipe out the ice berg at the north and south pole. Once the ice is melted, all sort of extreme and outrages weather will occur. Recycling is a very basic but important action that everyone should adopt now. In the light up of global warming right now, it is important that we reuse. The needs to recycle is base on the fact that our instinctive resources are diminishing . If we do not recycle, factories will have to process the raw material and this will result in more heat release into the environment.A very basic way to recycle is to separate our rubbish into papers, metal and glass. Others waste such as food can be use to make compose. Besides recycling, we will also reuse thing that can be use once again such as food containers and shopping bags. Food containers can be kept and put aside. It can be u se to keep food when needed. Shopping bags can also be use to take hold things when we go shopping. Using shopping bags will eliminate the needs for plastic bags. Many of the plastic bags that close to of the shops offer are non biodegradable.This material will not be eliminated unless burned. Once it is burned, it will release a poisonous gas which will cause air pollution. Open burning is also an important issue relating to the environment. It will cause air pollution and also release great amount of heat and degree centigrade dioxide into the environment. Open burning is really unnecessary for household because if we coif our garbage well and put it in the plastic bags, the rubbish collector will just bring those garbage away. Burning the forest to go around new lands is also unacceptable.This action will cause discomfort to many people and if it is not manage well, the fire will spread and unwanted accident might happen. We should all prevent using the air conditioning at h ome because it will release a type of gas which will destroy the ozone layer. Once the ozone is destroy, people that stay in that area will get skin cancers. To keep our dead body cool, we should use fan instead. It does not consume that much electricity as air conditioner and it does not harm the environment.We should also drink more cold water or take cool bath to warm our body when the weather is hot. We should also educate our friends and family about ways to protect the environment. If possible, everyone should get educated. If everyone is focusing to protect the environment, many unwanted disasters will be prevented. In the deontological theory point of view, it can be substantially seen that it is everyones duty to protect the environment. Everyone must do his part to protect the environment so that the contiguous generations to come will have a better place to live in.
Negotiation Journal Rachid
My previous experiences of negotiating in truth estate properties sale were middling different from what we got in class. In fact, the logic is quite similar, UT the main difference is that in real life dialogs, I never characterd a pen and a paper. I remember victimization concepts like target, limit, and curtain raising except that have never have it offn they had social functionicular names. Expected the Hamilton negotiation to go along me an evaluation of my mien of running real estate negotiations.I started my expression by take oning the case, understanding the context, and foreground the most crucial t all(prenominal)ing was provided with. Based on the data had collected, realized I would be face a complex situation that has unavowed facts and that requires lots of analysis and critic to UN it successfully. As an essential part of my preparation, determined my target, limit, and opening using the facts I was provided with and trusts made nearly my counterpart .In the case, t present was in my opinion a breaking piece of randomness that changed my whole perception of the situation. It was mentioned, in the first place, that the land would be more probably used for residential construction due to the fact that commercial construction was non permitted by the law in the Hamilton area. Considering that info, the apprise of the land should be near what Quince Dive offered us, 8 jillion $. There was, yet, a piece of info that had high importance in analyzing the case.We are public lecture here more or less the fact that Estate Ones CEO is much known for his long experience in the field, value minimization, and for being extremely well connected politically at the level of the state and local administration. When I enteried that info, I started raising questions such as why Estate One are giving us such a surprisingly late call while they are usually known for their immobile reactivity to the projects they are highly interested in? This question was actually the hint that pushed me to make a giggly important supposition intimately my counterpart based on which I determined my target, limit, and opening.I am talking about the assumption that my counterpart got access to breaking news about the state and local government planning to allow commercial construction in the Hamilton area. Thought of that as the most rational business relationship of why my counterpart gave me that surprisingly late call and Of why my property was becoming so important to him all of a sudden. The entire heading of what was mentioned above is that acquired a highly interesting technique of analyzing the information in hands and building hard-hitting assumptions based on info analysis.This strategy demonstrated its durability during the negotiation. I determined my opening to be 70, my limit to be 42 (assuming that Quince Dive readiness go up to 10% of what they offered initially), and my target to be 65 which is a pretty fair i mpairment for the property if its to be used for commercial construction. My counterpart opening was 45 yet, as long as I gave her the impression that I am expecting the land to be used for commercial construction, she immediately started change magnitude her offer gradually and so or decreasing the ZAP.My counterpart achieving a 55 million S offer (which is much higher than the value of the property if to be used for residential construction) confirmed the assumption made about my counterpart having different intentions of planned use of the land than what she claimed. We ended up around 60. 5 which was a win-win agreement in my opinion knowing that my counterpart will be waiting for the commercial construction permission to be come backn.This negotiation was a true learning experience that taught me to profoundly analyze and criticize the information I am provided with ND build logic assumption about my counterpart that help figure out the info dont have access to. Second Negot iation thesis Wiley. Role Played UP of Rivers UP of Business Development. Was expecting this negotiation to be tough and challenging. I judge to receive lots of resistance from my counterpart since he was supposed to be a professional and go through agent in the field of basketball players endorsement.To get well prepared for the negotiation, I tried to read between the lines to achieve best(p) understanding of the hidden facts. For instance, in the case, at that place were a couple of hidden facts. The first was the prior face-to-face contact that took place between Wiley and Peak. It was essential to take the existence of such a relationship into account. I actually came to the point, later on, that Wiley and Peak were the real parties of the negotiation. When I thought about it little deeper, Wiley is the basketball player to be endorsed and Peak is the boss and it sounds that an agreement has already been reached between the two. ND Wiles agent were, in fact, just intermed iaries and we were supposed to sign the formal agreement. Also as part of my preparation process, tried to understand the exact session where I stood and the nature of the situation and context. Understood that my interests and my bosss interests were slightly different, but I still had to defend the two of them the same way. My boss was highly convinced that Wiley was the pay soul to be endorsed. I knew I had the challenge to make my boss happy by signing the love and saving the marketing campaign even though I wasnt too much into endorsing Wiley.The entire point here is that it was crucial to understand what my mission in the negotiation was, the role I was supposed to play, and the blot stood in. Furthermore, larn not to base my negotiation entirely on the assumptions made about my counterpart because there was always a probability for them being false. During my negotiation I faced a situation that proven that. I made the assumption that my counterpart got access to the ma rket average data. I built that assumption on the basis that Wiles agent was a professional and experienced agent.At slightly point in the negotiation, I realized that my assumption turned out to be false. I believe that my counterpart didnt have the advanced information about the market average. Sincerely, I got the impression that my counterpart didnt take enough time to read the case which resulted in him not mastering the data he was provided with in the text. That was a typical voice of how weak your position gets when you are not well prepared and when you dont know enough information about your counterpart.Even though that was a point of which took advantage of to balance the negotiation to my side, it was a useful lesson to keep in mind. That very same situation taught me another interesting point which I might call effective reactivity. Actually, my untreated behaved in a surprising and chocking manner which gave me the impression he was neither professional nor experie nced. It was very important for me to react effectively to his behaviors. I learned how to react properly to my counterparts behaviors and use that to strengthen my position.In early negotiations, applying the concepts and skills I acquired in this negotiation will certainly help me run them more successfully and effectively. triad Negotiation TERSE Ay/ KIRKS Ay. Role Played Aroma, Sales Representative of KIRKS. My role in this negotiation was Aroma, the sale delegate of KIRKS. I evaluate this negotiation to be tough and time consuming. Indeed, it was. Since we had many ground to agree upon, expected this negotiation to be like no one of those did before. I was used to run negotiations that either didnt allow in any detailed terms or included very few.This negotiation taught me a new way of negotiating. It was very important to master the details and content of every term and set a incomparable(predicate) and clear strategy to negotiate it. It was the first time to be provid ed with such complex and diverse terms. As a part of the preparation, I discussed with my teammate each term and we determined for each one a target, a limit, and an opening point. That highly helped us in terms of controlling the flow of the negotiation and doing the right type of discounts.. Therefore, it was very important to create harmony, connection, and cohesion between different terms of the negotiation.A consider satisfactory come in of time was devoted to each one of the terms. When my counterpart gave us a call to request for the quartet engines, we started raising questions about their current situation and their relationship with whacking Blue. As far as we knew, Big Blue was the sole supplier of TERSE therefore, e thought there should be a business with them calling us for an urgent request Of quadruple servers. Either Big Blue service was not satisfying anymore, especially taking into account that their reputation has been going so bad, or that they were not able to deliver what TERSE was requesting for.We just tried to use this kind of analysis to manipulate the negotiation and, indeed, we started the negotiation by asking our counterparts about their relationship with Big Blue and their current business situation. That was kind of destabilise question, but they did manage it though. The entire point am ring to make here is that I learned to push my counterpart to talk via asking him/her questions. This way I can figure out the information he/she might be hiding from me.Our aim behind doing this negotiation was, in fact, to sign the take aim in the first place because both I and my company were behind our expected results but also to achieve long term agreements and collaboration with TEPEE. We knew that TERSE had future plans to expand their business in the populate states, so we thought it would be highly beneficial for us to sign long term agreements with them. That was, actually, scarce what appended. We did provide them with disc ounts concerning services, support, and training in exchange of signing a contract to get the next four servers from us.In my opinion, that was a good starting point for signing potential long term agreement in the future. The point I am trying to make is that I learned to think in terms of short terms / long term agreements. Now, I believe I become a better negotiator one who makes clear distinction between short term and long terms deals and agreements. When you know what your exact objectives are, you know what discounts and sacrifices you re supposed to do. Last but not least, I learned to use currencies properly.The good thing about currencies is that you use them as a joker when you cant do any raise discounts in terms of the overall price of the deal. Even though the currencies might be costly, they still give the impression that they are worth more than their actual value. For instance, we agreed at the end to provide some services for free. It still costs as money, but not as much as what a discount on the price of the servers would cost us. Fourth Negotiation Flagship Airways. Role Played S. Gordon, UP of Engendering I started this negotiation by meeting with my teammates who represent the UP of maintenance and the UP of finance.We discussed the interests and concerns of each one of us and we set a strategy that we will follow to meet and defend the interests of the whole group. This negotiation was unique compared to the ones did before, in the sense that, the three of our group members had slightly different interests and objectives to achieve. Therefore, it was crucial to effectively listen to each other and try to find a common ground and a consensus. Once we determined our target, limit, and opening for the various terms of the contract based on the consensus reached, we started the negotiation with our counterparts.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Feminism in Doll’s House Essay
One of the primary tenets of Marxism is the article of belief that hu homosexual thought is a product of the individuals genial and economic conditions, their relationships with former(a)s be oft undermined by those conditions (Letterbie 1259), and that the weak or less-fortunate are al federal agencys exploited by the richer bourgeoisie. A common national found in Henrik Ibsens piddle, A Dolls House, is the exploitation of the weak and the poor by the strong and the rich, and an arrested development with genuine possession.The characters in A Dolls House are all affected by the lack or learning of bills, and their entire lives and way of thinking are base upon it. Therefore, a Marxist proposition pervades throughout much of the play and fork over be seen from each of the main characters perspectives. Noras way of thinking and her outlook on doings are both completely dominated by her material wealth and pecuniary conditions. For example, when the play begins Nora is just returning home from a shopping trip.She enters the apartment with an armload of packages (43) and is followed by a boy carrying a Christmas tree. Nora then tells Helene, one of their maids, to hide the tree so the kids wont see it until its been decorated. When Torvald enters, she asks him for bullion so she clear hang the bills in gilt paper as Christmas tree decorations (45). The tree symbolizes her obsession with money because she didnt want anyone to see it until it had been decorated to show take out their youngfound wealth.Previously, she made the decorations by hand, sp fetch uping an entire day on the project. Doing the equivalent now would be thinking poor in her mind, so she spends excessive amounts of money on presents and decorates the tree with it because now they can afford to let themselves go a bit (44). Now that Nora belongs to a high social severalise she a great deal throws money away. She tells the tree delivery boy to keep the change from the cr p rofess she gave him, rendering him twice what he asks.Despite the fact that Torvalds sneak wont come into effect for another(prenominal) three months, she insists that we can borrow until then (44) when previously she and Torvald saved every penny they could in dedicate to get by, and they both worked odd jobs in localise to supplement their income. She becomes more selfish as wellhead, considering that if something were to breathe to Torvald after they had borrowed money, it just wouldnt matter (44) because the masses they borrowed from are strangers. Now that they belong to a higher social class, her responsibility has flown out the door and she contends wholly for her own interests.She doesnt bring off what would happen to the strangers she borrowed from, because she concentrates single on what she can extract from other people. Also, when her friend Kristine comes over, the first thing she mentions is her husbands new job, claiming that she feels so light and happy (49) because they now have stacks of money and not a care in the world (49). When the wiser Kristine answers that it would be nice to have enough for the necessities (50) Nora insists that that is not enough-she repeats that she wants stacks and stacks of money (50).After she tells Kristine she borrowed the money for the trip to Italy, and tells her about all the hard work she did in order to pay it off, she says her worries dont matter anymore because now Im free (56). She equates liberty with the acquisition of wealth, saying that having money is the only way she can be carefree and happy (56). By the end of the play, however, she realizes that even if she is able to be free of her debts, she is still financially enslaved to her husband, because as a woman she is completely dependant on him.She refers to leaving him as closing out their accounts, (108) and in doing so she renounces not only her marital vows but also her financial dependence because she has discovered that perso nal and human freedom are not measured in economic terms, (Letterbie 1260). Noras entire outlook on look changes with a change in her economic conditions, thereby demonstrating the Marxist belief that peoples thoughts are a product of their financial posts. Torvald is much more careful with money, but he too bases his outlook on life and relationships solely on money and the status it earns him.When he hears Nora return from shopping, he asks if his little riotous has been out throwing money near again, (44) saying that they unfeignedly cant go squandering (44). Nora claims that since Torvald kick in alone be making piles and piles of money (44) from now on they can borrow until his raise comes through, but he is adamant in his reply that they should never borrow and have no debt because something of freedom is lost from a home thats founded on borrowing and debt (44). Torvald, too, equates money with freedom, and refuses to flag up that freedom by borrowing money.He too th en mentions that it is a wonderful feeling (47) to know that ones got a safe secure job with a comfortable salary, (47) similar to Noras claim that shes now carefree and happy because of it. Torvald cares not only about money, but about his social status as well. When he finds out that Nora borrowed money from Krogstad with a forged signature, his love for her is completely erased, and he says shes ruined all his happiness (106). He cares only about his reputation, because its got to seem uniform everything is the same between us-to the outside world, at least (106).All that matters to him is saving the bits and pieces, the appearance (106). However, once Krogstad gives them the broadside and says he wont tell anyone about it, he is suddenly, magically able to love her again, because no one will know. He still cares only about himself, however, claiming Im saved, Im saved Oh, and you too (107). Nora is only an afterthought when it comes to his reputation. Their relationship is rui ned because he continues to believe in money and social status as the source of happiness, while Nora comes to realize that money is not that important.The Marxist theme can be seen in both Kristine and Krogstad as well. Kristine sacrificed her love for Krogstad and married another man because his prospects seemed pessimistic back then, (95) and she had to be able to take care of her mother and brothers. Although their relationship was revived in the end, it roughly failed simply for money (95). Once she comes back to Krogstad, she still wont even give up the job she took from him, because she has to look out for herself-she tells Nora that in her position you have to live, and so you grow selfish (52).This is a Marxist attitude because her entire life and mind-set are a result of her economic situation at the time of her decisions. Krogstad affiliated a crime in order to support his family, and when his job was be he tried to save it by every means possible-even blackmail-sayin g he would fight for it like life itself (64) if need be. Krogstad tells Nora that it was your husband who forced me to revert to my old ways, (88) but from a deeper perspective it was really his financial situation that forced his hand and made him blackmail Nora, just as it was the reason he committed a crime years before.The Helmers maid, Anna-Marie, also has a Marxist perspective on life. She had to leave her home and her child in order to get by. When Nora asks how she was able to give her child up to the care of strangers she just replies that a girl whos poor and whos gotten in trouble (73) has no other choice, and that her daughter has written to me both when she was confirmed and when she was married (73). Anna-Maries entire life as well as her way of thinking has been determined by her financial situation.Her relationship with her daughter is interrupted and practically destroyed yet she accepts her alienation from her child as if it were natural, given the circumstances of class and money (Letturbie 1260). She cant afford to be upset about leaving her only child, because she had no other choice. She had to give up a relationship with someone she loved, just as Kristine had to give up her love for Krogstad. Anna-Maries situation exemplifies that in the marketplace women were a labor force expecting subsistence wages (Letturbie 1260).Marxism includes the belief that capitalism is based on the exploitation of workers by the owners of capital. Anna-Marie may not have been exploited directly by the rich, but she is forced to live a substandard life because she is poor, and unlike Nora, she does not challenge the laws of class and alliance but accepts her situation. She does not realize that social class and societys laws were created by other people and thus are capable of imperfection and susceptible to change, (Letturbie 1260). So all she can expect is to be poor her entire life, and for her financial conditions to remain stagnant.The problems that Nora, Anna-Marie and Kristine face are compounded by their gender. Ibsens play is considered by many to be a feminist work, illustrating the erroneous treatment of the woman issue, as Ibsen called it. though he said in a speech once that Nora was supposed to represent the Everyman, and that he hadnt been trying to address the issue of womens rights, critics argue that the presence of feminism in the play is immanent and justifiable whatever Ibsens intention and in spite of his speech, (Templeton 111).Nora is depicted until the end of the play as a helpless, dimwitted fool who wastes her husbands hard earned money. She is Torvalds plaything, his burden and responsibility. Templeton describes their marriage as a pan-cultural ideala relation of superior and inferior in which the married woman is a putz of little intellectual and moral capacity, whose right and proper station is subordination to her husband (Templeton 138). Her womanly helplessness was attractive to Torvald, because he had to be in cover.When they get the Bond back from Krogstad and Torvald forgives her, he says that to a man there is something sweet and satisfying in forgiving his married woman, because it seems as if his forgiveness had made her doubly his own he has given her a new life, and she has in a way become both wife and child to him (65). She was an object, his property, to whom he deigned to give life but only for his own pleasure. During the first act, he never calls her by name he calls her his squirrel, a spendthrift, and a featherbrain, among other things.Her entire identity is determined by these nicknames while she is his squirrel she is innocent, childish, obedient, and completely dependant on him. When he finally addresses her by name, in Act Three, her appearance is entirely differentshe becomes serious, determined, and willful. She is his doll-wife, playing the game of marriage. She tells Torvald in the end, You arranged everything according to your own taste, and so I got the same tastes as you, or pretended to (67). All of it is a role that Nora has been taught to play by society, the behavior expected of all women of the time.This role was merely a mask, one that she couldnt live with in the end. On the outside, she is entirely obedient to her husband but on the inside, she yearns for recognition and a love that Torvald wasnt free to give. She was expected to be content with the life she had, though it wasnt in any way average or equal. When she expresses her hope that Torvald would have taken the blame for her crime upon himself, Torvald says that no man would ever relinquish his honor for the one he loves, and Nora replies that millions of women have done just that (70).Her rebellion was so shocking to the earreach that Ibsen was accused of a kind of godless androgyny women, in refusing to be compliant, were refusing to be women (Templeton 114). Ibsen was even forced to change this ending in order for it to be performed. Obedience was the main trait that defined women it was what disjunct them from men. When she decides to leave, Torvald claims that she is insane, because her most sacred duties were to her husband and her children, and before all else she was a wife and mother (68). So in leaving, she was in a sense denying the purpose of her existence.Women had no other role or function in society. Kristine broke free from this traditional role by chance, because her husband died. Had he lived, she would have been stuck in the same situation as Nora for the rest of her life. Even so, she is still dependant on men in order to live. When her father died, she was forced to marry a man she didnt love in order to provide for her mother and younger brothers. She wasnt able to get a job at that point, because she was young and individual so the only option she had was marriage.After her husband died and she went to visit Nora, she says I feel my life unutterably empty. No one to live for anymore (11). Her entire life u p until that point revolved around men the purpose of her existence was to please her husband and take care of her brothers. When that was no longer necessary, her life lost its meaning. She came to Nora because she was looking for work, and that could only be obtained through Torvald. When he gives her a job, he feels in control of her even outside the office.When Torvald and Nora return from the party in Act III and Kristine is there waiting, he says you really ought to embroider, its much more becoming. Let me show youin the case of knitting, that can never be anything but ungraceful (57). He presumes to instruct her on something that is traditionally womens work, and a hobby, as if she were doing it for him. He insults her taste and her work as if it is his right and his duty to correct not only his own wife but any woman that he sees doing something wrong. When Nora shut the door behind her, she wasnt just a woman leaving her family.She was a woman seeking independence from th e strictures of society and the rule of men which was located upon her because of gender. She was the representation of Everyman, illustrating the need of everyone, no matter their background, for freedom. And she was the representation of the unnoticed, underappreciated workers of the world overthrowing the capitalists who took them for granted. Ibsens play was one of the sterling(prenominal) of its time, reaching all the way to our own with a relevance that will always be effectual and true.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Modern effect towards Shakepears Romeo Essay
I bequeath produce the play in Las Vegas so I can pee a modern effect towards Shakepears Romeo & Juliet. Ive chosen to produce Act 1 Scene 1, because it will show the tension mingled with the ii families already before the film unfolds. The scene has lots of implework forcet and theres a variety of things happening. The Montagues own a gambling casino c on the wholeed Gamblers Paradise. The Capulets are likewise in the gambling business their casino is called Snake Eyes. There is a massive rivalry between them because of the substantial amount of money involved and the intense competition. Tybalt wants to shut the Montagues business for good. The servants are employees of their families casinos, and the Prince is the head of the F.B.I.Leading up to the sceneThere will be a short plume showing how the feud between the two families began. The Montagues were situated there first. Their in gain was soaring through the roof, until the Capulets arrived and open their newly built c asino adjacent to them. The Montagues income plummeted dramatically and they were infuriated ab stunned it. So they began their syllabus to make the Capulets lives hell.When the scene opens, the two Capulet servants walk out of the casino joking and laughing.The photographic television photographic tv camera will front them from the Montagues casino and will zoom in slowly. The servants walk down the street towards a caf they unceasingly go to every lunch break. As they are walking, the camera has a close up on Sampson when he is talking and when Gregory is talking the camera switches to him. When they are near the caf, the camera goes into the caf, moving in a circular movement. Then it stops on Abraham, a Montague servant. Abraham is drinking a cup of coffee. The camera is confront the door of the caf from inside, waiting for the Capulets to enter. Next, the door swings open and the Capulets look around and spot Abraham. The camera switches to Abraham. He sees them in the c orner of his eye. He gulps down the last mouth full of coffee and walks all over to the counter. The camera moves behind the counter. He pays for the coffee and turns to the Capulets.Gregory says, I will frown as I spree by, and let them take it as they list.Sampson replies Nay, as there. I will bite my thumb at him, which is disgrace to him if he bear it.Do you bite your thumb at us sir? says Abraham in a deep shaky voice.Abraham walks over to them. Then suddenly he lashes out with a punch to Gregory. The camera moves to the right and zooms in on the action. The fight is interrupted by the appearance of Benvolio.Benvolio enters and shouts, Part, fools Put up your turn over you know not what you do.Tybalt stampedes through the door with attitude and says, What art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? change shape thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death.Benvolio replies, I do but keep the peace. Put up thy hand, or it to part these men with me.What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. demand at thee, coward. Tybalt replies with anger.Then Abraham pulls out a gun, he is extremely nervous at this moment in time. Sweat runs slowly down his forehead. Sampson allows the gun out of Abrahams clench fist. Gregory does a backward roundhouse kick to the face of Abraham, who is stunned. The camera switches behind Abraham and zooms out a bit. He flies through the air and crashes onto a table with a bone-breaking thump. The camera is now at a birds eye arrest of the crisis. Abraham is bleeding from several places and he is unconscious. Blood is trickling from the edge of the table.Citizens gather round shouting, Down with the Capulets, down with the Montagues.The camera is behind the citizens at head level. Immediately Montague and Capulet appear on the scene. Old Capulet calls for shotgun. For a moment the two wives try to restrain their husbands, but their efforts are unnecessary. The F.B.I squad pulls up outside the ca f. The Worlds Greatest by R.Kelly is compete in the background. As the prince steps out of his Lexus, the camera has a close up on his face.Prince Escales says loud through a tannoy, Old Capulet and Montague have disturbed our streets once again. If you ever disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the quit of the peace. For this time all the rest depart away You Capulet, shall go along with me, and Montague I will come for you this afternoon, to know our further pleasure in this case, to old Free-town, our common judgement-place. Once more, on pain of death, all men depart.How the scene developsWith the departure of the Prince, the mood changes.Lady Montague asks O where is Romeo? I saw him to day? I am glad he was not at this fray.Lady Montague spots Romeo in the distance. The camera zooms in on lady Montague. Benvolio describes the behaviour of his infatuated friend. Romeo gets up before dawn, walking alone in the woods and weeping as the sunrises. The camera follows hi m from behind, capturing the beautiful sky. He hurries home and locks himself in his room and shuts out the daylight. At this point, Hero by Enrique is playing. These are symptoms of unrequited love, although neither Benvolio nor Romeos parents appear to recognise this.How does your discourse of the play show its relevance to people today?Romeo and Juliet relate very well to today. For example, each family wants punish on the other. This can relate to the families who were affect by Myra Hindley. She was a sick twisted individual who killed children. every(prenominal) one wanted her to die and suffer for what she did. All families have disagreements, arguments, and fights but thats part of breeding every thing will eventually sort it self-out. So really what happens in Romeo and Juliet isnt unusual.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Paramedic Essay
masses dont care how much you know, they want to know how much you care. John C. Maxwell I am attending Fortis College to become a paramedic. I want to become a paramedic not only to make a difference, but to help others in their measure of need. I think of this degree as a passion not just a career. As a paramedic in that respect is always room for continuing your education. You learn from your co-workers and the runs you go on.As early as 1500 B.C. there has been few kind of EMS. In those solar days it was a Good Samaritan act and completely voluntary. Moving up the time line in 1767, the Greeks and Romans took soldiers off of the battlefield by chariots. In the same time period a chief physician in the Napoleons army, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, started the first pre-hospital system utilize to triage and transfer injured soldiers from the battlefield to aid station. In 1865-1869 the first ambulance service was started in the United States. Interns of the hospital used hor se drawn carriages made specifically in taking the sick and injured to the hospital. And modern day today, there are many ambulance companies including fire houses and private ambulances. As knowledge of science and the anatomy of valet de chambre grows the knowledge of what paramedics can do grows.I have experience in the fire and EMS world. I was an explorer at the Fairfield Township conflagrate Department in Fairfield Township, Ohio. I was an explorer for quartet years. In that four years I did ride-a-longs, scenarios, and class room training. We also did competitions with other departments. In my last year at the department I interviewed and obtained the position of captain of the explorer program. The first year that my explorer post did competitions that I was attending, we placed 2nd overall and placed in 3 competitions of those 3 I was involved in 2. This was a very exciting time of my life. I also attended the week long Fire/EMS academy at Hocking College as an explorer . I learned a lot from both programs.In conclusion, I cant wait to start my career at Fortis College. I am excited to throw out my knowledge in the EMS field. Upon graduation at Fortis College, I plan to work as a paramedic at a private ambulance company and in the ER of a hospital, to only further on as a care flight medic in Columbus.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Synthesis of Dibenzalacetone by Aldol Condensation of Benzaldehyde and Lab Report
Synthesis of Dibenzalacetone by Aldol Condensation of Benzaldehyde and Acetone - lab Report ExampleUnder basic conditions, the carbonyl group of acetone having an alpha hydrogen mite is converted to an enolate ion (Mc Murry, 1999, pp. 939). The enolate ion thus produced is a strong nucleophile and attacks the carbonyl group of the accepting partner, which in this sheath is benzaldehyde (Mc Murry, 1999, pp. 939). An alkoxide is invented as a result of this nucleophilic attack. The alkoxide then undergoes protonation by H2O, forming a neutral condensation mathematical intersection, hydroxyketone. This undergoes dehydration in presence of NaOH, forming an enolate ion, hydroxyenolate, which then forms Benzalacetone by loss of a hydroxyl group. Benzalacetone also has alpha hydrogen, which again forms enolate ion under basic conditions, similar to the first step. This enolate nucleophilically attacks another Benzylaldehyde molecule. Subsequent reactions are similar to those already di scussed, leading to the formation of dibenzalacetone, the final product. Thus, two molecules of benzaldehyde and one molecule of acetone are required to form one molecule of dibenzalacetone. O O O CH3 C CH2 H CH3 C CH2 H C OH- Acetone Enolate ion- nucleophilic attack on benzaldehyde O OH O O- CH3 C CH2 CH CH3 C CH2 CH OH- ?-Hydroxyketone Alkoxide O OH O CH3 C CH- CH CH3 C CH = CH Hydroxyenolate Benzalacetone O CH = CH C CH = CH Dibenzalacetone (iii) Experimental Benzaldehyde (80 l), acetone (29 l), and ethanolic NaOH (1.0 ml) were used in this experiment. The reaction was carried out in a conical vial containing a magnetic spinvane, according to the procedure specified in the SC214 applicative manual, page 41. Filtration of the product was done using a Hirsch funnel, and the Craig tube method was used for purification and recrystallization of the product as per the SC214 practical manual, page 42. Melting point and IR spectrum were also obtained for the ch aracterization of the product. (iv) Results The weight and coming back of the product (dibenzalacetone) are calculated as follows (1) Calculation of mass of the product Weight of glass= 37.458 g Weight of glass along with Dibenzalacetone crystals= 37.502g Therefore, mass of Dibenzalacetone crystals= 37.502 37.458 = 0.044g (2) Calculation of proceeds of the product % Yield of Dibenzalacetone = Benzaldehyde is the limiting reactant in this experiment No. of moles of Dibenzalacetone= = = 0.001877 = 1.87 ? 10-4 moles No. of moles of Benzaldehyde= = = 0.000784 =7.84 ? 10-4 moles Since 2 benzaldehyde molecules are involved in each reaction, =7.84 ? 10-4/2 = 3.92 moles % yield of Dibenzalacetone= = = 0.477?100 = 47.7% Therefore, % yield of Dibenz
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
What are the implications of the beheading of Charles Research Proposal
What are the implications of the decapitation of Charles - Research Proposal ExampleThe conflict that ensured from the introduction of these centers of power therefore, presented a threat to what the rule through and through divine right or great chain of being that the monarch alluded as the basis of the exis ten dollar billce of their authority.One of the greatest implications of the beheading of king Charles in 1649 is that the action went against the great chain of being which creates the fond hierarchy necessary for maintenance of social order. The great chain of being hypotheses has the king on go on of a hierarchy also includes gentlemen and peasants in that order. Given that the England was a kingdom that had historically followed the absolutism puzzle out of rule Charles as the king was facing great opposition from the parliament over his desire to utilization unlimited power in performance of his functions. The events leading up to the beheading is characterized by abo ut ten age of civil strife and warfare with the King and the Long Parliament on opposing sides of the opposite. The confrontation was over a litany of issues linked to the prerogatives of the King and the extent to which the constitutional parliament limited instances certain powers and privileges1.Arguments on the basis of the great chain of being seek to assert the legitimacy of the king and his right to exercise powers over the people of the kingdom. The nobility during that time was a family perceived as appointed by matinee idol to rule over the rest in the kingdom and therefore had divine right to undertake their functions. Although Charles was non the first born in the family, the death of his elder brother meant that he was rightly the next in line to ascend to the kingdom. The legitimacy of the king therefore means the English civil war and the ensuant defeat of the King Charles by the Parliamentarians (or the roundheads) led by Oliver Cromwell implies direct disregar d of the hierarchy which had worked over the years to create
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
New Perspectives in Entrepreneurship - Avril Kennedy and Harlequin Essay
bare-assed Perspectives in Entrepreneurship - Avril Kennedy and Harlequin - Essay ExampleMary Jesselyn Co (2006, p. 45-46) lists several characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, including a passion for task, internal locus of control, risk-taking, commitment, dedication, perseverance, a need for achievement, initiative, feedback/advice-seeking, creativity and innovation. Zeelie et al. (1998, p. 12) add, In order to achieve entrepreneurial success, personal, internal development and the development of good interpersonal skills are essential. Steven Brandts (1996, ch. 4 p. 4) list includes applicable business or technical experience, verifiable integrity, the ability to communicate ideas, and a propensity towards team work. Evan Douglas (eds Carsrud & Braanback 2009, p. 19) wrote that successful entrepreneurship is probably to provide societal benefits as well. Finally, Chris Steyaert and Daniel Hjorth (2004, p. 269) wrote that entrepreneurs emphasized the importance of alertne ss and timeliness. Timeliness in taking bodily process was critical because the entrepreneurs goal was to grab the (quickly) passing opportunity. Opportune times, they stressed, do not last long in fast-changing environments. Avril Kennedy had exhibited many of these characteristics from the time she started Harlequin.Applicable business and technical experience. Avril had experience selling as a objector of products therefore, she was exposed to a retail environment. She knew about the potential of making a profit at Barras because her x had rented a stall there in the past.Alertness and timeliness. As the business grew, Avril stayed abreast of news that would base on balls opportunities to expand the business, particularly with regards to the availability of much desirable real estate.Risk-taking. Co (2006, p. 46) noted that entrepreneurs take reason risks, not high or wild risks, and Avril built her business slowly and expanded purposefully. In an oppugn with Carmen Nobel ( 2011, n. p.), Tom Eisenmann, a professor in the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at Harvard Business School, said, contestation startups dont try to scale up the business until they have product-market fit PMF, amagical event more easily recognized in retrospect than in the moment when they finally have a dissolving agent that matches the problem.
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